"Cost neutral!"

Nope, wrong again. When I started there was NO overlap between the lousy entry-level jobs and the coveted mainline ones. I had 12 interviews before I finally landed a job with a major carrier, not because my qualifications were lacking, but because it was that competitive. And it rightly should have been. Now a 500 hour pilot can apply to fly a jet and then complains that the pay is so low while ignoring the caustic effects his career choice has on the rest of the profession.

I don't advocate falling on the sword. I advocate finding out what the heck the sword is used for and having the courage to use it. And sometimes that means leaving the profession.

So I see, you are much better than the pilots that are entering this profession. The way you explained to me on another post how to use a sword is just to vote and turn your back. The evil persisted because you did nothing about it. You allowed for RJ's to come on your property and opened the door for this, simply voting no is no excuse for what you allowed.

With all this aside we have to work with the younger generation and give them a line to wait in, not just tell them to go away.
With all this aside we have to work with the younger generation and give them a line to wait in, not just tell them to go away.

Don't you think we'd be doing the younger generation a favor by "telling them to just go away" (not to consider flying RJs and SAABs for $350/week)?

Of course, for those poverty wages, you'd think the younger generation would just get the hint and do it on their own - after all, aren't they bright, well educated young people? If so, why do they insist on flying airplanes for basically minimum wage?
So I see, you are much better than the pilots that are entering this profession. The way you explained to me on another post how to use a sword is just to vote and turn your back. The evil persisted because you did nothing about it. You allowed for RJ's to come on your property and opened the door for this, simply voting no is no excuse for what you allowed.

With all this aside we have to work with the younger generation and give them a line to wait in, not just tell them to go away.
Do you have any reading comprehension skills at all? Repeating myself is getting tiresome. You asked why I don't group myself in with the cowards who agreed to allow RJ's on he property. I said I voted against the T/A. RJ F/O's complain about low pay and try to blame someone other than themselves. They never took any concessions. There are few if any RJ pilots on furlough.

I'm sick of beating this dead horse. Go upstairs and tell your mom you won an argument with some old fart on the internet.
Amen, last in On Time will get their attention; along with rapidly spiking costs!!! Let the Board of Greedy Bastages chew Doug's bottom for that for a couple of quarters.
I hope they fire any pilots that take job action. Then you can go home and explain to your family what a big man you are.
I have this crap contract because YOU sold regional pilots out.
ME? You're confused. I am not a pilot. I do, however, have a very good understanding of how the labor market works. You, on the other hand, obviously do not.

I never ever voted for a contract like this.
Nonetheless, you in effect agreed to it, and therefore ratified it for yourself, when you chose to work under it.

The only thing i can do to make a difference is saying NO to anything they offer and then go on strike.
Your own personal strike? Go for it!

Ask the PSA pilots why the Captains got a $15/hr raise and the F/O's only $.50. Hmmmm sold out again. See a pattern here?
Yup. I see a pattern of lots of pilots willing to fly for very little money -- you included. As long as that continues to be the case, your situation will not improve.
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If you think it's bad for you, try doing it on the (real) poverty ramp wages....talk about pathetic and if we get sick you absolutely must drag yourself in to work as we actually lose a whole days pay if we call off...talk about a joke....

I'm sorry that its tough for you but I don't think your application required you to be fully qualified to fly a jet or even have more than a 12th grade GED.

I came to my job fully ready to do it and I spent many years and money learning it.
In all honesty, I wouldn't work as a ramper even if I only had a high school diploma. Home Depot pays well and has great insurance as well as many chances for advancement.
Being a pilot does not pay what it used. Actually some pilots now make Home Depot wages. It is all supply and demand and there still is room for wage and benefit cuts for the U East pilots. Those jobs can be filled by several qualified people for half the current price. It makes me sick that some pilots want to perform job action and try to get more money when they have a contract in place. They need to just do their job before they get fired playing stupid games.
I don't advocate falling on the sword. I advocate finding out what the heck the sword is used for and having the courage to use it. And sometimes that means leaving the profession.

With the exception of the mechanics at Northwest, not one airline labor group has figured out what to do with the pointy end of the sword over the past five years.

Without fail, from informational picketing to practice strikes, every group has talked tough and postured but ultimately given in to managements demands.
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  • #71
Being a pilot does not pay what it used. Actually some pilots now make Home Depot wages. It is all supply and demand and there still is room for wage and benefit cuts for the U East pilots. Those jobs can be filled by several qualified people for half the current price. It makes me sick that some pilots want to perform job action and try to get more money when they have a contract in place.

