AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Yes, I know all of that. I think you’re misunderstanding me here.

For years, people have cited the fear of losing the pension as a reason to stay with subpar representation. I’m saying the plan’s likely gonna fail anyway, so they might as well make the jump. As for me, I am vested, but like everyone else still at DL, it’s basically frozen in amber (no current contributions).

Where’s the money? Good question. I’d happy if they let me just cash out.


I just wanted to say thanks for the validation of what I said to be true. Maybe you should inquire as to the whereabouts of your part of the IAMNPF and how you would go about accessing that at the age that was set while you were an active participant of the pension.

You must be more specific as to what you're asking about. Don't just make a statement.

Here is my assumed answer to the question I think you are asking. If the IAM side of M&R becomes AMFA what happens to the money they are getting NOW from AA that would go normally into the IAM Pension plan for each member. ?

How that is handled would be dealt with but ALL currant money in each members IAM Pension account would have to be be frozen at what it is at. They would not accrue any further deposits from AA. Since they would NO Longer be IAM represented employees they are NOT eligible to be in the Pension Plan. This is what I understand from what we here at AA were told to us by a IAM represented M&R employee. The IAM also made that same statement during the IBT card drive at USAir. I am sure at that point each of those members from LUS side would be at that point be switched over to AA's 401k Plan just like every other employee at AA.

You Can't lose your pension, The IAM can't just say your money is GONE.

Can anyone on this board give you any real specific answer as to how it will be dealt with I would say "NO" way above anyone person here pay grade.
If you want contact the IAM Plan yourself ask them what happens if you simply quit a IAM represented company and went to any other company NOT represented by the IAM (non Union ) like Delta.

This is NOT A RAID it is M&R employees attempting to change Representation legally. Replacing the current Bargaining Unit with one they feel will do a Better job. It also breaks away from the Fleet and stores and those not part of the M&R class and Craft.

AIM, a serious question here. I have never been a part of any kind of pension in any way shape or form. In your post above you state something about what would happen if you would leave an employer and your retirement. What I have done in the past was to "rollover" my retirement savings into the new employers retirement accounts. Now to the question; Could the IAM'ers that are apart of the pension plan be able to "rollover" their pension savings into the new AA 401K retirement accounts and continue on with their savings towards retirement? I would think you should be able to do so with no penalties just like I have done in the past with my retirement accounts. If you cannot rollover a pension into another retirement account, then that would tell me another reason not to be in a pension. Thinking out loud here...
Why do you guys keep trying to say this is not a raid. Here is the definition.
Raiding:A union's attempt to enroll workers belonging to or represented by another union. ... Recognition:Employer acceptance of a union as the exclusive bargaining representative for all employees in the bargaining unit.
No matter how many times you say it don't make it true. Stop acting like the Azz Monkey Man you call YOUR Pesident.
Any time a union tries to take over a already represented union group ITS CALLED A RAID. If you guys are SOOOOOO against calling it what it is. Its because you know you are doing some wrong. Deal with it and stop pretending that Everyone whats it. Because the TRUTH is WE wanted the Teamsters. But once we got screwed we are willing to settle for AMFA,

You answered your own question in the first few words of your question.

Raiding: A "UNION'S" attempt...
This is not a union's attempt to enroll workers, it is in fact employees and members of the asso. (TWU/IAM) that are attempting to collect cards in a "grass roots" effort to bring change to their representation for the mechanics and related.
An example is to look back when the teamsters did "RAID" the TWU/IAM attempt at AA. Since that all came from the top leaders of the teamsters and the teamsters organization committee was doing the collection and attempt, it is therefore an actual "RAID".
They are only calling it a raid as to scare off card signers who follow the union mentality to a "T".
Thank you all for attending today's school of business, have a great pre election day!!! :)
AIM, a serious question here. I have never been a part of any kind of pension in any way shape or form. In your post above you state something about what would happen if you would leave an employer and your retirement. What I have done in the past was to "rollover" my retirement savings into the new employers retirement accounts. Now to the question; Could the IAM'ers that are apart of the pension plan be able to "rollover" their pension savings into the new AA 401K retirement accounts and continue on with their savings towards retirement? I would think you should be able to do so with no penalties just like I have done in the past with my retirement accounts. If you cannot rollover a pension into another retirement account, then that would tell me another reason not to be in a pension. Thinking out loud here...


I have had company defined pension plans, and those are only accessed when you are of retirement age for those plans. Whether it be early withdrawal with a penalty or at age set by plan.

Can the IAM guys roll the UNION Pension over That would be a question for someone on the LUS side of AA. My guess would be "NO" because it is a multi-company plan that many IAM employees put into. Unlike your 401k which you can take to another company. I will ask around and see if I can get one of the LUS guys to get everyone that answer.
Hey how many cards expired Nov 1st. Also WHY are you guys still stalling on filing the cards. Tell the Truth already. Either you got the amount needed or you DONT.

