-the Republicans

I'm waiting.......Spell it out or did you forget how. Local 12, isn't that the Retail Clerks union for Albertsons? :up:
Look PlaytheCods, there are no "AMFA guys" working at NWA. They are all on strike forced by the company thugs that you assist everyday. You have no business judging anyone's work ethics, your a scab. Inept and dangerous is NWA today with scab maintenance.

Remember what scab wrench gypsies do when they don't like the workers or the company. Ouit!!!

You call them what you want. We scabs call the AMFA boys. Most are pretty sharp but there are a few that aren't so sharp. They are still sharper than the ones that are still on the other side of the fence.

I was sitting in the waiting room where the employee buses pick you up to take you to the terminals and a woman pilot comes in. I tell her good morning and she sits for a little chit-chat, a very pleasant woman I might add. It eventually evolves to the: "Well what do you do here", she asks. I say "I am an A&P mechanic."
She then says "Really? Who do you work for?" I say, "Well Northwest of course." :D She then gets this really perturbed look on her face and says, "I can't talk to you." :lol: I started laughing and repeated her words to her. We continued to chat about unions and how vicious NWA is. Then a F/A walks in and sits on the other side of the room. The woman pilot then lowers her voice and continues talking but continuously keeps looking at the F/A to see if she is looking. :up: The bus arrives shortly, she sat in the back with the F/A and I sat in the front. :rolleyes: My saying of the day was "I can't talk to you." ;)
PTO do you have conversations with yourself often? hear voices in your head? dude you can't even concoct a halfway believable tale :wacko:
You call them what you want. We scabs call the AMFA boys. Most are pretty sharp but there are a few that aren't so sharp. They are still sharper than the ones that are still on the other side of the fence.

I was sitting in the waiting room where the employee buses pick you up to take you to the terminals and a woman pilot comes in. I tell her good morning and she sits for a little chit-chat, a very pleasant woman I might add. It eventually evolves to the: "Well what do you do here", she asks. I say "I am an A&P mechanic."
She then says "Really? Who do you work for?" I say, "Well Northwest of course." :D She then gets this really perturbed look on her face and says, "I can't talk to you." :lol: I started laughing and repeated her words to her. We continued to chat about unions and how vicious NWA is. Then a F/A walks in and sits on the other side of the room. The woman pilot then lowers her voice and continues talking but continuously keeps looking at the F/A to see if she is looking. :up: The bus arrives shortly, she sat in the back with the F/A and I sat in the front. :rolleyes: My saying of the day was "I can't talk to you." ;)
No, I will call them what they are.....worthless scabs. Like you, but worse, because they know what they have done as former union members. It will haunt them the rest of their worthless days. When the pilot asked what you do, why didn't you tell her what you are? A scab for the man? She knows what you are. She also knows her a$$ is next in the NWA meat grinder. Pilots have a lot to lose...the huge pension. They will cross they're own picket line if they think they have a chance of saving any of it. Sadly with NWA, that's not the case for the union workers, only management.

PlaytheCods, get used to being shunned and ridiculed the rest of your time in this industry. You have made your bed, now you will lie in it. I realize your too stupid and arrogant to think that you will not have a worry, but its a small world in this industry. Ask any Eastern scab if you don't think so.

I pray you get whats coming to you...in spades. Now slither back to Texas and your sad wrench gypsy, scab existance.

