Health Care

"At the moment," that is true! ------ But I hear there are rumors that the "big, bad, Republicans are working on an alternative, and they will have it ready just in time for the next, up and coming, Congressional elections.
That's funny. The same people who have been trying for decades to do away with Social Security and Medicare are going to come out with their own plan to lower our medical costs. Let me guess, they will ban lawsuits by injured people against drug companies, Hospitals and Insurance providers and the savings will "trickle down" to the Consumer? Reaganomics worked so well for the working class right? I'm willing to listen, but not continue to do nothing until they feel like telling us what their secret plan is. Obamacare has been delayed, twisted and tainted thanks to the Republicans for four years, why didn't they put something out four years ago instead of just being obstructionists? Here is another one: Medical Expenses
A study done at Harvard University indicates that this is the biggest cause of bankruptcy, representing 62% of all personal bankruptcies. One of the interesting caveats of this study shows that 78% of filers had some form of health insurance, thus bucking the myth that medical bills affect only the uninsured.

Rare or serious diseases or injuries can easily result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills - bills that can quickly wipe out savings and retirement accounts, college education funds and home equity. Once these have been exhausted, bankruptcy may be the only shelter left, regardless of whether the patient or his or her family was able to apply health coverage to a portion of the bill or not.
Thomas Payne,------- hell, all you're doing is arguing the need for health care reform! O.K.------ Health care reform is needed!---- Just not one that " you have to pass, to see what's in it"!!!! And one you are forced to purchase! One that will double your premiums! One that will cut coverage for spouses! Kill jobs! Cuts hours for those lucky enough to have a job! Ration out care! ------- Other than that, Obamacare is great! Or have I missed something?
The republicans the group that voted against the New GI Bill, voting against veterans, considered their base, and now they're coming up with a health care plan. Maybe if they worked on the affordable health care act, they could have made it better, instead of screaming "death panels" they could have legislated.

The fact is Obamacare is law, they could work with dems and make it better for the USA, but that would make Obama look good. The reps would rather ruin the USA then give Obama a good law. Kind of like the republicans of the 30s fighting against social security or Reagan did in the 60s saying the danger of Medicare. Once again the republicans are on the wrong side of history.

The 2012 election happened after Obamacare was made a law. That says a majority of Americans approve of it.
The 2012 election happened after Obamacare was made a law. That says a majority of Americans approve of it.
that is incorrect.
Multiple polls leading up to the 2012 elections showed that the majority of Americans did not approve of Obamacare.
It just didn't become the sole focus of the election but it was not like by a majority then and its popularity has declined since. Those are simply facts based on published polls.

There is no easy way to take a high quality, private pay system that the US has had for most health care and convert it to a system with much greater government control in a country where independence is part of a market of the American psyche. The US government also takes up a smaller portion of the GDP than most other large industrialized nations which makes it very hard to add a program of the magnitude of Obamacare. Add in that any program that reduces benefits for the majority of people while benefiting a minority are never going to be popular in a democracy and there is no easy fix for the US' health care system.

I have no idea how it will all turn out and I am not at all saying change shouldn't be attempted but it is also possible that Obamacare could be swept into history as a failed experiment which the majority of American people simply won't support.

Who knows....
that is incorrect.
Multiple polls leading up to the 2012 elections showed that the majority of Americans did not approve of Obamacare.
It just didn't become the sole focus of the election but it was not like by a majority then and its popularity has declined since. Those are simply facts based on published polls.

There is no easy way to take a high quality, private pay system that the US has had for most health care and convert it to a system with much greater government control in a country where independence is part of a market of the American psyche. The US government also takes up a smaller portion of the GDP than most other large industrialized nations which makes it very hard to add a program of the magnitude of Obamacare. Add in that any program that reduces benefits for the majority of people while benefiting a minority are never going to be popular in a democracy and there is no easy fix for the US' health care system.

I have no idea how it will all turn out and I am not at all saying change shouldn't be attempted but it is also possible that Obamacare could be swept into history as a failed experiment which the majority of American people simply won't support.