Pitguy, I am not perfoming any job action nor do I support one. I'll continue to perform my job as I expect other employees to do theirs. I was pointing out the irony of our new leader's stated opnion that he has no desire to change anything in the future and while he is now a millionare several times over, he actually plans on seeking a new low for the entire airline. And its not all bad, the sooner we pull out of that rusting hole called Pittsburgh, the happier I'll be.I hope I never have to see the place again.
You keep your options open too, right now in Mexico, there's a place that will service our planes for a fraction of the cost.
I agree with your post and realize their is no future for maintenance in PIT. Please do not be confused abut my handle. I do not live in Pittsburgh. I may not like the global economy, but I make nice money off of it. I reinvented myself quite awhile back. If you can’t beat 'em then join 'em. It would suck to be one of those dime a dozen pilots right now.
I'm sorry that its tough for you but I don't think your application required you to be fully qualified to fly a jet or even have more than a 12th grade GED.I came to my job fully ready to do it and I spent many years and money learning it.
In all honesty, I wouldn't work as a ramper even if I only had a high school diploma. Home Depot pays well and has great insurance as well as many chances for advancement.
My, my, aren’t you the condescending one! Normally I wouldn’t even respond to an asinine comment like yours, but you really struck a nerve. You are sorry that it is tough for someone other than yourself; that is might big hearted of you. So you spent time and money qualifying on a specific type of aircraft; you still had to fly as a F/O first. So you have an education, big freaking deal! What gives you the right to assume that anyone has a 12th grade GED? What a pompous A$$! You give pilots a bad name and perpetuate the; “I am better than youâ€, myth some flyboys have earned. You are so full of yourself that you couldn’t possibly be full of crap, there is no room. Did you ever consider that the ramper might be going to college and getting the education you mock? Does a GED make that person less intelligent? I’d like to see you bust your hump for a couple of weeks in the bag pit during the summer. Then you might have the right to whine. Obviously, your degree had nothing to do with interpersonal relationship skills, or was that a day you skipped class? Do you think that you are the only one that ever came into their field of endeavor fully qualified? Given enough time, you could teach a monkey to fly, or were you possibly the initial subject for that theory? Never look down on anyone’s job; someday it might be yours. Thank heaven that not all pilots have your attitude.

Me, I was born with an attitude and have perfected it through the years. By the way I have a high school diploma, a college degree, my FAA airframe and power plant certificate and over 40 years experience on aircraft. In my opinion, you owe the ramper an apology. Don’t expect one from me!

To the other pilots that read this post, please do not take this personally. My ire is directed to Blue Pacific alone.
Do you have any reading comprehension skills at all? Repeating myself is getting tiresome. You asked why I don't group myself in with the cowards who agreed to allow RJ's on he property. I said I voted against the T/A. RJ F/O's complain about low pay and try to blame someone other than themselves. They never took any concessions. There are few if any RJ pilots on furlough.

I'm sick of beating this dead horse. Go upstairs and tell your mom you won an argument with some old fart on the internet.

Please show me your comprehension skills by commenting on two of my points, in the post you sidestepped..

Your voting no on a TA is not enough to distance yourself from the cowards you describe. What else have you done to think you are different besides voting no and picking on young people entering this profession?

I said “With all this aside we have to work with the younger generation and give them a line to wait in, not just tell them to go away.”
My, my, aren’t you the condescending one! Normally I wouldn’t even respond to an asinine comment like yours, but you really struck a nerve. You are sorry that it is tough for someone other than yourself; that is might big hearted of you. So you spent time and money qualifying on a specific type of aircraft; you still had to fly as a F/O first. So you have an education, big freaking deal! What gives you the right to assume that anyone has a 12th grade GED? What a pompous A$$! You give pilots a bad name and perpetuate the; “I am better than youâ€, myth some flyboys have earned. You are so full of yourself that you couldn’t possibly be full of crap, there is no room. Did you ever consider that the ramper might be going to college and getting the education you mock? Does a GED make that person less intelligent? I’d like to see you bust your hump for a couple of weeks in the bag pit during the summer. Then you might have the right to whine. Obviously, your degree had nothing to do with interpersonal relationship skills, or was that a day you skipped class? Do you think that you are the only one that ever came into their field of endeavor fully qualified? Given enough time, you could teach a monkey to fly, or were you possibly the initial subject for that theory? Never look down on anyone’s job; someday it might be yours. Thank heaven that not all pilots have your attitude.

Me, I was born with an attitude and have perfected it through the years. By the way I have a high school diploma, a college degree, my FAA airframe and power plant certificate and over 40 years experience on aircraft. In my opinion, you owe the ramper an apology. Don’t expect one from me!

To the other pilots that read this post, please do not take this personally. My ire is directed to Blue Pacific alone.

Thank you.

Not for nothing, but at my station there are 26 rampers. Of that, all but 5 (or so) either already have a degree or other formal training, or are in the process of getting one. Two of them have (gasp!) their instructor ratings as pilots. Imagine that; pilots being trained by rampers...Oh the irony....