Hard drive containing personal information on AMR retirees, employees stolen!

This must be the same database they used to inflate the eligible list of Mechanic and Related voters when the AMFA authorization cards were submitted to the NMB.
I'm not surprised by this in the least. We had something like this happen at JFK about 10 years ago. The old AA employee ID badges had your social security number on the front. In the early 90s AA switched to the new badge that doesn't have your social security number on it. The management that was handling the switch wouldn't let you keep the old badge and said they were all going to be destroyed....

About 7 or 8 years later I get a call from a bud of mine working in cabin service at hanger 10. He was busting my chops about how different I looked on my ID. At first I thought I had lost my current ID...after looking at my pouch I knew it wasn't my current one. I asked him what he was talking about and he said stop on by. I showed up and sure enough he had my ID that was suppose to have been destroyed. I asked him where he got it from and he said he found it in a sky chef beverage bin. I asked to see where it was being stored and sure enough...it was out in the open where anyone could grab them. Two guys that were on light duty were flicking them at each other like baseball cards. I asked my friend if he knew how long they were out like this and he said he didn't know. All he knew was they've been there since he transferred back to JFK from LGA like 3 years before. There was like 500 ID cards in that bin all with SS numbers on the cards.

I won't even get into the time management was dumping boxes of files with personal employee information into the old gate 5 dumpster without shredding them first.