Amfa National Election Results

Ken MacTiernan said:
TWU Mailed: 0
TWU Returned : 0
TWU Voided: The Entire Membership
TWU Counted: 0
Quick, cio, twuer, nw, kirk wells, jim little, bobby gless everyone hide! The truth! We can't stand the truth!

The twu, a union for people who believe what they are told.


I don't know though, those TWU number look rather ominous and are always consistant. :blink:
Ok, I really don't like to get into this, but I am tired of many distorting the facts...

As the head count at SWA.. ONLY THE MECHANICS VOTED. The cleaners are on a separate contract. There are over 1550 mechanic and around 200+ cleaners. Educate yourselves before your write.

As to the telephone vote, get with times. This is an independent third party conducting the vote. AFL-CIO is one of their clients.

Stop your wining.
Nevermind what I'm smoking, at least its not my own skin. Answer the questions Flash.

I don't care who you are, thats funny!!!

Amfaman you are correct in your previous post about being frightend. If we haven't ever performed the work it can't be grieved, even though we overhauled engines on 727's doesn't mean we will overhaul engines on a 737's. cio won't answer your questions because he can't except the truth! The statement (full overhaul capabilities) is nothing more than another twu slogan.

In staying with the topic I'm still waiting for my ballots on constitutional changes, direct elections of international officers, and also while were at it how does a person get his name on the ballot to run for one of these twu positions? Are these names just sent to the delegates, because Ive never seen a list of people running for international office? Are the names of these people just sprung on the delegates at the last moment at convention? I know more about the AMFA election process (after one year) than the twu's and ive been around their organization for 17 years. Another twu spin is that the membership votes on all letters of agreement.
scorpion said:
The statement (full overhaul capabilities) is nothing more than another twu slogan.


It doesnt mean that you are entitled to the work either, it just means you have the facilities to do it!
Checking it Out said:
Amfaman what are you smoking?

So those airplanes SWA owns that are sitting in 3rd party facilities are fake?

If you are aware of parts being outsourced that we have done before what are you doing to stop the practice? Or, are you one of the Amfa wannabes that stand around the tool box and blame everyone else for your shortcomings?

Thats right we have the contractual right to overhaul every part that comes out of all our DC-3s, DC-6s, DC-10s, Bac 111s and 727s. We cant complain about the 777 when we never did those parts!
Checking it Out said:
Since SWA has the freedom to eliminate positions by increasing farmouts, did they really get anything?

Prince and Bob you are comparing apples to oranges, why not compare us to another Airline that retains full overhaul capabilities?

Ok, then wouldnt the same be true when comparing Alaska and AA? Why is it that you feel that its valid to compare Alaska to AA but not SWA to AA. Is it only acceptable to compare some apples to oranges?
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I believe we are comparing the lack of Alaska having representation!

The members vote on convention delegates to represent us! With the low turnout at Amfa the money they spent was wasted. If you do not trust the people you elect than you will never trust anyone. It wont matter what Union or association you are in.

All you have to do is get involved. I suspect you amfa wannabes will do very little to get involved in any part of Unions no matter what name it falls under. History has proven under amfa participation is pretty much null and void. Samething will happen at AA or any other Airline that might drink the false lies they portray.

Its easy to stand around the tool box and complain, It is something else to tell the truth and be held accountable for your actions.

If you feel you do not trust the majority vote for delegates, than come on down to the hall and make motions to have it changed! Or, is that to much effort and you might have to do something?

Unions were made on participation, Amfa was made on false hopes!
Checking it Out said:
I believe we are comparing the lack of Alaska having representation!
All you have to do is get involved. I suspect you amfa wannabes will do very little to get involved in any part of Unions no matter what name it falls under. History has proven under amfa participation is pretty much null and void. Samething will happen at AA or any other Airline that might drink the false lies they portray.


You are a DAMN LIAR!!!!!
And there is once again documentation to prove it.
Here is some history for you to look at CIO...
AMFA at Northwest - 94% of the 9,333 eligible members voted.

For Immediate Release May 9, 2001

For more information, contact:
O.V. Delle-Femine, National Director
603/387-5530 (cell phone)
Steve Lanier, National Secretary
404/668-5646 (cell phone)
Laconia office: 603/527-9212


Laconia, NH – May 9, 2001. Members of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) voted to authorize its negotiators to sign a contract agreement with Northwest Airlines by a vote of 82.1%. 94% of the 9,333 eligible members voted.

“On behalf of the negotiating team, I would like to thank the membership for their continued professionalism, support & confidence over the last 19 months,â€￾ said O.V. Delle-Femine, AMFA’s National Director. “Without it, we could not have obtained this industry-leading contract.â€￾

The contract agreement will be signed on Friday, May 11, 2001 at Northwest’s headquarters in Egan, MN. The four-year contract goes into effect May 12.

SOURCE = Northwest Airlines - AMFA Contract Archives

And then there is recently this one....