:ph34r: :down:
OK how's this R-E-A-D-I-N-G...C-O-M-P-R-E-H-E-N-S-I-O-N :up:
I assume you are trying to get everyone to comprehend the fact that you didn't know the difference between Skydrol and engine oil until you hit the "Big Time". We figured that out from your first post, "tard" :up: :bleh:
Why should I be at all worried about you and your unions? You guys are obsolete. There is a big difference between the non-union and ex-union mechanics here. The MAPS know who finishes their aircraft and goes and helps others and who drags their checks out or sits in the break room reading the paper or magazines. They know who spends their down time servicing ground equipment and who sneaks off and hides till the next aircraft comes in. You guys think we are destroying the industry? Well let me tell you that we are here to tear it down and rebuild it. The blueprints of how to do that has been written right here. It is not the scabs that are destroying this industry but you guys and your unions. You slither on back to your union and coil up around it while you still can. Soon you will be a lost child in a very competitive world. Your seniority will mean nothing.
I assume you are trying to get everyone to comprehend the fact that you didn't know the difference between Skydrol and engine oil until you hit the "Big Time". We figured that out from your first post, "tard" :up: :bleh:
WRONG.....again tard :p what I was saying and you seem to be the only one having a hard time computing in that pea brain was.........unlike you SCABS I knew the difference between the two LONG before getting to the "Big Time". NOW tell us again like your brother PTO what mechanical wizards ya'll are :eek:
Here's one for you (Not exactly to quote)

F/A write-up: Fwd F/A seat does not raise up all the way.

Corrective action write-up: Properly stored buckles behind seat cusion. Ops check OK. OK for service.
Here's one for you (Not exactly to quote)

F/A write-up: Fwd F/A seat does not raise up all the way.

Corrective action write-up: Properly stored buckles behind seat cusion. Ops check OK. OK for service.
:lol: Damn...you are good! I guess those super hero cartoons work after all ;)
Yes apparently they do. That is one of nine write-ups on one aircraft. The other eight were also along those lines but to control when an aircraft is called maintenance clear after nine inbound write-ups were reported without taking a time delay looks really good on my part. Control could careless what the writ-ups were. If the F/A's can't find anything else to write-up, that they have to make stuff up, tells volumes of the scabs performance. Keep it up F/A's you only make us look better and better in the grander scope of things.
Why should I be at all worried about you and your unions? You guys are obsolete. There is a big difference between the non-union and ex-union mechanics here. The MAPS know who finishes their aircraft and goes and helps others and who drags their checks out or sits in the break room reading the paper or magazines. They know who spends their down time servicing ground equipment and who sneaks off and hides till the next aircraft comes in. You guys think we are destroying the industry? Well let me tell you that we are here to tear it down and rebuild it. The blueprints of how to do that has been written right here. It is not the scabs that are destroying this industry but you guys and your unions. You slither on back to your union and coil up around it while you still can. Soon you will be a lost child in a very competitive world. Your seniority will mean nothing.
Your arrogance exceeds your ignorance. Obsolete are we? Well, the way its going right now all american workers are going to be obsolete if greedy corporate america clowns like your NWA buddy Dougie Stealand has anything to say about it. Always remember, you helped him screw the workers that built NWA, and it will all come back to you at some point. You will never work cheap enough as a scab for Dougie, remember that. Globalization and corporate greed are the dominant factors now. How can you as a $27.00 scab compete with a Chinaman busting his a$$ with no questions making $6.00 hr (if that)? That's right, you cannot. You saw what NWA did with all the heavy checks, NWA started outsourcing to China (sasco) back in 1995 under the worthless iam. Dougie finished the job with your scab help this summer. All those jobs are gone now. He will do it to you too! I can't wait. Just keep thinking your bust a$$-suck a$$ scab wrench gypsy ways will save you. NWA can get 4.5 China robots for every NWA PlaytheCods scab. What a deal huh?

Just curious PlaytheCods, how many NWA aircraft are you LMP, ETOPS, and taxi/tow qualified on during your short scab vacation at NWA?
Hackman, are you and DEAD BIRD playing tag team? Why are you union guys such doomsday preachers? Unions have been preaching the end of the middle class since its beginning. Sixty or seventy years ago I could see them saying that but to say that now is just ridiculous. Everyone talks about how bad the economy is but I just don't see it. Everyone says the jobs are going over seas but once again I don't see it. Fuel prices are going up, yea but so is everything else who cares. If you guys think you can bend the world to meet your needs you are fools beyond belief especially if you think you can do it with your pitiful little unions.