Is PHL Inflight Management out of their minds?


Nov 16, 2005
I stopped into the crew service center over the weekend and ran into two supervisors there who asked me how things were. I said to them, do you really have to ask? They said why what is wrong? I turned the question back on them and asked them how they thought things were going and they started on how many exciting things where going on in the company. Can you believe this? The management staff in PHL Inflight is so out of touch with reality that is is mind boggling. Stop drinking the kool aid people, get out from behind your desks, see what is really going on and try to help fix it.
I stopped into the crew service center over the weekend and ran into two supervisors there who asked me how things were. I said to them, do you really have to ask? They said why what is wrong? I turned the question back on them and asked them how they thought things were going and they started on how many exciting things where going on in the company. Can you believe this? The management staff in PHL Inflight is so out of touch with reality that is is mind boggling. Stop drinking the kool aid people, get out from behind your desks, see what is really going on and try to help fix it.

The company has inserted Borg implants in their brains which repeat Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry, Be Happy" 24/7.
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The company has inserted Borg implants in their brains which repeat Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry, Be Happy" 24/7.
It was unbelievable. I have never seen anything like it. They have NO CLUE to what is going on. They have a bunch of people there that have no ability to think for themselves.
I stopped into the crew service center over the weekend and ran into two supervisors there who asked me how things were. I said to them, do you really have to ask? They said why what is wrong? I turned the question back on them and asked them how they thought things were going and they started on how many exciting things where going on in the company. Can you believe this? The management staff in PHL Inflight is so out of touch with reality that is is mind boggling. Stop drinking the kool aid people, get out from behind your desks, see what is really going on and try to help fix it.
Hey, that sounds like our local AFA office here in CLT. "Hey, it can't be that bad" or " Well, your not flying those hours". So out of touch, it's pathetic. They seem to finally hear you, but again, our election is this month. There should be a limit on how many consecutive terms an officer can hold office. That way, they would have to come out here, on-line, and see how bad it is and how low moral is , at least among RSV's.
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I guess all of this will be a moot point in six months when all of us our of jobs because the managment of this company has run us into the ground.
Who is left form the old PHL Inflight? :ph34r: Exactly, one person that gives a crap and she is overworked and underpaid. All the good supervisors were forced out with low pay and too much BS. Sherry did a great job of building a winning team in PHL...for her. All her YES MEN/WOMAN put in place.

Is PHL Inlfiht Management Out of Thier Minds? YES
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Who is left form the old PHL Inflight? :ph34r: Exactly, one person that gives a crap and she is overworked and underpaid. All the good supervisors were forced out with low pay and too much BS. Sherry did a great job of building a winning team in PHL...for her. All her YES MEN/WOMAN put in place.

Is PHL Inlfiht Management Out of Thier Minds? YES

And who would that one person be? In all honesty, there was never anyone up there that knew what they were doing or who could make a decision on their own.
And who would that one person be? In all honesty, there was never anyone up there that knew what they were doing or who could make a decision on their own.
I disagree. There was, and still are, some very fair, helpful supervisors in PHL Inflight.

That said, you know my feelings on the VP of Inflight. Still no correspondence from her in 2007.........
Sherry did a great job of building a winning team in PHL...for her. All her YES MEN/WOMAN put in place.

There are some good people in PHL InFlight, and frankly they are stunned at the "rah-rah fluff" that passes for InFlight MGT. Also, many "action items" at the behest of F/As, that used to be taken care of in a day by SPVs, are now taking days or weeks to resolve because of the lack of a unified command structure in Tempe.

I've also heard through the PHL InFlight grapevine that at least 1 or 2 well-qualified, experienced applicants were deliberately passed over because they were not "the right fit." That tells me that Ms. Shamblin & Co. do not want people who will ruffle feathers and/or point out their weaknesses.
Like I said, there are a few great people in inflight. We know who they are and they now how bad things are! They can't do anything since Tempe controls everyting. I know a few over qualified people that were skiped looked for even a first interview. People, it's all about drinking the coolaid not assisting the F/A group.
Like I said, there are a few great people in inflight. We know who they are and they now how bad things are! They can't do anything since Tempe controls everyting. I know a few over qualified people that were skiped looked for even a first interview. People, it's all about drinking the coolaid not assisting the F/A group.
Really? And here I thought that the VP of Inflight truly had the interests of the flight attendants at heart. Shocking..... :lol: ;)
I know a few in inflight personally and they are truly incredible people. Now, even if you had a supervisor picked that wanted to ruffle some feathers what could they really do? A supervisor in inflight ruffling feathers? They have NOOOOO power whatsoever. They chose not to fly and serve as a supervisor to be grounded and a bit more stable. They obviously KNOW they are gonna lose seniority and flying altogether eventually. The ones that left didn't wanna give that up. The people in inflight are doing a job just like everyone else. There IS that balance of pleasing your boss and being cool with your "fellow" flight attendants. You have to know how to juggle both. It is quite evident though that some have no clue as to how bad it really is. The ones you see taking notes from you and walking around with a clipboard are doing so because they were most likely told to do so. I think that when the majority of inflight supervisors are down in the new crew room in PHL they will see or at least be FORCED to deal with the day to day problems that are not so common upstairs.
Lets just face it, that job is thankless at times and hard.Who wants to be the compliance patrol? They had super people that made about 55k a year? Now they replace them with 30K a year people with NO clue on what planet they are on. Why do they care about your issues in life when whey have thier own at 30K a year? We make more than they do! :unsure: Get what you pay for right? ;)