some east capacity could be removed to really make it work. That's just what I hear around the Tempe tombstone.
Without a more exact delivery schedule that has been made public it's hard to say exactly how many airplanes are coming by the end of 2009, but but it can't be more than 30-40. According to the last annual report 86 East airplanes could go away between 1/1/07 and 12/31/09......

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Without a more exact delivery schedule that has been made public it's hard to say exactly how many airplanes are coming by the end of 2009, but but it can't be more than 30-40. According to the last annual report 86 East airplanes could go away between 1/1/07 and 12/31/09......


I know this!! Which I why all that east posturing is for not. They may very well be living on borrowed time. If an furlough is announced watch how quickly they move to get that nic award to the company to minimize their exposure!

This is going to be exciting to watch after all.
That will be up to DP and company however I sincerely doubt he will allow the synergies go away based on your hollow demands.

You really have nothing to deal with but your own employment. Keep in mind that another merger is on the horizon and some east capacity could be removed to really make it work. That's just what I hear around the Tempe tombstone.

Unless it's better sourced than the East's "Wailing Walls", then those rumors are no better than the granite they are carved in.

Get it...carved in stone!

I crack myself up :p

A320 Driver B)

Another 700UW free day... ;)
AWA320 said: "You will get no deals from the west BANK ON THAT!!!"

USA320Pilot said: Good. With no joint contract let's just stay separate, forever! What do you think?

AWA320 said: “That will be up to DP and company however I sincerely doubt he will allow the synergies go away based on your hollow demands. You really have nothing to deal with but your own employment. Keep in mind that another merger is on the horizon and some east capacity could be removed to really make it work. That's just what I hear around the Tempe tombstone.â€￾

USA320Pilot said: Doug Parker and the company cannot force a contract on the US Airways pilots for at least 7 or 8 year’s, thus, he has nothing to say about it. If another merger is on the horizon then the US Airway pilots have the same options available to them as they do today. In my opinion, the toxic relationship that exists between pilot groups makes it less likely that a merger will proceed because nobody enjoys the in fighting.

Furthermore, if capacity was removed from the system I believe it could come out of PHX because the West operation is more of a leisure market/low yield operation than that on the East side. Be careful lwhat you wish for.

AWA320 said: "I know this!! Which I why all that east posturing is for not. They may very well be living on borrowed time. If an furlough is announced watch how quickly they move to get that nic award to the company to minimize their exposure! This is going to be exciting to watch after all.â€￾

USA320Pilot comments: The East side of the operation has recalled 386 pilots this year and is canceling flights for a lack of crews. Some Furloughees are already off of reserve and hold a line. There have been no pilots added to the West operation and to my knowledge no cancellations due to a lack of crews.

If a furlough happens I believe the East can absorb it more easily than the West.

