Airlines, pilots sue government to stop furloughs

Approximately $11B in ticket taxes was collected for all of 2012. That comes out to around $30M per day.

All those taxes go into the Airport & Airway Trust Fund, which was created to fund ongoing operating expenses for ATC facilities, construction grants for airfield improvements, and R&D for NextGen ATC.

The FAA's operating budget comes out to $16B per year, or around $43M per day.

The FAA is spending $4.30 for every $3 in tax revenue it receives directly from airlines... The remaining $1.30 is having to come out of the General Fund (funded by income taxes).

I wish I could get away with spending 30% more than I earn...

The answer is simple: start making corporate and private aviation pay their fair share. There's no excuse for airline passengers footing 70% of the bill for operating airports. AOPA and other private aviation lobbying groups have been able to hold that off for a decade.
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The government can no longer afford air traffic controllers due to sequestration. Yet they spend millions on Obama phones.
Those phones and the program are Reagan phones, he started it, not Obama.
Approximately $11B in ticket taxes was collected for all of 2012. That comes out to around $30M per day.

All those taxes go into the Airport & Airway Trust Fund, which was created to fund ongoing operating expenses for ATC facilities, construction grants for airfield improvements, and R&D for NextGen ATC.

The FAA's operating budget comes out to $16B per year, or around $43M per day.

The FAA is spending $4.30 for every $3 in tax revenue it receives directly from airlines... The remaining $1.30 is having to come out of the General Fund (funded by income taxes).

I wish I could get away with spending 30% more than I earn...

The answer is simple: start making corporate and private aviation pay their fair share. There's no excuse for airline passengers footing 70% of the bill for operating airports. AOPA and other private aviation lobbying groups have been able to hold that off for a decade.
Why not let the airline employees subsidize the air traffic controllers we subsidize high fuel prices low airfares and corporate greed might as well throw the atc boys in there also. Im sure the twu wouldn't mind making us give a little more to help them out LOL
The answer is simple: start making corporate and private aviation pay their fair share. There's no excuse for airline passengers footing 70% of the bill for operating airports. AOPA and other private aviation lobbying groups have been able to hold that off for a decade.

What should they pay (or pay more for) that they're currently not? I'm guessing landing fees, but what else?

Yet they spend millions on Obama phones.

Jesus. Again with this?
Approximately $11B in ticket taxes was collected for all of 2012. That comes out to around $30M per day.

All those taxes go into the Airport & Airway Trust Fund, which was created to fund ongoing operating expenses for ATC facilities, construction grants for airfield improvements, and R&D for NextGen ATC.

The FAA's operating budget comes out to $16B per year, or around $43M per day.

The FAA is spending $4.30 for every $3 in tax revenue it receives directly from airlines... The remaining $1.30 is having to come out of the General Fund (funded by income taxes).

I wish I could get away with spending 30% more than I earn...

The answer is simple: start making corporate and private aviation pay their fair share. There's no excuse for airline passengers footing 70% of the bill for operating airports. AOPA and other private aviation lobbying groups have been able to hold that off for a decade.

Would you say that 70% of the people using the services provided by the FAA are people in airliners?

My guess its even higher than 70%. Those three foot thick runways and widened overpasses werent put there for piper Cubs or Gulfstreams.
Why not let the airline employees subsidize the air traffic controllers we subsidize high fuel prices low airfares and corporate greed might as well throw the atc boys in there also. Im sure the twu wouldn't mind making us give a little more to help them out LOL

I'm sure he would if even he didnt realize that they have gone to that well too often.
Wish the government, or anybody for that matter, would have sued all the airlines when they furloughed over and over again due to mostly their mismanagement, with the damages payable to all the employees that were affected.
