F/A transition agreement reached


Oct 21, 2005
A transition agreement has been reached for F/A's. USAirways.com has the press release. Does anyone know where the full agreement can be read?
A transition agreement has been reached for F/A's. USAirways.com has the press release. Does anyone know where the full agreement can be read?

I know there was a copy put out for US west employees at afa66.org you should be able to read it there. Just FYI, PHX fa's are in a huge uproar over it!!!!!! HUGE!!!!!!!!!
The only thing I am slightly suprised by....... NO FENCE! Once the two agreements are merged then the flood gates open and you can transfer wherever based on openings. Well, that's the way it should be since USAir never had a fence that extended beyond the operations intigration date with all 4 mergers. :up: :up: :up:
The only reason why there is no fence is because your Union agreed to not bring back your Pension.

I wouldn't care if they bring back the furloughees, they're all junior to me.
Pension? Big whoop. I have been here 7 years and never planned on a USAir pension. Everyone should invest in a retirement plan of their own. Glad things worked out for both sides.
Pension? Big whoop. I have been here 7 years and never planned on a USAir pension. Everyone should invest in a retirement plan of their own. Glad things worked out for both sides.
, 11:54 AM' post='343531']
Pension? Big whoop. I have been here 7 years and never planned on a USAir pension. Everyone should invest in a retirement plan of their own. Glad things worked out for both sides.

But I'm glad you only have 7 years. I'm waayyyyyyyyy senior than you.

I'd say bring all the furloughees back. The more juniors to me, the better.
I just talked to the Union and feel so much better. Our junior f/a's in the west have nothing to worry about. He said there will be a Q & A meeting schedule coming up and should be ready this afternoon.

He also said that they are going to start the single contract negotiation next month to speed this up.

They are going to integrate the ones that we already have in both contracts and the ones that they are currently working on.
For Everyone elses information, this is posted on the HUB.
No other information is available to the non-AFA group.

Flight Attendants Reach Transition Agreement
January 18, 2006

US Airways and the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, which represents our 11,000 flight attendants, today announced that a transition agreement has been reached. The transition agreement will govern many merger-related aspects of bringing the two airlines together until there is a single Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) covering all flight attendants.

The transition agreement includes protection of jobs for current active flight attendants on the airline’s West and East networks; standards and procedures related to integration of the two flight attendant seniority lists; a framework for negotiation of a single collective bargaining agreement covering the two flight attendant groups; procedures for offering current US Airways furloughed flight attendants job opportunities; and participation by both flight attendant groups in a profit-sharing plan.

“I want to thank both of the Master Executive Councils,â€￾ said CEO Doug Parker. “We’ve reached another important milestone in our integration. I’m extremely proud of the continued cooperative spirit exhibited by all of our fantastic employees as we work steadily to establish a foundation of trust that contributes to our successful integration,â€￾ he continued.
Appears to be a pretty good deal for invol. furloughees from US Airways. I like the part that if offered a job on AW side, they are eligible for benefits from the first day of training. In this day and age of $30,000 hospital bills for removal of an ingrown toenail, benefits are nice to have.
Details of the Transition agreement between America West and US Airways

As you know, AFA reached an agreement on transition issues, and will now be proceeding to work on negotiations for a single agreement for both groups.

The Transition Agreement covers a number of important points. The following are of particular interest to MidAtlantic flight attendants.

* The flight attendant workforces of America West and US Airways will continue to be covered by their respective agreements during the period of separate operations
* Vacancies at America West will be filled by hiring involuntarily furloughed US Airways flight attendants
* These new hire positions will be offered in seniority order
* There are vacancies at America West due to attrition projected for 2006, and the Company has told us that the offer letters are planned to go out shortly
* MidAtlantic flight attendants are eligible for these vacancies and will NOT be subject to a freeze or hold at MidAtlantic
* The Company has verbally agreed that a MidAtlantic flight attendant who accepts one of these positions will still be eligible for the Retention Bonus items; we hope to firm that up this week
* Involuntarily furloughed flight attendants who accept these positions will be credited with their US Airways mainline longevity for purposes of rates of pay, vacation accrual and benefit eligibility; their rates of pay, etc., will be those of the America West Agreement. They will not be required to serve a probationary period at America West
* AFA proposed, but was not able to achieve, adding longevity credit for service at MidAtlantic. This will be re-proposed in single contract negotiations
* Such flight attendants will be at the bottom of the America West seniority list, in the order they appear on the US Airways list
* Declining a position at America West does NOT affect recall rights, which remain intact
* Each flight attendant has two passes. Upon the second pass, the Company will not offer an America West new hire position again
* The Company may require a flight attendant who has accepted a new hire position at America West to forego recall to US Airways for up to 365 days (one year)
* Training at America West is seven weeks. Flight attendants will be paid at the America West rate of pay for training, but will not be provided lodging or per diem. AFA is not planning on charging dues while in training
* Flight attendants are not exempted from purchase of the America West uniform
* If the Company purchases the EMB-190, it will be a mainline aircraft, paid at mainline rates of pay
* An involuntarily furloughed flight attendant who accepts a position at America West will regain her/his position on the integrated seniority list AFTER Operational Integration but NOT until she/he has been offered recall based on seniority. At that point, she/he "pops up". If the flight attendant is offered recall prior to Operational Integration, and chooses not to accept recall, or is held at America West by the Company, will "pop up" on the of Operational Integration
* There will be no system rebid at the date of Operational Integration
* Flight attendants on furlough as of the date of Operation Integration will not be able to bump or displace active flight attendants as a result of the integration of the seniority list.

I am currently working on getting a pay rate scale for comparison between MAA pay and America West Pay. As soon as I receive it, I will make it available.

In solidarity,

Do they really think that there will be many furloughed or 170-Division f/a's that will actually go? Who in there right mind(unless they live there, or plan on being there for the longhaul) would pay for 8 weeks of training AND have to pay for your America West uniform for the payrate that they are offering? That is a slap in the face. They will be hiring off the street because the f/a's did not even want to go to MAA for the crappy pay. What makes them think that they would go there for between 16 and 19 an hour? They only have 3 a/c type. 757, 737-300, a319 and 20. 8 weeks of training???? You have got to be joking. WHAT A JOKE!!! :shock:
The company clearly hates it's flight attendants and would like them to just give up and go away. What they did to the 170 F/As is an absolute disgrace, now there are openings and they are making it a non-reality to go back to work. Who can afford accomodation on the pay, especially coming from EMB division? They sacrificed for the company to be thrown out in the street without two pretzels to rub together... They obviously want to reduce the furlough list but don't want to offer early outs to all the seniors who are over it. They'd rather get young local new hires doing it for a year for fun, and hope the seniors quit.

Industry standard is to house F/As during training and most airlines now pay something for training so they can attract people. Even the commuters pay thier FAs for training nowadays. Even Republic thats taking the mainline 170 jobs away pays FAs for training and puts them up in hotels.

Its the great FAs from the late 90s and early 00s at US that get the short end of the stick all the time. Furlough after furlough, the MDA mess, and now this offer as if it's supposed to be a thrill to start over as a F/A for US Airways for the 3rd time in 5-7 years, at the bottom for bad pay. It reeks of MidAtlantic and second class citizenship again. So much for the new US... looks like the old one.