Attitude Adjustment - Think About It


Aug 20, 2002
[FONT color=#000000 size=3]Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity. [/FONT]
On 1/11/2003 5:31:44 AM RV4 wrote:

[FONT color=#000000 size=3]Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity. [/FONT]

Man,thats some good stuff.Where did you find it at? Sounds like the Don Carty kool-aid has kicked in.
Ok, genius . . . Like what . . SPECIFICALLY?

I think you've been spending too much money on those inane self-improvement books.

Sounds like a CEO that has run his company into the ground while making huge compensation, then hasn't a clue how to get it out . . . . and lays it at the feet of his employees to fix.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 10:52:25 AM Winglet wrote:
[P]Ok, genius . . . Like what . . SPECIFICALLY? [BR][BR]I think you've been spending too much money on those inane self-improvement books.[BR][BR]Sounds like a CEO that has run his company into the ground while making huge compensation, then hasn't a clue how to get it out . . . . and lays it at the feet of his employees to fix. [BR][BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Except that if he gave back every dollar and stock option, his company would still be running into the ground, since it spends more than that in one day. Go ahead, blame management. Dis anyone who "drinks the kool-aid". Odd, you feel by drinking the "kool-aid" they are killing themselves, like they did in Jonestown. I suppose if I was going to kill myself, kool-aid's not so bad. Sure beats shooting off your foot one toe at a time until you bleed to death.
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[FONT color=#000000 size=3]It is really amazing that in our current situation that a statement which exhibits a positive attitude is met with such negative and harsh tone.[BR][BR]I not sure the folks running the company or the business model for that matter is the only thing that needs to change.[BR][BR]Seems management has admitted many of their mistakes and are working hard to change the business model within the contraints of the labor agreements. Yet a two sentence request to change attitude is met with such hostility.[/FONT]
So these great people (Carty, for one)that have recognized the problems at AA, as have others with their companies, and now are acting to fix the problem. I want to know who is going to cut their salaries and cut their benefits and change their lifestyles because we all have to contribute to the cause of saving the companies that some of these greedy execs have steered into financial ruins!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 1:26:42 PM RV4 wrote: [BR][BR][FONT color=#000000 size=3]It is really amazing that in our current situation that a statement which exhibits a positive attitude is met with such negative and harsh tone.[BR][BR][/FONT]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]Hmm, seems like a similar discussion is going on in another thread. It seems that over there, you were dishing out some negativity to an article that delivered positive news. Do I detect a bit of hypocricy here?[BR][BR][BR][A href="{F0DF8C0A-56E5-4281-A62C-BC6166034D99"]{F0DF8C0A-56E5-4281-A62C-BC6166034D99[/A]}[BR][BR]-------------------------------[BR][BR]You wrote:[BR][BR]
[P][SPAN class=BodyFont][EM]If TWA was not now really AA, D-Zero performance would not exist for those now bragging.[BR][/EM][/P][/SPAN][BR][BR]and[BR][BR][BR][SPAN class=BodyFont][EM]GAME OVER! YOU WIN![BR][BR]Welcome to the "TWA Operations" of AA and congrats on your own independent airline under AMR.[BR][BR]Maybe we should roll your wages back to TWA scales and make you our "low cost" airline within AA to compete?[/EM][BR][/SPAN]
On 1/11/2003 1:26:42 PM RV4 wrote:

[FONT color=#000000 size=3]It is really amazing that in our current situation that a statement which exhibits a positive attitude is met with such negative and harsh tone.

I not sure the folks running the company or the business model for that matter is the only thing that needs to change.

Seems management has admitted many of their mistakes and are working hard to change the business model within the contraints of the labor agreements. Yet a two sentence request to change attitude is met with such hostility.[/FONT]

[FONT size=3]Without a doubt the solution to our current problems are being driven by outside forces. I believe that while we are all busy refusing to look in the mirror, management has ran scenarios of more than one outcome and strategies which goes with each scenario.

We are all just spoiled to the days of Crandall when he/we lead and others had to follow.

Now we are faced with following instead of leading.

But this does not mean that many opportunities will arise that will out number the problems.

Now continue on with your negative and hostile slams as your airline nose dives into BK Court.[/FONT]

A lot of the problems that management have created can't be fixed quickly enough.We have too many different fleet types and too many different variations WITHIN fleet types.

1-We have more than 1 interior type in our MD80's
2-We have B757 Overwater and Non-Overwater types.What in in hell were the A/C buyers thinking?
3-The B-757 fleet has 2 different types of PSU assemblies.Do you understand what this does to the cost of spare parts inventories and maintenance time in the field?
These are just a few examples of an unlimited number of gross mistakes made by management that cannot be corrected easily or cheaply.
Southwest beats us because of the cost effective standarization policies in their airline.Their wages are not that much different than ours.

