Morale Booster- NOW!


Mar 30, 2003
Hello All, This is my first time posting - so please be kind. Ive been here (US) for 23 years and thought it was time to stop reading and join in. GLAD/ecstatic we are coming out of BK tomorrow. GOOD and yes possibly GREAT things can happen now. Lots of NAY sayers on here...bitter and angry...time for ALL os US to look forward with hope. But now its time for DAVE and his crystal city team to wake up and realize that hes GOT to get his workforce happy and behind him. Time for US to make bold moves, grow, expand and make ourselves a formidale competitor.. Balls in their court... JUST DO IT more whinning about costs and labor and work rules...BLAH BLAH BLAH... u extracted everything but blood from us-NOW DO IT RIGHT !!!!! We all need to be proud that we work for US> Keep our heads held high ..Thanks for listening
Actually NAP, that was pretty damn good. Welcome on the board....just don''t piss me
Maybe he will give us a few more first class upgrades......that will more tham offset the thousands of lost jobs, 6.6% pay reduction, week of lost vacation, increased medical costs, reduced vacation ratio and last(I doubt it) but not least the 5% war reduction. "Dave" has alot of hard work ahead of him to buid up morale at U.
Didn''t anyone notice, but me, that communication from this mangement team has all but ceased.

Siegel use to be an "e-mail junkie", and no matter what now, will not return your e-mail. Wonder if that''s deliberate, since he got his "plan" all in place, or coincidence? I guess that "down to earth kind-a-guy", has left earth and is now enjoying the sun, moon, and stars.

Nice post, welcome aboard.

I must confess however that I the most gullible and optimistic of U employees no longer feels any loyalty at all to this Mgt team.

They have shown they are NOT folks who keep their word and are NOT to be trusted. I know " time heals all" and I may once again pour all my energies into this career, but for the forseeable future it will be just a JOB!

Sorry but I will not forget.

Neither will I. Still holding my breath...waiting for the next shoe to drop.
On 3/30/2003 8:28:35 AM NAPAUS wrote:

Time for US to make bold moves, grow, expand and make ourselves a formidale competitor.. Balls in their court... JUST DO IT more whinning about costs and labor and work rules...BLAH BLAH BLAH... u extracted everything but blood from us-NOW DO IT RIGHT !!!!! We all need to be proud that we work for US> Keep our heads held high ..Thanks for listening

You''re kidding, right? When the dust settles and all airline employee groups are forced to give concessions, what has really changed (besides making much less money)? Everything will stay relatively the same and the cycle will start all over again. Equilibrium will be reached, and management/government will be happy, only when we are at minimum wage.
On 3/30/2003 12:03:58 PM PITbull wrote:


Neither will I.  Still holding my breath...waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Just when I thought they were running out of shoes to drop....I find out today that U has purchased the Imelda Marcos collection for future use on us....or maybe just some of us?

I was notified today that all COB''s pending...and projected have been cancelled until further notice.

This little bit of news has all but killed my chances of going back to my old job...and my previous station assignment. The worst part is there is an actual opening too.

The fact that COB''s are being put on hold for now...should send yet another alarm out to the current working force here. If they aren''t interested in filling current openings?.....when will they be interested in cutting from the already immasculated work force we have?

I for one do not believe for one second that we are going to reduce capacity at any figure....and retain our current ranks in kind. God knows I would love to think that we have seen the end of the slashing and trashing of our peoples lives here....but simply put , "The Bean Counter" mentality will win out over all in the end. To date nothing tangible exits to disprove my theory on this. Stick around and watch.