A coach passenger who refused to leave a first class seat

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
story here

I am not sure what is more ridiculous, the person who believes they are entitled to something for nothing, or the crew who felt it was necessary to return to the airport over it. Perhaps if the purser had taken the time to match the number of butts in seats to the paperwork. Could have saved alot of people alot of time and money.

A coach passenger who refused to leave a first class seat aboard a Jamaica-bound flight Tuesday night caused the plane to make a diverted landing at Miami International Airport.

American Airlines Flight 838 departed Miami at 6:38 p.m. for Montego Bay, but the pilot quickly returned for a 7:06 p.m. landing, according to airport officials and aviation website flightstats.com.

The incident happened when a flight attendant asked to see the boarding pass of a passenger seated in first class, airline spokeswoman Andrea Huguely said. The passenger, who was supposed to be in coach, refused to take his actual seat.

The plane, an Airbus A300-600 with 127 passengers and nine crew members, returned to Gate D-44, where police boarded the plane and interviewed the passenger, Huguely said.

No charges were filed, and the passenger did not reboard the flight, which took off again for Montego Bay at 7:56 p.m.
story here
No charges were filed, and the passenger did not reboard the flight, which took off again for Montego Bay at 7:56 p.m.

You are right that it should not have happened. The paperwork should have been checked BEFORE they left the gate. This very thing is the reason I check every F/C passenger against the PIL as soon as I get it. I've had 5 different people in the past 12 months invite themselves to sit in F/C. Whenever possible I do it before the door closes; so, that I have the option of telling them to move to their assigned seat or get off the a/c whichever they prefer. (Not in those words, but that's the thought.)

However, that being said, the bolded sentence above tells it all. AA rewards bad behavior. It would be interesting to find out if they upgraded him to First on the next flight to Montego Bay. The charge is Theft of Services, it is a felony under both state and Federal law. If the company charged a few of these jokers and made sure that word got around that they were not letting people get away with it, it would stop.
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MBJ and CUN are notorious for stowaways, you have to be on your toes. Not in the galley jabbing waiting for the door to close, like we see all to often.

These are the destinations where I swear to you every other person boarding has to ask "Hi, we are on our honeymoon, can we sit in first class?" Its where I cane up with the line about wendys and AA, if you want to biggie size your seat, there is a charge.
I had that not too long ago. Some guy wasn't on the paperwork since the 2nd agent ran down with him, said he was the last one so add one more, and quickly shut the door once he was seated. I noticed him in first so I asked him for a bp since I had absolutely nothing on him, he said they were in such a rush, he wasn't given one, which happens and it was confirmed he was added. He showed me the bp from the flt he previously connected on which was f/c, so I assumed he was supposed to be up front, so I let him stay and I gave the capt a heads up just in case. Then after the service, he drops the bomb that he's a non-rev. He's in jeans so that was fishy, but once again, he had a f/c bp from the inbound so possibly there was some exception going on for him? I just honored the agent's decision. THEN, he said he was told to run on and take any open seat so he thought he might as well jump in a f/c ?!! Once we got to the station, the agent looked him up and he was a freakin D2 (not even a D3 who possibly didn't know any better) in coach. How pathetic.
I had that not too long ago. Some guy wasn't on the paperwork since the 2nd agent ran down with him, said he was the last one so add one more, and quickly shut the door once he was seated. I noticed him in first so I asked him for a bp since I had absolutely nothing on him, he said they were in such a rush, he wasn't given one, which happens and it was confirmed he was added. He showed me the bp from the flt he previously connected on which was f/c, so I assumed he was supposed to be up front, so I let him stay and I gave the capt a heads up just in case. Then after the service, he drops the bomb that he's a non-rev. He's in jeans so that was fishy, but once again, he had a f/c bp from the inbound so possibly there was some exception going on for him? I just honored the agent's decision. THEN, he said he was told to run on and take any open seat so he thought he might as well jump in a f/c ?!! Once we got to the station, the agent looked him up and he was a freakin D2 (not even a D3 who possibly didn't know any better) in coach. How pathetic.

Amen. And I supposed he got away with not paying FC svc charges. I never assume to upgrade myself unless insisted by the fa that is working in that cabin. It's no different than going into someone's house and rummaging through their kitchen unasked, uninvited, and unwanted.
Amen. And I supposed he got away with not paying FC svc charges. I never assume to upgrade myself unless insisted by the fa that is working in that cabin. It's no different than going into someone's house and rummaging through their kitchen unasked, uninvited, and unwanted.

Of course he did!. Although it's still not right, a D3 pays the same service charge whether in coach or f/c so I wouldn't have cared much. D2s know better and he deliberately scammed a f/c seat by playing dumb.
MBJ and CUN are notorious for stowaways, you have to be on your toes. Not in the galley jabbing waiting for the door to close, like we see all to often.

These are the destinations where I swear to you every other person boarding has to ask "Hi, we are on our honeymoon, can we sit in first class?" Its where I cane up with the line about wendys and AA, if you want to biggie size your seat, there is a charge.

