Amfa National Election Results

Checking it Out said:
I seem to remember Amfa did not have control at SWA, The company gave the offer to Amfa and said this is all you will get, Take it or Leave it! Negotiations or in control I don't think so!!!

Also, since the Mechanic contract is not scheduled to expire until next year why wasn't everyone given the same raises or opportunity? Or is this select discussions? Or another example of a me only attitude?

SWA made an offer and the membership accepted it. Somewhere around $42/hr in total compensation. I don't see the problem you have with this cio. Maybe you could explain further?

Perhaps you are talking about the twu way, they should give up everything without a fight?
Rusty said:
SWA made an offer and the membership accepted it. Somewhere around $42/hr in total compensation. I don't see the problem you have with this cio. Maybe you could explain further?

Perhaps you are talking about the twu way, they should give up everything without a fight?

So in 2008 SWA will be making $42/hr and we will be making less than $32/hr.
By 2008 SWA mechanics who have better benifits, holdays, vacation and sick time will be making $400/week more than we will.

Hmm, who got screwed? I like SWA's "take it or leave it" a lot better than AAs "give up most or I'll take it all offer".

There is little doubt that both offers reflect the respective company's view of the unions the face.

"Here is $42/hr, take it or leave it" as opposed to "Give me 25% of your members compensation or I will cut off the $3.1 milllion in company paid UB."
I think the TWU worshippers are jealous that SWA,NWA,ASA mechanics are still getting raises while the TWU "kool-aid" drinkers are sinking further and further into poverty! Now repeat after me TWU zombies :wacko: CONCESSIONS GOOD!AMFA BAD!,CONCESSIONS GOOD!AMFA BAD!,CONCESSIONS GOOD!,AMFA BAD!
Have any of those amfa members negotiated their own contracts yet? The raises SWA enjoy are the sweat of the IBT, not amfa. Fact is, they liked the contract so much they just voted to extend it!
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Since SWA has the freedom to eliminate positions by increasing farmouts, did they really get anything?

Prince and Bob you are comparing apples to oranges, why not compare us to another Airline that retains full overhaul capabilities?
Checking it Out said:
why not compare us to another Airline that retains full overhaul capabilities?

What do you consider full overhaul capabilities? It seems like every part I get these days comes from a vendor. Now TWA, they did have full overhaul capabilities which included making insulation, seat covers, etc. So define full overhaul capabilites for us......

At last check, SWA does all checks up to 1/4-1/2 D. They do outsource their parts and do engine tear down and build up, kinda like TAESL.
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Amfaman what are you smoking?

So those airplanes SWA owns that are sitting in 3rd party facilities are fake?

If you are aware of parts being outsourced that we have done before what are you doing to stop the practice? Or, are you one of the Amfa wannabes that stand around the tool box and blame everyone else for your shortcomings?
Checking it Out said:
Amfaman what are you smoking?

So those airplanes SWA owns that are sitting in 3rd party facilities are fake?

If you are aware of parts being outsourced that we have done before what are you doing to stop the practice? Or, are you one of the Amfa wannabes that stand around the tool box and blame everyone else for your shortcomings?

How about you CIO.

Can you prove that the Form 41 used by the TWU to claim a less than 20% outsource figure has EVER BEEN AUDITED or VERIFIED AS ACCURATE?

Or are just one of those TWU worshippers who never shows up to a toolbox for work, and wont hold your own union to the same standard you want to hold AMFA?
Checking it Out said:
Amfaman what are you smoking?

So those airplanes SWA owns that are sitting in 3rd party facilities are fake?

If you are aware of parts being outsourced that we have done before what are you doing to stop the practice? Or, are you one of the Amfa wannabes that stand around the tool box and blame everyone else for your shortcomings?

Just can't answer a simple question can you. I asked you what do you consider full overhaul capabilities and answer about what have I done and this wannabe crap. I gave you my defintion, like TWA once did it, now your turn.

The parts are a fact, and your spin of "we have done before" is frightening. Are you saying new aircraft types parts are not being done at AA and is okay, or are you saying similar type parts previously done on say 727's but are being contracted out on 737's should be grieved.

Just answer the question without your wannabe crap or some other spin.

FYI...The SWA info came from Overhaul and Maintenance magazine a few months back.
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You thought the national elections were bad! Take a look at these results!

17698 Ballots Mailed
2395 Eligible Returns
10 Ballots Voided
2385 Ballots Counted

These are the results of the constitutional changes!

I never said I thought "National Elections were Bad". That is the industrial union cultist point of view.

Now we see that you also oppose direct membership votes of Constitutional changes.

Did that fire leave a scar in the shape of a hammer and sickle on your brain or scalp?

And you wonder why we call you guys Communist Bastards?
Checking it Out said:
You thought the national elections were bad! Take a look at these results!
17698 Ballots Mailed
2395 Eligible Returns
10 Ballots Voided
2385 Ballots Counted

These are the results of the constitutional changes!


I suspect that you are saying that the twu intl election or twu constitutional changes election results will show a higher return rate from the membership? Last time I checked I never received a ballot from the twu. :shock: :shock:

TWU Mailed: 0
TWU Returned : 0
TWU Voided: The Entire Membership
TWU Counted: 0
TWU Mailed: 0
TWU Returned : 0
TWU Voided: The Entire Membership
TWU Counted: 0

Quick, cio, twuer, nw, kirk wells, jim little, bobby gless everyone hide! The truth! We can't stand the truth!

The twu, a union for people who believe what they are told.