Who knows....
So I guess polls where people may feel like they are being put on the spot should carry more weight than actual secret ballots cast? We should trust the Insurance companies who hire people to create polls designed to come out with the answer they want more than the local BOARD OF ELECTIONS?
Like I said, don't like what Obamacare was forced to become in order to get it through Congress(who all enjoy Socialized medicine) but we needed to move off the status quo.
Actually, it depends on how the question is phrased. Asking "do you approve of Obamacare?" will almost assuredly garner a different result than "would you prefer a public option/single payer system?"
There have been multiple polls over a period of many years about Obamacare and the popularity of the program has never been by a consistent majority.

I'm not making a statement one way or the other about the program; I am simply saying it wasn't approved by a majority of Americans during 2012 prior to the elections. Just because Obama is in the president doesn't mean the American people approve of the program any more than that there were unpopular programs under multiple 2 term presidents that weren't killed despite being unpopular.

Here is a summary of multiple polls during 2012

Given that multiple pollsters asked the question and got fairly consistent results, it would appear that methodology is not what people object to.

Here is a chart on the declining popularity of Obamacare.

Obamacare is not popular because the majority of Americans will pay more to get less or poorer health care. That is why it is unpopular.

Whether that is what it should be or not is not the point I am making.

The majority of people that will lose benefits or pay more for them include American Airlines employees. There needs to be a clear understanding of what increases are market and macroeconomic driven and what increases are driven by AA's labor renegotiation process.
Obamacare is getting less popular mainly because more people are starting to realize what it means.

I'd bet half the supporters of it from two years ago had no idea what it was. But it had Obama's name, therefore must be good.
Obamacare is getting less popular mainly because more people are starting to realize what it means.

I'd bet half the supporters of it from two years ago had no idea what it was. But it had Obama's name, therefore must be good.
eoleson------ Thinking about selling your home? You'll be in for a surprise when you go to close and find a 3.7% Obamacare tax added to the bottom line! But I still haven't figured out if that will be charged to the buyer, or seller? ------ But it's in there! Just another way to tax the rich! And stimulate the real estate market! ----- Just what we need right now!!!-------- Right!??? But than again, from what I hear, the real estate market in Washington D.C is, and all along, has been, booming!!! No shortage of cash there! That's because the main Industry there is what Obama's trying to grow! Big Government!!!
3.1M young adults insured, but >10M young adults under-employed as a result....

Went to the mall Sunday. Most shops used to open at 1000, but now open at noon, because they've cut back on part-timers hours. Some are now closing on Sundays.

Yep, it's good we have health care for the extra 5% who gained access, but it is clearly coming at the expense of employment.

Ask people if they'd rather have an income, or access to insurance... I already know the answer to that one.

A little bit of info is dangerous, here is some info from the lame stream media for MCI. This is a good topic lets try and have honest discussion instead of Rush Lindbaugh talking points.

A little bit of info is dangerous, here is some info from the lame stream media for MCI. This is a good topic lets try and have honest discussion instead of Rush Lindbaugh talking points.
Well, that's all good information. When your wrong, your wrong!----- And if stated, I'm wrong! This would only apply if you worked a lot of O.T., and your wife made more than you! I don't know about the O.T. But in today's economy, the second is becoming more common place!----- Something to think about!------ " Democracy is two wolfs and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."------ Benjamin Franklin
I agree that Ocare isn't that great, when the single payer option was taken out of the bill, (Boehner made a lot of money, he conveniently bought stock in insurance company's right before it was announced) that is what made it a weak health care solution. I'm in favor of single payer or medicare for all, which I think would save medicare. More people paying into a system rather then just older/retired people.

Think what a single payer system would do for the job market, how many employees are staying at AA for health ins ? How many people would start their own business or work full time at their own business, I know a lot guys with side business's who stay at AA for the insurance. I know it's not perfect but the socialized health coverage I had in the military was pretty awesome. Of course I believe in tort reform as well. Doctors should be exports in their field not their field and insurance coverage.