Coming back from the caribbean, especially MBJ, is usually where it gets tricky. I always check my PIL and some of the agents give you paperwork that says 4 names but they write either 16/239 on an A300 or 22/148 on a 757. They put their friends and family up front but, of course, they don't put them on the name list. So everytime I go I have to demand names on the list. They huff and puff that it's time to go but we stand on the ramp stand until we get it. They produce the name list and then you check the list when you get there and it magically goes back to only 4 names. It's one of the reasons that I don't want to fly in F to a lot of caribbean locations because of the shady PIL and because when you have 22 amateurs up in F it makes for a pretty trying flight. 22 people who think they're experts is sometimes hard enough but amateur hour sends me over the edge.
Amen. And I supposed he got away with not paying FC svc charges. I never assume to upgrade myself unless insisted by the fa that is working in that cabin. It's no different than going into someone's house and rummaging through their kitchen unasked, uninvited, and unwanted.

Whatever. As a D2 he was probably a fellow employee? You know in the old days we used to take care of our own. What he did didn't hurt anyone, he wasn't a regular passenger and the seat was unused. What, none of you attendants have ever asked for favors from employees in other departments? This is the reason why AA is so good at the divide and conquer against the unions on property. The fact that he was reported to the agent (RAT) was just shameful. Think about it folks and lets remember who our true enemy is, AA management!!!! :down:
I had that not too long ago. Some guy wasn't on the paperwork since the 2nd agent ran down with him, said he was the last one so add one more, and quickly shut the door once he was seated. I noticed him in first so I asked him for a bp since I had absolutely nothing on him, he said they were in such a rush, he wasn't given one, which happens and it was confirmed he was added. He showed me the bp from the flt he previously connected on which was f/c, so I assumed he was supposed to be up front, so I let him stay and I gave the capt a heads up just in case. Then after the service, he drops the bomb that he's a non-rev. He's in jeans so that was fishy, but once again, he had a f/c bp from the inbound so possibly there was some exception going on for him? I just honored the agent's decision. THEN, he said he was told to run on and take any open seat so he thought he might as well jump in a f/c ?!! Once we got to the station, the agent looked him up and he was a freakin D2 (not even a D3 who possibly didn't know any better) in coach. How pathetic.

Heres hoping that the non-unionized agent took better care of this emp than you a union member and didn't report him? Remember this the next time you ask someone in a different (unionized) department for a favor! :down:
Amen. And I supposed he got away with not paying FC svc charges. I never assume to upgrade myself unless insisted by the fa that is working in that cabin. It's no different than going into someone's house and rummaging through their kitchen unasked, uninvited, and unwanted.
How can a flight attendant upgrade anyone to first class? Wouldn't that action constitute 'theft?' Is there something that gives authority to f/a's to perform this random act? That would appear to be a terminable offense.
Whatever. As a D2 he was probably a fellow employee? You know in the old days we used to take care of our own. What he did didn't hurt anyone, he wasn't a regular passenger and the seat was unused. What, none of you attendants have ever asked for favors from employees in other departments? This is the reason why AA is so good at the divide and conquer against the unions on property. The fact that he was reported to the agent (RAT) was just shameful. Think about it folks and lets remember who our true enemy is, AA management!!!! :down:

Um...NO one reported him....or did you read something I missed?? Give me a break. No one wrote anything up, and actually we just got a good eye rolling out of it. No one gives a damn, but the gaul. We wanted to know what exactly he was since he was deceptive from the beginning and there was nothing indicating what he was except his freudian slips. He may or may not have been an employee since D2s aren't limited to one, and that really doesn't matter but the fact he was. Why not just make f/c a free for all of any and all open seats to anyone who has travel privileges and pretend like your supposed to be up there since they're a "fellow employee"? Management is a fellow employee also...maybe he WAS one. Back in the old days of less stinginess, I'd buddy bid with one f/a and if we had open seats, we would actually go down the list to see who we could upgrade since we had the extra meals and/or who SHOULD have upgraded. We didn't have to, and the service was more extensive then than it is now, BUT we did it. I've upgraded people when asked before with no qualms (within reason) but it's not as easy now with more mileage upgrades and there isn't the descretion there once was. BUT, when it's our cabin, we need to know who is really up there and it's up to us to make he decision, although it's limited now. I don't need some platinum member writing me up because we're bringing a bunch of employees up there, which they do by the way, and why f/as have been resprimanded for. Don't make assumption and accuse others of what they should or shouldn't do unless you know the situation and the flight attendants who had to deal with it. It's not your area or your decision.