I don't know if any cards expire Nov. 1st. I believe it was in fact started in Nov. of last year, but like most things, I don't think any card expires until the end of Nov. But I may be off a bit. Below is a response from AMFA National on when they are planning to file to answer your question. Take note of para. stating they are going to file in Nov 2020. Now when in Nov. I have no clue and assume that is AMFA's move to do so after the collection of the cards are turned into them and verified. If I were to guess I would say within the first half of Nov. is when they may file for an election. But for the exact time frame you may try reaching out to AMFA National for the answer to that question.
Hope this helps...
The IAMNPF isn't portable the same way a 401k is. The only "maybe" would be rolling it from one participating employer to another one, and I'm doubtful even on that.
The IAMNPF isn't portable the same way a 401k is. The only "maybe" would be rolling it from one participating employer to another one, and I'm doubtful even on that.
How about negotiating a lump sum payment into the 401k, instead of just giving up?
The IAMNPF isn't portable the same way a 401k is. The only "maybe" would be rolling it from one participating employer to another one, and I'm doubtful even on that.
My understanding is the IAMNPF is NOT an employer pension but a UNION pension. I am sure many complications arise with a multiemployer UNION pension fund. Especially given the Association debacle.
As we move our way thru Nov. I really hope you guys are sending in signed cards still. The need of over padding the number needed will be needed for the illegal padding of the eligible list by AA, TWU/IAM/Asso. so it would be smart to send in a lot more cards than needed to help offset any shananagans coming after AMFA files.
This letter was sent back in Sept with them saying they are filing in Nov., but did say that extra cards were needed for the fight that will come after the filing is done in Nov. I am sure more cards were and are still coming in, but a last ditch effort would be great to get across the finish line with an overwhelming amount of signed cards for AMFA support.
Look forward to an announcement soon of the request for a representational election at AA for AMFA. The time is now for change at AA for the mechanics and related to get a class & craft mechanics union. Good luck to all of you working so hard to bring changes within the mechanic and related representation...

Below is a quote from National Officer Gen Painter about the upcoming AMFA filing:

"Rest assured, AMFA will file a representation dispute with the NMB no later than November 2020, but it is imperative that we have a substantial number of additional signed cards by that time. Because there have been several AMFA organizing attempts in the past, we know we must have the numbers in order to be successful. We want to provide you with the representation you deserve, and AMFA is the only union that can give it to you."
As we move our way thru Nov. I really hope you guys are sending in signed cards still. The need of over padding the number needed will be needed for the illegal padding of the eligible list by AA, TWU/IAM/Asso. so it would be smart to send in a lot more cards than needed to help offset any shananagans coming after AMFA files.
This letter was sent back in Sept with them saying they are filing in Nov., but did say that extra cards were needed for the fight that will come after the filing is done in Nov. I am sure more cards were and are still coming in, but a last ditch effort would be great to get across the finish line with an overwhelming amount of signed cards for AMFA support.
Look forward to an announcement soon of the request for a representational election at AA for AMFA. The time is now for change at AA for the mechanics and related to get a class & craft mechanics union. Good luck to all of you working so hard to bring changes within the mechanic and related representation...

Below is a quote from National Officer Gen Painter about the upcoming AMFA filing:

"Rest assured, AMFA will file a representation dispute with the NMB no later than November 2020, but it is imperative that we have a substantial number of additional signed cards by that time. Because there have been several AMFA organizing attempts in the past, we know we must have the numbers in order to be successful. We want to provide you with the representation you deserve, and AMFA is the only union that can give it to you."
Do you realize you sound and act just like Trump. Wake up NO BODY CARES at AA
Speak for thee, not for we.
You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts.
I speaks nothing but facts. This will be the 3 time we tried to get AMFA. I will also be the 3rd time it fails. If they had enough cards signed they would have filed by now. Why are you letting cards that was signed early Nov of 2019 expire. I will tell you why. Because they don't have enough cards to file. Those are FACTS. You might not like it or you may not be smart enough to understand it. But then again you are probably a Trumper too. smile
I speaks nothing but facts. This will be the 3 time we tried to get AMFA. I will also be the 3rd time it fails. If they had enough cards signed they would have filed by now. Why are you letting cards that was signed early Nov of 2019 expire. I will tell you why. Because they don't have enough cards to file. Those are FACTS. You might not like it or you may not be smart enough to understand it. But then again you are probably a Trumper too. smile
Again your opinion and your facts.
I've been an organizer and have been involved at various levels. You're just a troller and fear monger. Have fun. If we have enough cards then we will file. The numbers are already set to reach the goal. Those are the numbers from the NMB. You want to see failure which tells me you have a personal interest in the game for yourself. Others see it differently. Keep spewing your discontent for AMFA and the drive. It's your right to express it. The membership will decide in the end. That's democracy.
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