DAY and SDF to close mainline op''s.

Aug 21, 2002
Talked with a ground guy in DAY today and he told me that mainline will pull out of DAY and SDF effective Oct 6th. Express to take over ground and flight Op''s.
Those in the crystal palace just think it's a way to save money. Actually it's a way to scare off the few pax that are left. Wanna see a really pi$$-poor example of customer service, just check out any ex-mainline PSA outstation. Case in point: TOL. The current agents can't even handle such a simple task as checking in an offline jumpseater. I've stood in line trying to supress a smile as the $6.50/hr agents struggle to work with any pax with any special needs or requests. Better yet, many of them aren't even wearing any type of Usair uniforms because turnover is so high. Professionalism, forget it! This is simply a bass-ackwards method to kill off any possible hopes of maintaining viable outstations.
Yeah, a lot of express customer service really's like another job to them...not realizing who they are there for. I always like walking up to list for a flight w/o my travel card! that really messes most of them up![:praise:][:praise:]
[:bigsmile:] I've seen this many times myself....I've had to get behind the keyboard myself to list myself...for fear it was not done correctly....and I was 'bypassed' since my name never made it on the stby list to begin with....a livable wage is the best incentive......
you know gilbertguy and mainline agents can also be incompetent ..
I have flown out of PNS and the gate agent with senority date of 82 did not know how to bring a close flight to open status..I had to tell them
I have flown out of BOS,CLE,MIA,PVD and mainline agents put me with a s5 priority code when if they look at my database they would see s4 boarrding code because I work for a wholly owned sub..
One time flying out of MIA and PBI the dummy gate agents was about to deny me boarding because I did not have my company ID..The MIA agent said to me how can it be proven I work for the company amd I told her because I will supply her with my employee number and driver license and that will be enough prove..
WHen I told her I did not need a company ID she said she been working for 15 years and never heard that so I told her the FOcus reference to look up...

If you like I will site a lot more time when I have come across inept Mainline employee so stop generalising express agents you arrogant mainline A$$es because I have stories to tell also...

Thats why when I travel I always call my home station to make sure I am on the standby list correctly and travel with the necessary focus references to educate any mainline employees.[:bigsmile:]
EN51 ,
You are correct , there are some people who are not as sharp as they should be at mainline . the same can be said for our express partners. However , You seem to harbor the kind of resentment toward the other work groups which makes you no better than the incompetant ones which are being spoken of in this fourm. Fact is , the quality of the express operation as compared to that of mainline is atrocious. no neither group is without it's faults . We are all supposed to be in this together , but the sad fact is we aren't management has used the express division to great effect to farm out work and pit the working groups against one another.
On 9/1/2002 7:26:07 PM

EN51 ,
You are correct , there are some people who are not as sharp as they should be at mainline . the same can be said for our express partners. However , You seem to harbor the kind of resentment toward the other work groups which makes you no better than the incompetant ones which are being spoken of in this fourm. Fact is , the quality of the express operation as compared to that of mainline is atrocious. no neither group is without it's faults . We are all supposed to be in this together , but the sad fact is we aren't management has used the express division to great effect to farm out work and pit the working groups against one another.

I beg to differ..I do not harbor any resentment toward my mainline counterparts as you put it so kindly I ask you do not judge me..all I did was show that mainline employees can make the same mistakes as express.
And where did you get that "fact" that express operation compared to mainline is that bad...maybe from the same bit of analysis technique you used to judge me ..hmmm
As someone who started his airline career(?)in DAY so many years ago, it's very sad to see them get the second part of the double whammy. De-hubbed. De-mainlined.

Wild Goose Inn, anyone??

I as a former DAYRO rep, was also sad to see DAY changed to all express. Can anyone from DAY ATO fill me in on the "low-down". Are you getting any options? My best wishes to all.
Did the company ever come out with these station closings in print...I never saw anything other than the Nov. Sked. showing no mainline flights. Seems like they wanted to keep it out of the press and make it look like all service will go on as usaual even though more people will lose their jobs....[:((]
en-51...dont be a wise a$$ with your company id,thats why they gave it to you.Dont give me that crap at the gate,we dont need it,as its stressfull enough without having another wise a$$ pax.

Sounds like you are a jerk,looking to make trouble for us gate agents,don't get in my line![:(]
I think that we are losing site of the real issue here...more good paying jobs lost. Many of the agents in the smaller stations have a lot of time with the company as well as tons of experience that can't be matched with the lower wage express employees period. Many of these senior employees have paid their dues in the big stations or commuted for years to get where they are today. It is very sad that these folks have been put on the chopping block over the last few years..we have gone to express in almost 20 stations in the last 5 years or so. How much would more would it cost to leave them in place to work the RJ's ? You can bet it would be worth every cent for the difference in the level of service provided. I have seen DL & UA go express in my station, and it is poor at best..a bunch of teenagers who could care less since they know they can make the same wage at Burger King or Walmart and be out of the weather...I hope that someday Upper Mgmt. realizes this and decides to leave the mainline agents in place.[:((]
For what it's worth, not every all-Express station is filled with inexperienced (or incompetent) agents. Take GSP, for example. Fantastic agents, fantastic service and extremely friendly, all around. I'm guessing some of the mainline employees opted for positions with PDT, as even after it switched to Express many of the faces did not change. But, still, I've always been more than satisfied with the agents there.