Just became a hotspot for labor relations. This airline is a joke. Instead of being rational, paying some raises and trying to make employees happy, which translates to a better bottom line, they make it a hobby to piss off as many travelers and workers as they can. Southwest must be laughing their heads off. Welcome to the new Eastern Air Lines.
PHL- home of the least respected CP's in the industry!!! PS Since Yarko's little white lie I think is is going to be taking over Hogg's job in Tempe, he sure has proven he's capable!! There is not one pilot in PHL that does not know why Pollock was put in the office, nothing more than to stick it to the pilot group.
With Bill the latest new ACP, that makes the last two ACPs former ALPA reps.

All we need now is Chris Beebe to come in to PHL. Tells you a lot about how they select CP s doesn t it? Has nothing to do with skill and aircraft knowledge, and all about politics and paybacks.
This just shows what ALPA officers really are, company yes men. Did you know Marshall what's his name--former CLT ALPA LEC---is the new assistant CP in CLT? This is unreal; no its not.
This just shows what ALPA officers really are, company yes men. Did you know Marshall what's his name--former CLT ALPA LEC---is the new assistant CP in CLT? This is unreal; no its not.

That's the other one I was talking about. Don't know if he is still there, he was supposed to be temporary until BN came back, and he came back last week. Of course with the workload, they may keep him on!
All we need now is Chris Beebe to come in to PHL. Tells you a lot about how they select CP s doesn t it? Has nothing to do with skill and aircraft knowledge, and all about politics and paybacks.

You people crack me up.

I do not know Pollack from Bebe from Yarko.

But here is a little food for thought. If Pollack was an ALPA rep at least you have someone who was a pilot advocate at one time.

Look at the bright side, they could have sent John Scherff over to serve the east troops, he already has all your addresses.

Now that would have been a classic.
If Pollack was an ALPA rep at least you have someone who was a pilot advocate at one time.

Look at the bright side, they could have sent John Scherff over to serve the east troops, he already has all your addresses.

As you said, you don't know.

Is Scherff allowed back at work yet?
Nice spin try but the pilots know who "gave it away" early in the morning.
Everyone was the right to be wrong, including you.

Why don't you ask the R&I guys what happened?

Enjoy your PBGC retirement check.

John Davis enjoys spending your real retirement money.
Nice spin try but the pilots know who "gave it away" early in the morning.

For once I am going to have to agree with Jake on this. The pension for all practical purposes was lost 7 months earlier. The MEC was warned by the negotiating committee and did not listen. The September before that vote, the company reported the pension underfunded to the point that ERISA kicked in...only two roads out of that. Fund it or terminate it. Three months later the ATSB said they would not give us the loan to exit bankuptcy with the pilot pension hanging over the company's head. The vote in question came 3 or 4 months after that... March or April I think.

Don't take my word for it, go talk to the players from that time. You will find this to be true. BTW, John Davis DID get his lump sum.

Driver B)

One other thing. If I am not mistaken, the CLT Captain rep at that time was none other than the PRESENT CLT BPR rep. He and Davis were thick as thieves. I am pretty sure I am right.
You people crack me up.

I do not know Pollack from Bebe from Yarko.

But here is a little food for thought. If Pollack was an ALPA rep at least you have someone who was a pilot advocate at one time.

Look at the bright side, they could have sent John Scherff over to serve the east troops, he already has all your addresses.

Now that would have been a classic.

Oh yes, a true advocate. Under him LOA 93, Pension loss, LTD military offset, all that hazy contractual language that keeps on giving. We love him. By the way, Scherff will be a welcome addition. He already has the addresses. Like it!