Do You Want To Re- Elect Bush For Presendent!

In any case, Mickey Kaus discussed an Orlando Sentinel article (an update to another Sentinel article, if you wish to keep track) that discusses how, in fact, there were two counts that would have shown a Gore win, one of which was stopped by the Supremes, the other which was foolishly stopped by Gore. But don't take my word for it. Read for yourself.

Your article says: "....If the recount had gone forward Judge Lewis might well have counted the overvotes in which case Gore might well have won".

You call this proof?????? :lol: Gore MIGHT have won IF they could find some sympathetic left wing judge to improperly count bad ballots???? I don't think so.

In the year following the election, all the major newspapers and left wing organizations went into Florida to actually do a hand count of every single vote. To their great chagrine, they found out that President Bush had indeed won the election in Florida. They chose not to trumpet their results on page one - which they would have if their results had been what they had hoped, a Gore win. Instead they buried their results deep inside their papers, caveating it with lots of language about overvotes, undervotes, poorly designed ballots (by democrat-run counties by the way), etc.

None of these same newspaper stories, however, mentioned the democrat memo detailing how to throw out military absentee votes (many from combat zones like the ones I have served in, and voted from absentee, during OSW, ONW, and Kosovo/Bosnia). They didn't report in said stories about democrat operatives GLEEFULLY giving eachother HIGH-FIVES after each ballot was thrown out; ballots filled out in combat zones in harm's way where military aircraft picked up the ballots facing SA-7, SA-14, SA-16 missiles and small arms fire to deliver them sans postal mark. This egregious assault on our troops' voting should be an indelible reminder to every military member about the democrat party.

A-10 Pilot
I really dont care about 2000, but as to your other charge:

"... adjustment for George W. Bush’s windfall of about 290 votes from improperly counted military absentee ballots where lax standards were applied to Republican counties and strict standards to Democratic ones, a violation of fairness reported earlier by the Washington Post and the New York Times.
So then my reply would be:
This egregious assault on our troops'(from democratic counties) voting should be an indelible reminder to every military member about the republican party.

My real point here is that if you are a conservative, moderate, liberal,thats ok, but as far as political tactics, no party is the better.
delldude said:
good job A10!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

I'm sorry, but if a major presidential candidate cannot win his own state, he simply does not deserve to win a general election. Gore had the White House handed to him on a silver platter and he bored the platter to friggin' death.
I agree. I didnt like Gore. Most people I know didnt like him. There was no fight in him. He always reminds me of a cadaver mated with that eagle muppet.
"Some people have wacky ideas like taxing gasoline more...."

New York Times:

April 6, 2004
Cheney Tax Plan From '86 Would Have Raised Gas Prices

ASHINGTON, April 5 — In October 1986, when Dick Cheney was the lone congressman from energy-rich Wyoming, he introduced legislation to create a new import tax that would have caused the price of oil, and ultimately the price of gasoline paid by drivers, to soar by billions of dollars per year.

"Let us rid ourselves of the fiction that low oil prices are somehow good for the United States," Mr. Cheney, who is now vice president, said shortly after introducing the legislation.

Whats that old saying? people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones....
Hey KCFLyer,

Obviously, you have very little familiarity with military ops. The Mission Accomplished banner was for the Aircraft Carrier Group. Do you deny they completed their assigned mission as tasked and with honor? Are you saying they didn't accomplish their mission? Or you just don't like the fact President Bush visited the carrier as they celebrated their mission accomplished?

Perhaps you would deny your hometown unit, the 442d Fighter Wing A10s, their 'Mission Accomplished' celebration conducted at Whiteman AFB? Should they have taken down their banners as well?

A10 Pilot
A10Pilot said:
You call this proof?????? :lol: Gore MIGHT have won IF they could find some sympathetic left wing judge to improperly count bad ballots???? I don't think so.
Actually, Gore would have won if a judge had properly rejected the inclusion of bad ballots.

In the year following the election, all the major newspapers and left wing organizations went into Florida to actually do a hand count of every single vote. To their great chagrine, they found out that President Bush had indeed won the election in Florida.
Clearly you didn't read far enough. Try this link, to which Kaus referred. WP chose not to trumpet their results in part because they have been quite happy to support the current White House residents.
adjustment for George W. Bush’s windfall of about 290 votes from improperly counted military absentee ballots where lax standards were applied to Republican counties and strict standards to Democratic ones, a violation of fairness reported earlier by the Washington Post and the New York Times.
So then my reply would be:
This egregious assault on our troops'(from democratic counties) voting should be an indelible reminder to every military member about the republican party.