These problems have put us in a DEEP hole that may not be possible to dig out without BK.We cannot control outside factors which affect the airline business but we need to correct our own stupidity.
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[BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]A lot of the problems that management have created can't be fixed quickly enough.We have too many different fleet types and too many different variations WITHIN fleet types.[BR][BR]1-We have more than 1 interior type in our MD80's[BR]2-We have B757 Overwater and Non-Overwater types.What in in hell were the A/C buyers thinking?[BR]3-The B-757 fleet has 2 different types of PSU assemblies.Do you understand what this does to the cost of spare parts inventories and maintenance time in the field?[BR]These are just a few examples of an unlimited number of gross mistakes made by management that cannot be corrected easily or cheaply.[BR]Southwest beats us because of the cost effective standarization policies in their airline.Their wages are not that much different than ours.[BR][BR]These problems have put us in a DEEP hole that may not be possible to dig out without BK.We cannot control outside factors which affect the airline business but we need to correct our own stupidity. [BR][BR]----------------[BR][BR][FONT size=3]More oppurtunities and they can be fixed quickly:[BR][BR]Ground all MD-80's except the dominating interior.[BR][BR]Ground 767-200's and use 757's. Standardizing the fleet.[BR][BR]This reduced capacity will increase ticket prices for profit. I feel sure that you do not want management to prove how quickly they can fix these problems you claim cannot be done. Only thing slowing them is our labor agreements and job security clauses. And WAR will elminate that obstacle and you will see QUICK alright.[BR][BR]The outside factors you should be concerned with are lowering of wages amongst your competitors.[BR][BR]Now, what can we do QUICKLY about your attitude? Give us your seniority date and I bet we can determine how quickly that can be addressed also.[BR][BR][/FONT][/BLOCKQUOTE]
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[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 2:00:48 PM Diversion wrote: [BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 1:26:42 PM RV4 wrote: [BR][BR][FONT color=#000000 size=3]It is really amazing that in our current situation that a statement which exhibits a positive attitude is met with such negative and harsh tone.[BR][BR][/FONT]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]Hmm, seems like a similar discussion is going on in another thread. It seems that over there, you were dishing out some negativity to an article that delivered positive news. Do I detect a bit of hypocricy here?[BR][BR][BR][A href='"{F0DF8C0A-56E5-4281-A62C-BC6166034D99"']{F0DF8C0A-56E5-4281-A62C-BC6166034D99[/A]}[BR][BR]-------------------------------[BR][BR]You wrote:[BR][BR][BR][BR][SPAN class=BodyFont][EM]If TWA was not now really AA, D-Zero performance would not exist for those now bragging.[BR][/EM][/SPAN][BR][BR]and[BR][BR][BR][SPAN class=BodyFont][EM]GAME OVER! YOU WIN![BR][BR]Welcome to the "TWA Operations" of AA and congrats on your own independent airline under AMR.[BR][BR]Maybe we should roll your wages back to TWA scales and make you our "low cost" airline within AA to compete?[/EM][BR][/SPAN][BR][BR]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][FONT size=3]Negative? Hypocricy? Truth D-Zero is an AA term and...[BR][BR]If we created a low cost carrier from TWA, you would get your seniority back. You would stay employed. And you would help AA survive and compete. What is negative about that?[BR][BR]I call that an oppurtunity that no other carrier would have![/FONT]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 4:14:14 PM RV4 wrote:[FONT size=3]Negative? Hypocricy? Truth D-Zeor is an AA term and...[BR][BR]If we created a low cost carrier from TWA, you would get your seniority back. You would stay employed. And you would help AA survive and compete. What is negative about that?[BR][BR]I call that an oppurtunity that no other carrier would have![/FONT] [BR][BR]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]You are still missing the point, or perhaps you are so spring loaded to lash out that you don't even bother to look for a point. [BR][BR]As I pointed out before, the post in question on the other thread said [STRONG]nothing [/STRONG]of TWA, yet you and others quickly turned it into the same type of thread that is making this board tiresome. Fact: STL is an efficient hub. Great news, hopefully the efficiency will stay and the entire system will benefit. Rather than apperciate this fact, you toss out some spiteful anti-TWA comments.[BR][BR]Somehow I get the feeling that if STL were an inefficient hub, you would be quick to point that out and say the former TWA employees aren't pulling for the team. Instead, it's revealed that STL is a good hub and you (and others) go on the attack for whatever reason. Why are you so threatened by news of a hub that performs well? [BR][BR]I also stand by my earlier post to you in this thread. You claim people turn your positive attitude posting into something negative. That's exactly what you (and others) did on the thread I mentioned. That's called hypocricy.[BR]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 3:35:29 PM Hopeful wrote:
[P]How about OBSCENE executive compensation?[BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Okay...if the entire top executives ranks dropped to ZERO - the annual savings would pull the airline thru one day. Then what do you do?[/P]
KCFLYER: Yes that would do it for me. Carty is testifying before congress how they have to change the Railway Labor Act and force settlements on airline unions, If an arbritation panel decides to cut salaries, then we have to eat it. But who is going to determine executive compensation?
So when the companies are able to make mega profits again after having slashed labor's wages, then the executives can give themselves more bonuses and stock options. Does that seem right to you, non-union KCFLYER?

The executives can't wait to have the government change the pension plans in this nation to relieve companies of the pension obligations. People nearing retirement can lose up to 40% of their credited pensions when this passes. But the execs don't have to worry about pensions when they receive mult-million dollar packages.

I understand the top dogs compensation not making too much of a dent, but if they are crying to government about labor costs, they have to look to themselves and their greed whenever they mention labor wages and work rules.