First 757 to outsourced MRO

The Airplane is still in GSO OTS,fmr has been purged from dec's. Its all a secret now...
The question remains as to whether Horton will continue the charade of not knowing how inhouse maintenance compares to outsourced, regardless of how one a/c from Timco turns out. Wouldn't this multi-billion dollar airline be making decisions based on the advice of MBA's, CPA's, consultants, and beancounters? It has been said here many times that AA has had many opportunities to outsource heavy maintenance and has taken a pass. If doing their own maintenance is not in the best interest of AA's survival they should excuse their advisors to seek employment elsewhere.
Does anyone have any information on a Avial visit at TUL today?
Oct 26th 5CK flew out to REAMCO oh wait I mean TIMCO. Lets see if it makes its December 6th ETR!!!!!!! So lets keep a eye out to see what kind of shape these airplanes are when they come back to home soil.

AC and DC grounds to the same point, spray paint cover-ups, etc. That's quite a lot of OTS time for a "C" check isn't it?
anybody in mia with any word on this plane? Showed up in mia yesterday. But still not flying trips. :blink:
The bar is not set very high anymore,not very much incentive to produce... Matter- a- fact its non existent. Timco is a brick in their back-pack also..
It wouldn't matter if the checks were for free...
Just found out that 5CK went out of service down in Miami. Apparently someone found delamination on the flaps. A repair was done but I do not know if it was a temporary repair or a permanent one. It was probably a temp repair and it will get permanently fixed at the next C check. I wonder what else Timco missed to make schedule?
Just found out that 5CK went out of service down in Miami. Apparently someone found delamination on the flaps. A repair was done but I do not know if it was a temporary repair or a permanent one. It was probably a temp repair and it will get permanently fixed at the next C check. I wonder what else Timco missed to make schedule?
They got a fea. The flap came in iced up full of water. Pretty good find. Does anyone know if in AA overhaul the flaps are checked?
They got a fea. The flap came in iced up full of water. Pretty good find. Does anyone know if in AA overhaul the flaps are checked?
Can you clear something up for me, if flap delam was found and a flap was iced up full of water, why would it have been returned to service with flap delam. Also clear up when the iced up flap was found TIMCO or MIA?

Delam at MIA repaired to B/C
They got a fea. The flap came in iced up full of water. Pretty good find. Does anyone know if in AA overhaul the flaps are checked?
<_< ------- You betsha! ----There is a check for that! On all composit control surfaces. This is one area that will become even more critical as you transition to the 787s. And yes! That's aTEMCO miss! Something like that doesn't happen overnight!
They got a fea. The flap came in iced up full of water. Pretty good find. Does anyone know if in AA overhaul the flaps are checked?

All flight control surfaces are tap tested at overhaul. We are always finding delams that are out of limits which require a hot bond or replacement.
All flight control surfaces are tap tested at overhaul. We are always finding delams that are out of limits which require a hot bond or replacement.
My understanding is that this was a "modified C check" - what ever that means? Remember that you basically get what you pay for and sometimes you get more.
You mean an outsourced aircraft passed inspection and is back in service? Shocking. Simply shocking.
Uh, this plane remains unlinked and is still experiencing maintenance issues. It appears AA is now becoming acquainted with third party maintenance in meaningful way, but I'm sure it's just an isolated case. :rolleyes:
I checked it out on it's second or third flight came through DFW the paint was peeling of the left fwd fuse stripes. I noticed that the flaps,ailerons and elevators looked like they were not painted,touched... I guess that's extra charge.... You get what you pay for!!!!!! Although some believe you get the same overhauls overseas,third party,they are sadly mistaken... for quality of work you have to pay period. Maacco paints cars for 299,Rolls Royce approved quality costs 10,000+ I worked at RR cars for 6 years...It may be cheaper short term, but the jury's out on that issue...