AFA-CWA Regarding TWA F/A's


Aug 9, 2003
AFA continues to support former TWA F/As

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AFA-CWA E-Newsletter - - Special Edition July 27, 2007

Support for Former TWA Flight Attendants

In our ongoing support of the campaign by former TWA flight attendants to extend their furlough recall rights, we would like to help spread the word about their online petition urging support for an Amendment to the FAA Reauthorization bill that may be offered by U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill from Missouri.

When American Airlines purchased TWA, the TWA flight attendants were stapled to the bottom of the American seniority list. Following 9/11, every former TWA flight attendant was furloughed with only 5 years of recall rights. Many of those former TWA flight attendants are now reaching the 5 year deadline and are in danger of dropping off the American seniority list. Regrettably, some of our fellow flight attendants have already lost their recall rights.

Senator McCaskill has drafted an amendment that she is considering offering that would extend recall rights of former TWA flight attendants to 10 years. The amendment would apply on a forward-going basis and is not retroactive. The amendment would also support any and all American flight attendants on furlough not just former TWA flight attendants. To show your support for this amendment and your solidarity for fellow flight attendants, please follow the link to sign the online petition. :up:
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I must also welcome back the first recalls from TWA. I have flown with a few of them and they are wonderful. If you meet them please welcome them back.

The seniority issues is done. After 21 years of service and not being fifty at the time of furlough, all I want is my very small retirement benefits as well as many of us. Also keep in mind that many of of us will reject recall.

We are NOT coming back angry. We do not want to discuss what happened. We want to sit next to you in the J.S. and talk to you about current issues that involve your <our> contract. TWA f/a's have had the ability to negotiate work rules that made our lives easier. We have some great ideas for the next section 6 openers that are no cost items for the company, but would be a benefit for all of you.

Please support extended recall. You will benefit and we will benefit together. You get off reserve and we will tough it out as the junior f/a's.

Bill # S.1992

Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
:rolleyes: .
On another chatboard, a furloughed former TWA stated that another recall will be announced in the next few weeks. This is in line with what one of our instructors in recall class mentioned that there will be another one in the fall. So, for those of you in the top 200, get your passports ready.

We are still short in LGA. The flying has been fabulous and I'm having a blast. You will too!
On another chatboard, a furloughed former TWA stated that another recall will be announced in the next few weeks. This is in line with what one of our instructors in recall class mentioned that there will be another one in the fall. So, for those of you in the top 200, get your passports ready.

We are still short in LGA. The flying has been fabulous and I'm having a blast. You will too!

Yes that is true. From what I was told from a very reliable source is that AA will be sending out near 500 recall letters on Monday, August 13, 2007. This is to cover the high attrition rate and the suspected holiday flu season.

We will have to see if it happens.
From APFA (Aug 10 Hotline):

Q: I hear there will be more recalls shortly. Is this true?

A: APFA is very hopeful that the Company will announce a recall soon. We are aware of the short-staffed aircraft our members are working on every day, as well as the reassignments and the ever-growing miserable Reserve situation out there. The more staffing we have, the more flexibility we will realize. Thank you to all FAs for sending in your stories, your questions and your comments, particularly as they related to the off-schedule
[quote name='Nor'Easta' date='Aug 11 2007, 02:21 PM' post='512808']
Yes that is true. From what I was told from a very reliable source is that AA will be sending out near 500 recall letters on Monday, August 13, 2007. This is to cover the high attrition rate and the suspected holiday flu season.

We will have to see if it happens.

I hope you are right but the day is almost over and no announcement. Is your reliable source the same one that said AA was going to announce a big aircraft order at the Paris Air Show? Remember that rumor on here?
Kudos to Senator Claire McCaskill! While I don't know how effective these online petitions are compared to more traditional methods, I signed and plan to contact my Senator and Congressman.