Get All Info Before Voting For Union Representation


Oct 23, 2010
All AA'ers as well as US mechanics need to do their own research to find the truth to all this BS being posted about what union is doing what, or how one union operates compared to the rest. The ibt will say and do anything to get you to sign a card and vote for them. The TWU will obviously do the same. To clear up a few things, the IAM was the union that gave up the maint stations, and agreed to farm out all the maint at UAL, PRIOR to AMFA taking over their EXISTING contract. Pull up the UAL contract gentlemen, look at the dates, it's all there.

The ibt will promice you guys the world, matter fact they will garrentee it, to get you all to sign a card and vote for them. Once they become your representational union, nothing will be brought to materialization, NOTHING. They promiced to re-open UAL's contract, did not happen. They promiced to take over the UAL pensions, did not happen (BTW, never let a union take over your pensions, as this is only leverage, in the unions favor, so that the membership won't fire them, as they will lose pension bennies), NEVER DO THAT! They lie about what AMFA does and how they opperate to try to deflect the membership from voting for AMFA. Why?? Because they are scared to death what will happen when AMFA wins the election vote at AA. The snow-ball effect will start and continue thru-out the industry.
If you all really want full control of your union, and have complete member involvement, the only union to go with is AMFA. You guys will, in the beginning, be overwhelmed at how much input and membership involvement that AMFA takes. But, it will pay off in the long run. ALL officers from local level to National level are voted in, as you all have just witnessed here at SWA, when every National Officer was removed from office except for the National Director. You cannot do this in ANY other union out there, PERIOD.
And the National officer could have been removed as well, but nobody ran for the position against the National officer, but he too can be removed. Can Hoffa be removed? NOPE. Can Jimmy Little be removed? NOPE. Can the top dog at IAM be removed? NOPE, sure can't folks. If you want a true democratic union, with full membership control of the union, and full membership involvement of every little thing within the union then vote for AMFA when the time comes, you will be asking yourselves "why didn't we do this freakin years ago?"

Again guys, you all a fixin to come up on a representational vote at AA, it is coming, they have enough cards to file right now, it's only a matter of time to hit the majical number to drop the gavel. Once the announcement is made, watch all the rouches come out of the woodworks. You will see a massive flood of postings trying to discredit AMFA. Most all will be lies of course, so do your homework boys, and get all the info for yourselves to make an intellegent and informative decision when the time comes. Won't be long boys, trust me....

This past National officers election at SWA was re-ran because there was certain laws accidently violated during the cagmpain proccess. The teamsters and TWU are trying to paint a very different picture that the National level officers were pissed off from the first vote that they were removed. Not the case. There really was laws broken, so members brought this to the attention of the AMFA National Director. He investigated, and found evidence that there was laws broken, therfore called for new election (fallowing all laws) and pretty much the very same results game to fruitation. No other union would have done this. Why, because they do whatever they can do to keep their way over paid cronies in their positions so they all can control the union and members, instead of the members controling the union and ALL the officers. Wow, what a concept huh?? Good luck to you guys. I have no gain in you guys going AMFA. I am not an officer of any type within AMFA, just a pion member tired of seeing you guys getting screwed for the last 3 decades. For you fence sitters, I was a long time fence sitter when we were up to a vote. Pull the trigger gentlemen, you will not be disappointed with AMFA representing you. Sorry for the long post, but very tired of all the lies and misleading post being posted---DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND VERIFICATIONS... Later.
It's obvious you do not understand the TWU Constitution!!! If you want to replace the Elected Officers, the TWU convention is coming up.

In Solidarity.

It's obvious you do not understand the TWU Constitution!!! If you want to replace the Elected Officers, the TWU convention is coming up.

In Solidarity.


It’s more obvious that you don’t know that I can’t vote in the convention or more then 99.9% of the TWU membership.
Hmm, the members of 561, 562, 563, 564,565 all eleceted delegates for the Convention already but the International has decided that they do not like who they electeed so they are removing all those delegates and having those members revote for new leaders of a combined Local that will have around 7 less delegates. Gerrymandering??
This is democracy Jim Little style, if they do not vote the way he wants then make them vote again, and again till they get it right!!
It's obvious you do not understand the TWU Constitution!!! If you want to replace the Elected Officers, the TWU convention is coming up.

In Solidarity.


When is it?
What's the nomination process?
When can I expect my ballot?

Just asking!
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It's obvious you do not understand the TWU Constitution!!! If you want to replace the Elected Officers, the TWU convention is coming up.

In Solidarity.


And how often does this TWU convention come around?? With AMFA we can remove any officer at anytime, including all National Officers, even the big dog, Louie himself. Can you do that with your current union (TWU)? No sir you cannot. Period. We did a record 2 week card drive to rid ourselves of the crooked teamsters to bring in AMFA. It wouldn't take that long to rid of some officers that we saw fit. I could see a new election of officers happen in 1 week if something drastic was going on here at SWA like it is at AA.
BTW; the AA membership will be shocked at what is going to come out of this TWU comvention, wait and watch. They are getting desperate about losing the AA members to AMFA, the screwing will just continue untill they are finally removed.