71.72% Ballot Return - AMFA at Southwest Airlines:


SOURCE = AMFA National Southwest Airlines Data

CIO, Your problem is tunnel vision and anti-amfa brain lock.

You cannot see the forest for the trees.

You are PRO nothing and ANTI CHANGE.

You are solidly behind the Local 514 President who received just barely over 1000 votes to get elected out the 6000 plus largest TWU-ATD Local. Why dont you hold your own union to the same standards you wish to hold AMFA?

Explain to me again how the TWU Delegate system that eliminates direct membership involvement is better than the DIRECT VOTING by the AMFA membership?

Maybe the membership involvement is not what we would like on every AMFA issue, but I do not see how you can claim NOT HAVING the chance to vote at all is better than the ballot with a low turnout.

What is a lower membership participation level CIO, 150 Delegates voting at a convention or 25% of the membership returning referendum balloting?

How in the hell can you claim NO MEMBERSHIP involvement is better than LOW MEMBERSHIP involvement and keep any credibility at all is beyond me.
Checking it Out said:
I believe we are comparing the lack of Alaska having representation!
The members vote on convention delegates to represent us!

And what record do we get to insure that they in fact did represent us? How can the members definitively determine how their representative voted?

With the low turnout at Amfa the money they spent was wasted.

That money would be much better spent in Las Vegas right? How much did the TWU spend conducting Sonnys weeklong party?

If you do not trust the people you elect than you will never trust anyone. It wont matter what Union or association you are in.

Trust is fine, verification is essential. Why should anyone trust you? You claimed that you were there right?

All you have to do is get involved.

Wrong. I was involved but you did not like what I had to say. The old board of 501 was involved, the TWU conspired with the company to have them terminated. Joy Calloway was involved. All sought changes. All were subject to the wrath of the International for seeking changes. So its not "get involved" its "accept it and get in on the action yourself".

I suspect you amfa wannabes will do very little to get involved in any part of Unions no matter what name it falls under. History has proven under amfa participation is pretty much null and void. Samething will happen at AA or any other Airline that might drink the false lies they portray.

And how much "involvement" does the TWU get? How many decertification drives have there been at TWU represented workplaces? How many at AMFA represented workplaces?

Its easy to stand around the tool box and complain, It is something else to tell the truth and be held accountable for your actions.

Yes, and we are still waiting for that from the likes of you.

If you feel you do not trust the majority vote for delegates, than come on down to the hall and make motions to have it changed! Or, is that to much effort and you might have to do something?

"You're out of order brother"!

Unions were made on participation, Amfa was made on false hopes!

Unions were not made on the promises of a continual decline in living standards. That is the only realistic hope we have with the TWU. Is it realistic for Union officials to continue to give themselves raises while telling their members they should continue to give concessions? Are you claiming that the hope of getting all the mechanics in one union is unsound? Tell me how the casino workers in Las Vegas can help mechanics when mechanics are disbursed through several unions who could care less about the profession.

And what record do we get to insure that they in fact did represent us? How can the members definitively determine how their representative voted?

Bob, please do not ask simple questions to simple people with a simple alias. Just like the question I put forth about democracy all of the combined brain power of the twu supporting alis using individuals could answer the phone if it rang.

The twu, a union that is afraid of the truth.
Name: I Told You So!!!
Employer: ASA
Station: SEA
Date: Thursday September 16, 2004
Time: 01:20:27 AM

As long as we are farming out everything, lets farm out AMFA and Delle. Where is the pied piper? The fur is flying all over, and not one word from the wizard. Still, there are still a lot of people drinking Kool -Aid at ASA. They still don't get it*** LOOK, Stupid, we have another Jim Jones on our hands, what's it going to take to make you see that you have been duped, suckered, Where is your dues going? for what? Do you know what the biggest target is when you have your head in the sand????
James T. Kirk said:
Name: I Told You So!!!
Employer: ASA
Station: SEA
Date: Thursday September 16, 2004
Time: 01:20:27 AM

As long as we are farming out everything, lets farm out AMFA and Delle. Where is the pied piper? The fur is flying all over, and not one word from the wizard. Still, there are still a lot of people drinking Kool -Aid at ASA. They still don't get it*** LOOK, Stupid, we have another Jim Jones on our hands, what's it going to take to make you see that you have been duped, suckered, Where is your dues going? for what? Do you know what the biggest target is when you have your head in the sand????

That is a good one! This guy claims the sky is falling, but admits there are still alot of AMFA supporters.

What a moron.

James T.,

Tell us the current TWU card count to replace AMFA at ASA?

