fsa stores pca iam new contract reached

Yep really speaks volumes of the value of IAM representation when the unorganized sCO passenger service employees are forced join/pay dues/agency fee to the IAM and after pronged negotiations many will need to move to simply remain employed. The IAM has faciliated the Wal-Martization of middle class airline jobs and keeps leading things downward. DL employees are in more stations and have enjoyed pay raises, profit sharing and productive relationship with their management. All the fat cats at DL 141 and IAM grand lodge are listing their way to the bank now while the members suffer and sacrifice meanwhile UA is solidly profitable. But in a few years based on this agreement the dues flow for the IAM will be considerably smaller as they have systematically eliminated their members, unless of course they are slated to represent the ground handler that takes over-Air Wisconsin, Hudson General and Swissport being the preferred "partners"

Kev, you have posted before the Overspeed that the actions of the TWU ATD are a hindrance to the DL. Do you similarly feel this recent UA agreement from DL 141 is a hindrance and people are taking notice?

So what do you say to the sCO employees, some of whom didn't even vote for the IAM who are soon losing their jobs if they don't move to a hub city? Is this what being in a union is all about? Defending mediocrity? Again, if it weren't for the NMB rule change the entire PCE group would be unorganized, the IAM barely won. But suddenly 700 will say "a win is a win", while true it isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for this money sucking union.

This has been discussed at length. By both of us (and others, of course). Heck, one thread alone is 60+ pages.
Not sure where you're going here...
Kev3188 said:
This has been discussed at length. By both of us (and others, of course). Heck, one thread alone is 60+ pages.
Not sure where you're going here...
Every time I ask these questions you always dodge them and never directly answer them because the reality isn't pretty. Again what does it say to a loyal employee of many years who is forced to join a union/pay dues/agency fee and then finds out they need to move to another city just to remain employed? You give the same answer when I ask about Air Wisconsin, same answer when I ask about Hawaiian ready reserve, you don't like acknowledging the IAMs missteps.

Oh, I've answered you. I just stopped when it became the same questions repeated over multiple threads. Baiting me with accusations of dodging doesn't work, either; save that sh*t for someonme you know will bite.
At any rate, it's easier to just point you to my posts themselves. The answers you seek are there.
They werent forced they voted and the IAM in.
Once again you post misinformation.
700UW said:
They werent forced they voted and the IAM in.
Once again you post misinformation.
Each and every individual agent voted for the IAM? Don't think so. It's an injustice if a single person is unwillingly forced to join the IAM, pay dues, or pay an agency fee as a dues objector to simply stay in their job. That's why right to work is fair. The sCO agents I know are not happy with the IAM and again, had the NMB rules not changed the sUA group would have been decertified and the combined group would be unorganized.

I bet everyone in the US didnt vote for the President, nor Congress yet they pay their salaries, and abide by the laws they pass too.
700UW said:
I bet everyone in the US didnt vote for the President, nor Congress yet they pay their salaries, and abide by the laws they pass too.
lol.... with the same poor results
737823 said:
Each and every individual agent voted for the IAM? Don't think so. It's an injustice if a single person is unwillingly forced to join the IAM, pay dues, or pay an agency fee as a dues objector to simply stay in their job. That's why right to work is fair. The sCO agents I know are not happy with the IAM and again, had the NMB rules not changed the sUA group would have been decertified and the combined group would be unorganized.

What's it to you Josh? And I'm not happy with the IAM getting voted out and losing out on a $1400.00 pension with the IAMPF.  How's D E L T A gonna make that up?