Europe service back to PIT ?


Nov 5, 2003
Kirby and Crellin discuss possible future of PIT European service and adding maintenance by saying, "We will do everything we can to make Pittsburgh successful and profitable," "But if it doesn't become profitable, we will shrink it."

On the other hand, executives say they might consider resuming Pittsburgh nonstops to Europe. US Airways also could expand aircraft maintenance here, said executive VP of operations Al Crellin.

"Pittsburgh is a strong consideration for us, in terms of adding maintenance," said Crellin, the only top executive to move from the old US Airways.

Whether such work would be done in-house or by a contractor should be decided within six months, he said. The choice depends partly on which union ends up representing aircraft mechanics. The Teamsters contract at America West allows heavy maintenance outsourcing :down: , but the International Association of Machinists contract at the old US Airways does not.



Read this Full Story...and then ask yourself why none of the Pro-IBT folks have commented ? :rolleyes:

Everyone whom replies to other threads concerning the IAM and IBT challenge keeps asking for more information in this debate , well if you have any common sense or are objective enough to put your own agenda away for a moment? One would have to conclude that Al Crellin has outlined it nicely as to what will transpire if the IBT comes in as the sole representation of the Mechanic and Related group.

This story relates to PIT...but the story will un-fold in an alike manner in CLT too. The contract does not know geographic boundaries ( Hint Hint)

If you read the story...A vote for the IBT is a vote for the company..not for the companies employee's

Keep in mind IBT'ers...senority will still rule the day regardless of whom is representing us? :p
Guess the editor isn't familiar with the desert. Notice how it was mis-spelled.

"The others didn't want to move out to the dessert," said McClelland. "That's a big transition, going from D.C. to Phoenix."
Guess the editor isn't familiar with the desert. Notice how it was mis-spelled.

"The others didn't want to move out to the dessert," said McClelland. "That's a big transition, going from D.C. to Phoenix."

Boy oh Boy as much as any have been drumming the beat of needing more information , or maybe just a little insight.

Well this article spells it out nicely...and AL Crellin's words are a damn good indicator of the new companies intent..but what did you get out of it? Somebody mis-spelled something about a patch of sand.

Spell Desert or Dessert , who cares? The issue is keeping people employed...and the IBT's position on things will not do it for a lot of you...and that they spelled out clearly and correctly. :angry:

Read this Full Story...and then ask yourself why none of the Pro-IBT folks have commented.

Everyone whom replies to other threads concerning the IAM and IBT challenge keeps asking for more information in this debate , well if you have any common sense or are objective enough to put your own agenda away for a moment? One would have to conclude that Al Crellin has outlined it nicely as to what will transpire if the IBT comes in.

This story relates to PIT...but the story will un-fold in an alike manner in CLT too.

If you read the story...A vote for the IBT is a vote for the company..not for the companies employee's
Keep in mind IBT'ers...senority will still rule the day regardless of whom is representing us. :p

Just a question.......based on this paragraph in the article referenced above, is it truly accurate? I thought I read something in the IAM contract about percentages of maintenance being outsourced.

Whether such work would be done in-house or by a contractor should be decided within six months, he said. The choice depends partly on which union ends up representing aircraft mechanics. The Teamsters contract at America West allows heavy maintenance outsourcing, but the International Association of Machinists contract at the old US Airways does not.

I don't believe that the article is 100% accurate is SOME respects. But please advise if I am not correct.

It would be GREAT to see all maintenance brought back in house with the new airline.
You can bet your future and your last nickle that the intent based on Crellin's quote is accurate.

I'm confident that DP has NO , NADA , ZERO Intentions of keeping the IAM's Scope intact...but WE collectively are the only ones that can hand it to him , based on how we vote or not.

The IAM Contract does allow some outsourcing..and you knew that before you even asked the question...unless you were in a complete coma while being involved in how many other countless threads on the subject.

The IAM contract does allow outsourcing...and what it allows has been beaten to death on this website , however , its Scope provides great limitations to corporate whims and that's exactly why the Company would love to see the IBT prevail.
I know what I read, have been reading and am not in a coma, and have been told numerous times that what I and others have read regarding the IAM contract is not the real contract so.........the questions.

Statement brought from a previous post:
It would be GREAT to see all maintenance brought back in house with the new airline.

No harm or misintent intended.

Read this Full Story...and then ask yourself why none of the Pro-IBT folks have commented ? :rolleyes:

Everyone whom replies to other threads concerning the IAM and IBT challenge keeps asking for more information in this debate , well if you have any common sense or are objective enough to put your own agenda away for a moment? One would have to conclude that Al Crellin has outlined it nicely as to what will transpire if the IBT comes in as the sole representation of the Mechanic and Related group.

This story relates to PIT...but the story will un-fold in an alike manner in CLT too. The contract does not know geographic boundaries ( Hint Hint)

If you read the story...A vote for the IBT is a vote for the company..not for the companies employee's
Keep in mind IBT'ers...senority will still rule the day regardless of whom is representing us? :p

once again you guys keep thinking your only hope is your scope, read our's it is in black and white! no work that is done in house by awa mx techs (that would also include done by us east workers) can not be contracted out that would cause a reduction in forces. read the contract that everyone can get to by our web page. I can promise you one thing Doug Parker and company wants all heavy checks sent out period but I know the teamsters would fight to keep every thing that is done in house now!
once again you guys keep thinking your only hope is your scope, read our's it is in black and white! no work that is done in house by awa mx techs (that would also include done by us east workers) can not be contracted out that would cause a reduction in forces. read the contract that everyone can get to by our web page. I can promise you one thing Doug Parker and company wants all heavy checks sent out period but I know the teamsters would fight to keep every thing that is done in house now!

Thanks, But for 2000 people in Heavy Maintenance in the EAST...most would rather have what we have in opposed to an un-proven , un-tested promise.
They have no intention of bring Europe service back to PIT, they're just blowing smoke to look good in the paper. Sadly, the PIT people will now all get their hopes back up; at least the old US told it how it was.

I liked the quote about PIT becoming profitable or they will shrink it--that's been the motto for the entire airline (and apparently continues to be so).

US is going to have a hard time making PIT (or any other city where it faces WN competition) profitable--the nonlabor costs are still too high.
Can you say TIMCO
DITTO...that's where it's all going to end up anyway no matter the noise on these boards. The IAM isn't going to protect squat. Why start now?

Oh it’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice not to part of that nightmare anymore. I should delete Aviation from my computer to stop the flashbacks.