Unions in trouble

This seems like a good thing.. I am sure not every union member agrees with everything their union supports. Kind of like ALA CARTE union dues.

I'm curious Metal. Let's say you could completely stop paying any dues whatsoever but still have the benefits of that CBA anyway. Would you use those now free benefits for your own personal benefit?

If you damaged an aircraft as a now "free rider" as it's called would you ask for a Union Steward to represent you?

Do you think all Lawyers should also give away their Legal talents and education for free?
I’ll tell you want pisses me off, the business agents collect money from AA and the IAM. Around 150,000 a year. That is why they want the IAM to stay on the property
I’ll tell you want pisses me off, the business agents collect money from AA and the IAM. Around 150,000 a year. That is why they want the IAM to stay on the property
Our 4 Alrs make time and a half, so they are at $160,000 a year at least, doesn't sound like we are much different.
I'm not an expert on legal matters; however, this ruling seems pretty specific to teachers etc.. Remember, we are under the "Railway Labor Act", that is a whole different animal.
If they overturn Abood, Abood was based on flawed rulings from Ellis and Street rulings, RLA rulings from the Supreme Court. I suggest you read Harris v. Quinn.
I'm curious Metal. Let's say you could completely stop paying any dues whatsoever but still have the benefits of that CBA anyway. Would you use those now free benefits for your own personal benefit?
Do you feel people should be forced to pay a fee as a condition of employment?

I put an application in at American Airlines not the TWU.

The UNION is like anything else. It is an investment. I expect a return on my investments. The only question is if the return you are getting is worth it.

If you damaged an aircraft as a now "free rider" as it's called would you ask for a Union Steward to represent you?
I would do what I needed to do to protect my job. On the other side of the coin you have incompetent people that really SHOULD be fired. They make foolish decisions that put themselves and the people around them in danger.

I don't see why you have such a problem with making a UNION earn their keep WeAAsles.

Funny how you think people should be forced to pay UNION dues (their fair share) but you are OK with people receiving decades of "entitlements" care of the taxpayers. Seems pretty hypocritical to me. I guess you don't like UNION "welfare" cases.
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Weez defends his Irish Catholic brethren which along with Italians were the bulk of the big labor bosses in strongholds like BOS, NY, Philly, Pittsburgh etc.

You talk about union welfare and not liking people who don’t pay, unions also went to great lengths to keep blacks, Hispanics, Jews and other minorities with a tradition and culture of a strong work ethic from partaking in their movement in fear that they’d drive down wages as they’d be willing to work for wages and in conditions the Irish and Italian establishment wouldn’t.

Weez defends his Irish Catholic brethren which along with Italians were the bulk of the big labor bosses in strongholds like BOS, NY, Philly, Pittsburgh etc.

You talk about union welfare and not liking people who don’t pay, unions also went to great lengths to keep blacks, Hispanics, Jews and other minorities with a tradition and culture of a strong work ethic from partaking in their movement in fear that they’d drive down wages as they’d be willing to work for wages and in conditions the Irish and Italian establishment wouldn’t.

What about the Germans?
Weez defends his Irish Catholic brethren which along with Italians were the bulk of the big labor bosses in strongholds like BOS, NY, Philly, Pittsburgh etc.

You talk about union welfare and not liking people who don’t pay, unions also went to great lengths to keep blacks, Hispanics, Jews and other minorities with a tradition and culture of a strong work ethic from partaking in their movement in fear that they’d drive down wages as they’d be willing to work for wages and in conditions the Irish and Italian establishment wouldn’t.


What in the World is all of this gobblygoop? I wasn't even alive in the 30's through the 50's man.
Quoting NHBBs:

Know THIS, about the 4 groups your pontificating about.

The Irish and Italians were RIGHT from a solidarity standpoint to be wary of the Jews and blacks.
Who-the-helll would want ANY person regardless of ethnicity or race who would sell out HARD fought for gains ?
(speaking in general terms) The Jews have NO outstanding positive history of fighting for organizational Rights, NONE/NADA/EL-ZIPPO.
The Blacks (after finally moving from slavery) would take anything, because it was UTOPIA compared to what they had, and to a point I can't blame them.

As for the Italians, they in recent times have fast FORGOTTEN where they've come from in terms of being treated like dirt. Sure, they'll work the high paying Union Job,....BUT..(and I know this for a fact from Italian friends of mine in these situations) will go into the voting booth and vote Republican ) Thats Tantamount to TREASON !

Again I'm still talking in generalities.

But The IRISH have never, don't now, and will NEVER forget where they've come from, and are THE BEST UNION Members in the USA, and if I'm in a Union / management FIRE-FIGHT, it's Sean O' Malley I want in the Foxhole with me, because I....K N O W, he's got my Back, just like I've got his !!

There are also many Union people from other than the four groups that we've mentioned, that have and still are Staunch Union Men and Women. (Poles, a lot of Hispanics etc - etc - etc.

By the way, ......Who T - F.....in thier Right Mind, wants to work harder for LESS MONEY ????????
Come on WeAAsles say something.

Let's hear you spin it.

You are fine with people coasting on taxpayer money but not UNION dues?

Why is that?
