Corporate America and broken promises

So let's see - company is competing with Walmart - which significant portions of the population shops at and A&P can't compete - it's losing money and can't pay its bills - how does the company keep paying for something it can't afford since its bankrupt
Think link was broke for me as well....but here's something that is happening in Kansas City Sign an agreement not to sue or you won't be considered for merit pay increases  And the agreement doesn't say that they'll GET a merit increase if they sign...only that they will be eligible for one.  If you don't raises.  This company is kind of a white collar sweat shop for kids getting out of college.  Work them 80+ hours per week.  There is some rumblings of getting union representation. 
The sooner we asopt single payer and get business out of our health care the better we will be. There is no good reason that health care should be tied to employment