Mechanic and Related Negotiations Update

Why dosn't the IAM turn to the press like the pilots are doing, we keep getting slapped in the fase and nothing happens the sups are walking techs out in phx for doing thier jobs and where is the IAM? the west side techs are the only group not getting any type of profit sharing where is the IAM the company is putting it all on the IAM. the people on the out side need to know its all not roses inside like the company keeps telling the press. its time to get off thier asses and start doing something about it.
Why dosn't the IAM turn to the press like the pilots are doing, we keep getting slapped in the fase and nothing happens the sups are walking techs out in phx for doing thier jobs and where is the IAM? the west side techs are the only group not getting any type of profit sharing where is the IAM the company is putting it all on the IAM. the people on the out side need to know its all not roses inside like the company keeps telling the press. its time to get off thier asses and start doing something about it.

I heard a rumor that one PHX Tech was suspended for two weeks with pay becasue he wrote to many non-routines on RON aircraft. The guy is just doing his job, and he gets suspended for it? I don't understand this.

It seems that every IAM update does not provide any details on the issues. Just curious what the issues are between the union and the company.
If the above is true I sure would like to see the FAA get hold of the information. There are ways to get information into the hands of people who can do damage, like the FAA and not expose yourself.

Many, Many ways to fight back. Just need to be creative
At least 37 calls were made to the FAA hotline. Feds were in the building the next day. The techs are back. 15 acft out of service this morning. Now my question is this.....what is happening on the east side? Where is Frank S. when all this was happening to our tech?
If the above is true I sure would like to see the FAA get hold of the information. There are ways to get information into the hands of people who can do damage, like the FAA and not expose yourself.

Many, Many ways to fight back. Just need to be creative

Being creative is what got this guy walked out.. Managment knew he would be back but saw an opportunity to get one "bad apple" ( two techs were walked ) out of the picture for a few weeks and add fear and intimadation factor to the allready crappy work environment.

Something has to be done, and some is allready being done. Though 320 and like have it right.. The IAM needs to take some action public if for nothing else to show us they are not the companies lapdog they appear to be..
Heres a media statment " After years of fruitless negotiations between the IAM mechanics and the company, US Airways managment has resorted to threats of termination and in one instance walked two tech's to the street for documenting damage to one of the aircrafts primary flight controls. All in an effort to stall and control negotiations in there favor. Federal athorities are investigating the incident"

Stay together.. East and West .. Screw the profit sharing..
Get over it and work together to let the company know they cant play us ( Im westside BTW ) . OTS aircraft are safe aircraft.. Overtime is when you need to work the safest because you may be tired from all the work and need to stay sharp..
I heard a rumor that one PHX Tech was suspended for two weeks with pay becasue he wrote to many non-routines on RON aircraft. The guy is just doing his job, and he gets suspended for it? I don't understand this.
From what I heard: First, management does not like anything that keeps an aircraft on the ground when it is scheduled to fly. Guess what? Neither do the Techs, however when a condition is found that puts the aircraft off the schedule, the Techs have the responsibility (legal) to document said condition. The manager involved "homes in" on the maintenance program scope of the work and the task card scope being used and not the "scope" of the Tech's duty to his certificate. Apples and Oranges. The task card may not specifically put you in an area, but if you have knowledged of previous damage being found you are within the "scope" of your certificate to investigate for that condition and document said damage if found.

The Techs were not back on Friday night. If they are back now, glad to hear it.

Another key phrase managers like to use is: "Late Find"
A FAA type said: "If the NSTB isn't investigating, it's not a late find."

Being creative is what got this guy walked out..

"Being creative is NOT what got this guy walked out!" He was doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing; documenting his work and findings.