AND your absolutely right, it can be terminal. Not only for the upgrader but the upgradee. I know one agent who was fired for upgrading whenever he wanted to. It's limited on who/what/when we can take it upon ourselves to upgrade so it's NOT the same. It's not worth the hassle of explaining myself to my supervisor when the complaint comes in. It's ALOT more serious NOW.
Heres hoping that the non-unionized agent took better care of this emp than you a union member and didn't report him? Remember this the next time you ask someone in a different (unionized) department for a favor! :down:

Actually, I would NEVER, a unionized or not employee, ask to do me favor that would put THEM in an uncomfortable position that might cause them problems later on. EVER. I wouldnt do that to a fellow employee. Which is WHY we didn't "RAT" on him. The agent didn't care and in actuality that was the only way to know if he was a paying passenger, d2, d3, d6, jumpseater, ONEWORLD, whatever. And actually, we never even pulled up his PNR so to this day, I don't know WHAT he was, except a d2 who pretended to be a paying passenger for free stuff and a bigger seat.
Actually, I would NEVER, a unionized or not employee, ask to do me favor that would put THEM in an uncomfortable position that might cause them problems later on. EVER. I wouldnt do that to a fellow employee. Which is WHY we didn't "RAT" on him. The agent didn't care and in actuality that was the only way to know if he was a paying passenger, d2, d3, d6, jumpseater, ONEWORLD, whatever. And actually, we never even pulled up his PNR so to this day, I don't know WHAT he was, except a d2 who should have not acted like a paying passenger for the free stuff and bigger seat.

How were you uncomfortable because a person was sitting in a chair? Again a chair? An open chair. Hey look it's jmo but I'm a ramper and i've always supported my fellow emp's. I've been in your informational picket lines and I marched with the pilots on HQ. What he did was wrong but I'm sure he was an emp. By telling you he was a nonrev he was just expecting some professional courtesy. The agent told him to take any seat. If there wasn't a paying psg whats the difference where he sits? What did he get? Maybe a meal that cost AA a dollor and god forbid maybe a drink? I just think if he caused no trouble than it shouldn't be such a big deal?

I have to go to work. Have a nice day.
How were you uncomfortable because a person was sitting in a chair? Again a chair? An open chair. Hey look it's jmo but I'm a ramper and i've always supported my fellow emp's. I've been in your informational picket lines and I marched with the pilots on HQ. What he did was wrong but I'm sure he was an emp. By telling you he was a nonrev he was just expecting some professional courtesy. The agent told him to take any seat. If there wasn't a paying psg whats the difference where he sits? What did he get? Maybe a meal that cost AA a dollor and god forbid maybe a drink? I just think if he caused no trouble than it shouldn't be such a big deal?

I have to go to work. Have a nice day.

It has to do with respect and being open about who they are. If he's an employee, then come out with it.. don't show me a f/c seat from a different flight just hoping I wouldn't notice it wasnt MY flight. Supporting a picket line (Which I've done for other airlines, depts, spent hours as an inforep, and flown to airports in support of our other bases) and just taking it upon yourself to do whatever you please without letting your fellow employee know in the beginning is another. Yes, it's a seat, but it's more than just that. And, yes, that's why we have stricter security procedures in place, especially in the cabin nearest to the cockpit and there's a passenger that there's absolutely no info on. We DO need to know who's up there and that's why we are given a PIL before the door closes. It's hasn't been that long since we're able to allow coach to use the f/c lav...and that's just a toilet...and open toilet you sit on or standover. SO there are two reasons, voluntarily or not. It's just not appropriate whichever way you look at it. AND GUESS WHAT, he still got professional courtesy as I do all my passengers. Maybe if he would have told me what he was when I originally spoke to him instead of waiting until well over half way through the flight and ACCIDENTALLY told me (I could tell it was a freudian by the look on his face), he may have gotten even BETTER service from the beginning, from the time he lept over the passenger in the aisle seat. Who knows, but the bottom line it shouldn't be a habit and practically commending him on his balls and entitlement to sit in a cabin he wasn't supposed to be in shouldn't be encouraged, employee or not. Most flight attendants, no matter how supportive, would feel exactly the same way as did the crew on the flight. Believe me,we're not some elite group who are above the decision making process who are stingy with the liquor. And as you said he was wrong, he knew which cabin he was listed for and knows what any open seat means...I wouldn't have kicked his ass out of the seat if I had known, or I would have done that for simply wearing jeans. No big deal and if he's that desperate for our crappy food so be it but it's STILL a pathetic move and worthy of talking about since MOST employees would have the respect to not do that, so when it does, is still surprising. So reading something that wasn't there and accusing ANYONE, the crew and agent were curious as to who/what this person was, of being a rat was way out of line. I'm sure he's still playing musical chairs in f/c, so give him a big shout for getting away with what he can!
Most flight attendants, no matter how supportive, would feel exactly the same way as did the crew on the flight.

I agree with you. I want to know who is up front. If it isn't a seat given out by the agent, I want to be the one to decide who is upgraded or not. I used to let all non revs have any open seat in F. I ran into a few problems with some actual employees (not D3's) who didn't know how to behave and were too loud, too drunk, rude to other paying passengers, and who played the call light like it was a musical instrument. I don't care who is wearing jeans, because I think the no jeans policy is bogus, but I definitely want to be the one making decisions to upgrade people who weren't issued seats in the F cabin. We may be physically able to do it, but we can and DO, get in trouble for upgrading people who didn't pay for it. Happens all the time. Big brother, and the paying passengers, are always watching.

If some people want to just upgrade everyone and their mother these days there is something seriously wrong with that person or they just don't care if they get fired or not.