Changing the subject matter with a BS posting like that is NOT going to change the fact that the TWU is the most docile company union on the planet and will be replaced at AA sooner than AMFA at ASA will be.
Name: Bulkhead
Employer: SWA
Date: Friday September 17, 2004
Time: 09:26:53 AM

This is directed to "Dick and Couch Tator": You say that we're pathetic and "losers" for not voting on the extension? I say that AMFA sucks so f***** bad that nobody even gives a s*** anymore. SWA sucks, I agree, but hell, people trust management more than they trust AMFA. Where in the Hell is Dell? Where's he been? Look, some of us have a theory as to why the voter turnouts are so terrible at ALL the AMFA represented airlines and here it is; ( It doesn't matter what kind of turn out you get at an AMFA election, when the NWA managers Delle and Kevin put out the numbers it's always pathetic so the mechanics feel weak and powerless.) Before you start laughing or discrediting this think about it, are the members at Alaska and Northwest and United as pathetic as us at SWA? I find it hard to believe that we're all pathetic. I find it much easier to believe that AMFA is leading an Industry wide Union Busting drive for the Airlines and GW! Think about it, because when I asked at work everyone said they voted and against the extension. So, that leads me to believe that Dell rigged the election and gave SWA a 5 year Concession package. That is what this extension is don't you agree? Another AMFA Concession at SWA!
Name: TWU International Meathead
Employer: AA
Date: Friday September 17, 2004
Time: 09:26:53 AM

This is directed to "Dick and Couch Tator": You say that we're pathetic and "losers" for not voting on the extension? I say that TWU sucks so f****** bad that nobody even gives a s*** anymore. AA sucks, I agree, but hell, people trust management more than they trust TWU. Where in the Hell is Sonny? Where's he been? Look, some of us have a theory as to why the voter turnouts are so terrible at ALL the TWU dictated airlines and here it is; ( It doesn't matter what kind of turn out you get at a TWU election, when the AA managers Little and Yingst put out the numbers it's always pathetic so the mechanics feel weak and powerless.) Before you start laughing or discrediting this think about it, are the members at MCI and Tulsa and AFW as pathetic as us at the International? I find it hard to believe that we're all pathetic. I find it much easier to believe that TWU is leading an Industry wide Pay and Benefit Reductions drive for the Airlines and GW! Think about it, because when I asked at work everyone said they voted and against the extension but Little signed it anyway. So, that leads me to believe that Little rigged the contract and gave AA a 5 year Concession package. That is what this extension is don't you agree? Another TWU Concession at AA!
Checking it Out said:
Amfaman what are you smoking?

So those airplanes SWA owns that are sitting in 3rd party facilities are fake?

If you are aware of parts being outsourced that we have done before what are you doing to stop the practice? Or, are you one of the Amfa wannabes that stand around the tool box and blame everyone else for your shortcomings?

Since doomsday FLASH GORE MAN refuses to answer questions and lies about SWA with his 100% farmout, zero overhaul BS, I figured I would post Sep 2004 Overhaul and Maintenance article.

"Like most airlines, we use a scorecard to measure productivity," said Jim Sokol, vice president of maintenance at Southwest Airlines. The scorecard for internal work includes cost per available seat mile (ASM), span time, overtime hours, time required versus plan, and maintenance headcount per aircraft. Sokol reviews these measures in monthly meetings with his managers.

For outsourced work, Southwest first counts the cost of each assigned work package. To measure quality, the carrier looks at scheduled turntime, the vendor's ability to stay on schedule, missed inspection items and dispatch reliability.

In recent years, Southwest has reduced span times for the quarter- and half-D checks it does in-house, and for outsourced full Ds. Sokol attributes some gains to refined work programs, which have eliminated duplicate efforts. "But the biggest gains have come from the shift from MSG-2 to MSG-3, next-generation maintenance for next-generation aircraft." The MSG-3 program for new Boeing 737s aims for the right work at just the right intervals, exploiting improved reliability and better data on past performance. Sokol is looking at applying similar methods to Southwest's 737s-300s and -500s, but the required analysis of historical data on older jets makes the shift a major task.

Better data, better analysis of the data through better software and better communication tools also offer hope for the future. "Every airline is looking for the same thing," Sokol emphasized. "An adequate IT solution that can be successfully integrated."

In February, Southwest began converting its production control system from spreadsheets to software supplied by Sinex. The new system allows Southwest to match more closely employee shifts with scheduled workloads and to monitor progress against goals. Better control should reduce span time further and help Southwest gain perhaps 10% in efficiency.

Sokol wants to completely automate work-content programs for his mechanics, so they can stay close to the aircraft. Southwest now uses wireless devices in the hangar on its quarter- and half-D lines. Wireless will be evaluated for C checks as well. "We will start out with inspectors who have laptops connected to the manuals," Sokol explained. "We already have kiosk computer stations in our heavy maintenance hangars." The new Internet aviation exchanges have helped Southwest obtain at least some parts quicker. "We can use the exchanges for non-routine events and aircraft on ground (AOG) situations," Sokol said.

Southwest will continue to outsource its full D checks, as well as most components and engine work. Sokol would like third-party shops to do what they do best, develop their niches and stick with them. "We don't want them to become too big or take on too many activities. We have the historic data and can manage the overall scope."

On a side note, SWA does now have an engine shop for teardown and buildup on some engines, and I am hearing of some interior part shops being opened in Dallas. I am also told by some SWA AMT's that a full D check takes place every 6 years.