A bad management decision is what got him walked out.
The Management @ US AIRWAYS WEST(Rick Oehme) & Frank From the IAM, Will Be Meeting with Tech's & Related, Each Meeting Will Have 20 People small meeting's. Starting with Grave-Yard's,Interesting.They Are Haveing meetings so they Can Talk about What is Going on? To Hear from the Tech's & Related.
If Anyone else has anymore info,Please Post what your Hearing. :)
The Management @ US AIRWAYS WEST(Rick Oehme) & Frank From the IAM, Will Be Meeting with Tech's & Related, Each Meeting Will Have 20 People small meeting's. Starting with Grave-Yard's,Interesting.They Are Haveing meetings so they Can Talk about What is Going on? To Hear from the Tech's & Related.
If Anyone else has anymore info,Please Post what your Hearing. :)
Rumor only.. West is getting profit sharing.. White shirts are complaining to upper managment about moral and the raw deal that west techs are being singled out..
The Management @ US AIRWAYS WEST(Rick Oehme) & Frank From the IAM, Will Be Meeting with Tech's & Related, Each Meeting Will Have 20 People small meeting's. Starting with Grave-Yard's,Interesting.They Are Haveing meetings so they Can Talk about What is Going on? To Hear from the Tech's & Related.
If Anyone else has anymore info,Please Post what your Hearing. :)
If IAM is on top of this, it will be the first thing they have been on top of since the NMB appointing them into power. I haven't seen anything to be impressed about.

The meeting conversation will go something like this: Rick will state that they are not trying to intimidate any of the techs; we want them to document their discrepancies. We would never try to make them feel that there would be repercussions, yada, yada, yada. And by the way I have my A&P certificate so I know how you feel. Rick has been so far removed from actual maintenance, he has forgotten where he came from and his certificate is probably not up to date because he has no documented maintenance activity in years. IAM's Frank will say we are concerned and looking after your best interest, we are here for you and more yada, yada, yada and no action.

Show the techs the company means what they say and fire the manager that started this fiasco in the first place. Oh, sorry they can't do that, fire him that is; it is not part of the company’s downward mobility system for management that has been in place for years. They just demote the individual back to a supervisory position at the same pay of course.

The meetings will be to calm the waters until the next time, and there will be a next time. Let the knuckle draggers vent their anger and do nothing. The holidays are over and they really appreciate that the planes got off on time in the mornings, now there is no reason to play nice and it is CYA time again.

The company is not interested in negotiating the transition agreement or anything else. They are going to slow leak the process for as many years as it takes and the IAM will continue to collect dues with little or no action on their part.

Let’s see, no pay raise in over 4 years. Do you think there could be a morale issue here?

I don’t care about the profit sharing issue, it wasn’t part of our (WEST) contract and I don’t care about DP’s bonus past or future.

Just take care of the people that you are supposed to be taking care of in the first place.
Just take care of the people that you are supposed to be taking care of in the first place

Good post...People say, you shouldn't be bitter but for gods sake when is enough..enough...??

Mgt. has the IAM in their back pocket and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. Oh, Dougie is gonna use that 10 billion on something else....maybe a big boat trip with all the IAM reps...??



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anything that is not within limits has to be noted if mamagement wants to sign it off feel free my past experinces they buckle and dont if they would like a logbook sandwich for breakfast its ok by me I will not comprimse my standards I already ratted a ex foreman out
IT IS SAD To See 1096 Views on this Post & to Hear NOTHING from the TECH's & Related.Dont you all Care or Do The Intimidation Meetings Really Work? Let me Hear some from the East or Do YOU ALL REALLY CARE? I Guess The Profit Shareing Is Enough to Satisfy your Families Needs.
4 Years = %12,Minimum Pay Lost.
It is A Fair Asking Wage increase?
Transition Before The Snap Back so The WEST COULD BE INCLUDED.
Not Asking for the MOON. Just Fair Wage's.
:) :rolleyes:
Actually that so called profit sharing is nothing more than a drop in the bucket from what was taken from the "easties". Come up with a percentage of what this profit sharing check will equate to with regards to what has been taken away over the years!!!! My guess is it has not even kept up with c.o.l. expense.