Flight Attendant Schedulers

Oh please. That has got to be the lamest excuse I have ever heard. So what if you get banned. You can create a new log in like



or any number of other variations. Opps has been punted off so many times it's not even funny.

You just have no idea who I am. You would think that out of 9 complaints I would have heard about at least one of them. How disappointing.

Just post my FIRST NAME ONLY!

Hey moderator! Will you ban Hotel if he post my name here with my permission?
Garfield1966 said:
Hey moderator! Will you ban Hotel if he post my name here with my permission?

Also, this thread is turning into a childish tit for tat and will be closed if it doesnt return to the topic at hand and the personal issues taken out. Use your PMs if you feel the need to continue your personal spat.
This reply is to Flyboy.
Flyboy, I took this job because of the flexiblility. I have been flying for over 20 years and there have always been furloughs, bad times and good. Unfortunately you and I are in a rough place right now. But I have earned the right (by way of senitority) to drop my turns if I want to. There were no guarantees of employment ever! I hope you can get your job back, if not keep on applying everywhere else! I did and ended up at AA years ago! But please stop your whining, it will not change anything. Good luck.
AAStew said:
This reply is to Flyboy.
Flyboy, I took this job because of the flexiblility. I have been flying for over 20 years and there have always been furloughs, bad times and good. Unfortunately you and I are in a rough place right now. But I have earned the right (by way of senitority) to drop my turns if I want to. There were no guarantees of employment ever! I hope you can get your job back, if not keep on applying everywhere else! I did and ended up at AA years ago! But please stop your whining, it will not change anything. Good luck.
This is the typical flight attendant attitude on the line at AA. Just because you are senior Does't give you the right to drop everthing. You also took this job as a job. If you don't want it then get rid of it! As far as your comment about always being furloughs again you are wrong. AA has only furloughed one other time in it's entire history and it was NEVER at the magnitude that it is now. There are many Furloughs who will never be able to come back to a job that They "WANT" to work! I can tell you that no other carrier has F/A's with this kind of selfishness. I have many friends flying for other carriers who too have fallen on tough times but are amazed at the selfishness, and uncaring attitudes displayed by the line holders at AA. I always believe what goes around comes around, and your belief that it is your right will in return get you what you deserve. Hopefully, with the new set of officers elected into office things will change. It may not happen over the next four years, but beleive me....It Will Happen Sooner Than You Think! We Will be back on the line soon and things are already in motion to make a change. So go ahead and drop your trips, Go Ahead and give Scheduling Headaches of having to fill them, but when your time comes to deal with tough times don't come whining to the rest of us who Enjoy our job and are trying to make things better. The System is broken and needs to be fixed, and I Guarntee that it will happen. Your 20 years of flying experience won't get you anywhere because this company is changing rapidly before your eyes. So AAStew since you have so much free time on your hands from dropping your trips let me give you a piece of advice. I would work on that resume because you will need it soon. Feel free to call upon me for help in resume writing. I have alot of experience at it these days!

What Unity?
Flyboy4u said:
This is the typical flight attendant attitude on the line at AA. Just because you are senior Does't give you the right to drop everthing.
Yes, it does give us the right to do whatever we want with our schedules. I myself have many years with AA along with AAStew and we all have been through the good times and the bad times.

If you don't like that we can drop our entire line, then work for AA management and try to change it. The thing is, it will never happen.
Flyboy4u said:
Go Ahead and give Scheduling Headaches of having to fill them,
Don't drag us into this one. We only have to cover it when he can't trade it off for the part he wants to go too and bombs in sick for it. Other than that, you can all drop your trips till your heart is content. Coul not care less.
Garfield1966 said:
Flyboy4u said:
Go Ahead and give Scheduling Headaches of having to fill them,
Don't drag us into this one. We only have to cover it when he can't trade it off for the part he wants to go too and bombs in sick for it. Other than that, you can all drop your trips till your heart is content. Coul not care less.
Yeah, I doubt Scheduling gets involved in a drop often at all. Most drops are done through Hiboard. I flew for 2 years and 10 months and I never got a trip to drop into open time. Never! I know that it can be done, and is done on occasion, but I never saw it happen. ;)
jimntx said:
Yeah, I doubt Scheduling gets involved in a drop often at all. Most drops are done through Hiboard. I flew for 2 years and 10 months and I never got a trip to drop into open time. Never! I know that it can be done, and is done on occasion, but I never saw it happen. ;)

In my 26 years of flying I have only been able to drop 2 trips into open time. You're right, it never happens. The only way to get a trip dropped is Hi-Board. If you can't get someone to 241 or OE it then you're SOL!
"Garfield, Garfield, count to ten !!!!!!!!!!!

You know darn well, that once you're on Prozac, You CAN'T skip any doses !!!!!!!!!!

Now you can go off on me if you wish, EVEN though I've not hassled you for some time now.

And I'm not saying that (my New Hampsire neighbor) Hotel is "perfect",
Loosen up, even if It's only 5%.

LiveInAHotel said:
In my 26 years of flying I have only been able to drop 2 trips into open time. You're right, it never happens.
I was a trader in STL for about a year and a half before the ax fell. In my experience, turns were frequently green, two-days less so, three-days very seldom, and I never saw a four-day go green.

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
"Garfield, Garfield, count to ten !!!!!!!!!!!

You know darn well, that once you're on Prozac, You CAN'T skip any doses !!!!!!!!!!

Now you can go off on me if you wish, EVEN though I've not hassled you for some time now.

And I'm not saying that (my New Hampsire neighbor) Hotel is "perfect",
Loosen up, even if It's only 5%.


What in the hell are you talking about?

How am I supposed to know what to go off on you for if you write in code?
Scheduling does not give a hoot what I do with my trips as long as they don't have to deal with them. And if you think because we have a few new officers at the APFA things will change, well you keep on dreaming. I am so sorry you are angry, but for every one of you there are 100 others who love that we drop trips.
The airline business has always been volatile, I have worked for 5 airlines! If at first it doesn't go well, keep trying. Now I can tell you that your attitude probably comes out during your interviews and maybe that is why you are still sending out those resumes. If not try wating on tables. It is an honorable profession, if you are good, the money is better than the airlines, and there is job security as everyone has to eat! I have waitressed quite a bit through the years! But if it makes you feel better keep on venting on this board, it makes for amusing reading. Again good luck.

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