The democrats put out a memo detailing how to get military votes thrown out. They then sent teams out to EVERY county to be in place as the ballots were examined / counted. They CELEBRATED each time a vote was thrown out. They CELEBRATED in democrat counties and they CELEBRATED in republican counties. If it was a military vote, and they were successful in having it denied, the CELEBRATED.

They concentrated their assaults in counties with high military presence that were predominantly republican. There was no lax standard in republican counties and tight standard in democrat counties. The votes were highly concentrated in republican counties and that is where the greatest number of military votes were thrown out.

The point is:

- democrats put out as an official policy (on paper in memo form) an assault on military voters
- democrat operatives went to every county with military absentee ballots to try to have each and every vote thrown out
- democrat operatives CELEBRATED as each vote was denied - not knowing whether it was for Bush or Gore! :angry:
- many of these votes were sent, (as I did, sending an absentee ballot from Operation Southern Watch) from COMBAT ZONES. Troops in harm's way being the target, not only of the enemy forces in said zones, but of democrat operatives in the US!

A10 Pilot
Clearly you didn't read far enough. Try this link, to which Kaus referred. WP chose not to trumpet their results in part because they have been quite happy to support the current White House residents.

These are more examples of overvotes, undervotes, dimpled chads, pregnant chads, etc. This is yet another example of MIGHT, MAYBE, POSSIBLY, IF, et al.

When the papers went in, and counted all the votes PROPERLY (not divining the intent of the voter through osmosis, telepathy, sympathy, empathy, etc) - Bush won.

They then buried their results or didn't publish it at all.

A10 Pilot
mweiss said:
Actually, Gore would have won if a judge had properly rejected the inclusion of bad ballots.

Clearly you didn't read far enough. Try this link, to which Kaus referred. WP chose not to trumpet their results in part because they have been quite happy to support the current White House residents.
This is very, very funny. I would call the Washington Post far from being in bed with the White House. BWAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!
So even though the republicans screwed the military voters in democratic counties in florida, its ok cause they didnt CELEBRATE?

I dont remember anyone celebrating while counting ballots, maybe the liberal media hid that....

They concentrated their assaults in counties with high military presence that were predominantly republican. There was no lax standard in republican counties and tight standard in democrat counties. The votes were highly concentrated in republican counties and that is where the greatest number of military votes were thrown out.

I cited some legitimate news sources, maybe you could to? Just cause you or hannity says it, doesnt make it true.
A10Pilot said:
Hey KCFLyer,

Obviously, you have very little familiarity with military ops. The Mission Accomplished banner was for the Aircraft Carrier Group. Do you deny they completed their assigned mission as tasked and with honor? Are you saying they didn't accomplish their mission? Or you just don't like the fact President Bush visited the carrier as they celebrated their mission accomplished?

Perhaps you would deny your hometown unit, the 442d Fighter Wing A10s, their 'Mission Accomplished' celebration conducted at Whiteman AFB? Should they have taken down their banners as well?

A10 Pilot
Obviously you're correct. Also obvious was the Bush teams PR vision that most OTHER Americans don't understand military ops either - just a nice picture of the President with "Mission Accomplished" behind him. Then they see their leader, declaring the combat to be over, with a "mission accomplished" sign behind him. Flies in on a Navy Jet to boot. Too bad that vision got dashed, what with the recently liberated Iraqis blowing up the troops whose mission WASN'T yet accomplished, nor is that Mission likely to BE accomplished any time real soon. And the dems will run ad's with that photo so that the Sean Hannity's and Rush Limbaughs of the world can whine back with "it represented the CARRIERS mission was accomplished...and anybody who doesn't believe that most likely spits on our troops and calls them baby-killers".
A10Pilot said:
When the papers went in, and counted all the votes PROPERLY (not divining the intent of the voter through osmosis, telepathy, sympathy, empathy, etc) - Bush won.
It's not hard to divine someone's intent when they fill in the circle next to Gore's name, then fill in the circle next to the write-in line and write Gore's name in the blank. Maybe I'm telepathic, but that seems like pretty clear intent.

In case you're wondering, those are the overvotes that were applied to the two candidates. Either they filled in the Bush circle and put Bush's name on the write-in line, or they filled in the Gore circle and put Gore's name on the write-in line. It just so happens that more Gore voters did that than Bush voters.