Starting to sound like my $5,000 would not have been at risk after all. Maybe it's time to formulate a wager on pay parity sans joint contract.....

:down: Captain Prather does not want to take on this responsibility but would rather have Doug Parker take the silver bullet. Its appalling to see Alpa stand as if they truly care -----one for all and all for one. Its laughable you all go about your business worried about your relative seniority. I believe that it was ill advised to shoot the dice with an outsider. DO YOU ALPA believe that you are able to look yourselves in the face. I think it makes you smile as you watch the ill will amongst the 1983 carrier and USAirways with a weighted seniority list. It will end up in court. I have watched our pilots destablize and they truly lost their careers. There is a place for both groups but I do not see a combined seniority list. Mr Prather your ultimate threat, the award, goes with the carrier, there will be nothing left at that point. Happy now?
We have an ALPA Capt. with a cargo fire..and he wants to enter a holding pattern, waiting for someone else to decide what he should do. For Gosh Sakes man...make a decision and get on with it. This is embarassing. I actually think the result of doing nothing is worse than the result of any decision each party might make in reprisal.

Good grief... get on with it.

We have an ALPA Capt. with a cargo fire..and he wants to enter a holding pattern, waiting for someone else to decide what he should do. ...

Good grief... get on with it.

Prather won't do anything other than protect ALPA dues with continued promises of ALPA "concern" and "every effort and resource". We all know it and have said it before. ALPA is stewing the pilots slowly and bets AAA pilots will fight amongst themselves too much to leave.

ALPA gives more empty promises to pilots better than any mngmnt puke ever dreamed about.

He has the cajones to stand there and talk about all the praises of how ALPA merger policy is so important, but it does nothing other than collect money from pilots while ALPA leaders merely act as a referee at a boxing match, while pilots fight and judges make the decision. The ALPA "referee" makes money off of it all and pretends to be a union leader but has the only postion that has no responsability or usefull input or reason for existence.
"Y'all touch gloves and fight fair."

ALPA leaders have long abdicated all the responsability to establish any definative policy on the most important issue of a union, yet collect all the money and shirk the responsability...

... and then WARN you of the dire consequences of leaving them..

...and then say thanks for your support of the union.

What Union? ;)

Send me my baollot already while I have a fresh picture of prater's ungly mug snarling down his nose at me about why I shouldn't vote the ALPA shamans out! :angry:

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  • #6
Phoenix said:
What is it you really hope to accomplish??? Ok so you vote ALPA off on the east then what?? You beg some other union to take on a fight they can't win??? Your best hope is to get a really good contract. The east professes "shut it down" and "we can live under LOA 93" Yet your pass a resolution demanding parity now! What gives here??? If you want parity and I think you do then get off this nonsense of a seniority case that's been over and get to the tables so we can all profit!!

Your reps begged for space positive and now the company has given it so what's the excuse this time???
Located on the ALPA main site is the streaming video from Capt John Prater. All USAirways pilots both east and west need to see this message.


Thanks for the video clip link. Despite some bashing and dismissal going on here of Prater on this thread it seems crystal clear to me what Capt. Prater and ALPA are saying:

"....Address fences and/or any other remedies to the award in CBA negotiations...and further, US/east pilots cannot just replace the seniority award by attempting to decert ALPA as the seniority list decision still legally stands...."

Could'nt be clearer to me. I saw no "blather" at all in the piece.

Let move on folks and work together!
What is it you really hope to accomplish??? Ok so you vote ALPA off on the east then what??

I say:
Um, sorry for the brain tumor that keeps you from seeing reality, but, if the east votes ALPA off the property, than the west goes too. Something wrong with your synapses?

You beg some other union to take on a fight they can't win???

I say:
Aside from an in-house union, there are three others ready and willing to help out.

"Can't win"? As in, a no brainer?

Your best hope is to get a really good contract.

I say:
No, YOUR best hope is to get a really good contract, under a different union.

The east professes "shut it down" and "we can live under LOA 93" Yet your pass a resolution demanding parity now! What gives here??? If you want parity and I think you do then get off this nonsense of a seniority case that's been over and get to the tables so we can all profit!!

I say:
What profit one by receiving a couple extra shekels only by giving up one seniority? The southerners should have learned that when the carpetbaggers ripped them off. Now you want to impose another round of carpetbaggers? At least the north knows what a scam you are.

Not only can the east pilot have DOH, they can also have those shekels too, if they are willing. All they have to do is to try.
Cheesy moustache, bad toupee, looks like he is squeezing an invisible sandwich.

Must see video?

This guy couldn't get a view on Youtube.
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  • #11
What is it you really hope to accomplish??? Ok so you vote ALPA off on the east then what??

I say:
Um, sorry for the brain tumor that keeps you from seeing reality, but, if the east votes ALPA off the property, than the west goes too. Something wrong with your synapses?

You beg some other union to take on a fight they can't win???

I say:
Aside from an in-house union, there are three others ready and willing to help out.

"Can't win"? As in, a no brainer?

Your best hope is to get a really good contract.

I say:
No, YOUR best hope is to get a really good contract, under a different union.

The east professes "shut it down" and "we can live under LOA 93" Yet your pass a resolution demanding parity now! What gives here??? If you want parity and I think you do then get off this nonsense of a seniority case that's been over and get to the tables so we can all profit!!

I say:
What profit one by receiving a couple extra shekels only by giving up one seniority? The southerners should have learned that when the carpetbaggers ripped them off. Now you want to impose another round of carpetbaggers? At least the north knows what a scam you are.

Not only can the east pilot have DOH, they can also have those shekels too, if they are willing. All they have to do is to try.

Ok then Hawk, you guys give it your best shot!! BTW dust off those log books and get your resume ready as skybus and VA will be all that we can apply too! Don't think for a moment that the west will not criple your entire ops then you are dreaming!! We will make it our mission to fixate on the east as the instrument of our total destruction. Then you will never have to worry about DOH again as we will all be unemployed. So I say again take you best shot Hawk cause we're waiting...
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Aside from an in-house union, there are three others ready and willing to help out.

Name them.

He can't!! In house is the only option they have and with no money and 1800 west pilots not contributing anything to this effort it would be a total failure but that's something they have experience with now isn't it.

Kiss the girls for me.
Ok then Hawk, you guys give it your best shot!! BTW dust off those log books and get your resume ready as skybus and VA will be all that we can apply too! Don't think for a moment that the west will not criple your entire ops then you are dreaming!! We will make it our mission to fixate on the east as the instrument of our total destruction. Then you will never have to worry about DOH again as we will all be unemployed. So I say again take you best shot Hawk cause we're waiting...

At least respond to the correct poster. Dust off your logbook as well pal.
Ok then Hawk, you guys give it your best shot!! BTW dust off those log books and get your resume ready as skybus and VA will be all that we can apply too! Don't think for a moment that the west will not criple your entire ops then you are dreaming!! We will make it our mission to fixate on the east as the instrument of our total destruction. Then you will never have to worry about DOH again as we will all be unemployed. So I say again take you best shot Hawk cause we're waiting...
Speak for yourself. I would never make it my mission to destroy another pilot group. Why would I do managements job for them for free? It's time to keep the eye on the prize and that is to get the best possible contract while this industry that hemorrhages cash is actually in the black. If the East wants to destroy this place, then it is on their back to accomplish their goals. That is my opinion but then again what do I really know? After all I must be some pimple faced kid who barely has enough experience to even be talking on the radios.