No. No. No. I just cant' bare it. I cannot accept it. There is simply just no way that ALPA leaders would point the finger of blame at us (shouting YOU ARE ALPA) and yet at the same time really be advocates of the company at heart. It just can't be. Alas Alack.

....But if Lance becomes Chief water boy and go-fur to the CLT office then maybe I'll be force to reconsider.
Don't forget Beebe' he lost his job at alpa national...we have to take care of him....we could give him a job called Sec. Treasurer of the chief pilot office petty cash fund. Maybe they will make a new position in CLT called the ASST. Chief Pilot of misinformation and give that job to Chip. Help me out if I have left anybody out I sure woudn't want to diss anybody.


Don't forget Beebe' he lost his job at alpa national...we have to take care of him....we could give him a job called Sec. Treasurer of the chief pilot office petty cash fund. Maybe they will make a new position in CLT called the ASST. Chief Pilot of misinformation and give that job to Chip. Help me out if I have left anybody out I sure woudn't want to diss anybody.



I applied for Director of Popcorn Operations. Didn't get it......... :(
Pilots pension was terminated what in 2003, it had nothing to do with the merger in 2005. The pensions that were terminated in 2005 were to further the merger.
I applied for Director of Popcorn Operations. Didn't get it......... :(
A scrawny, long-bearded mountain man with a foul mouth and a passing acquaintance with copper tubing and kettles, Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton seemed the embodiment of moonshiners of yore.
A scrawny, long-bearded mountain man with a foul mouth and a passing acquaintance with copper tubing and kettles, Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton seemed the embodiment of moonshiners of yore.

Hey, hey, hey........You are not supposed to ID anyone on here!
Nothing mentioned about Yarko, only Pollock coming in. Maybe Yarko goes in the next move. A friend who had a jumpseater recently from CLT to DEN said he was in the CLT CP office, and the company has supposedly filed to seperate the east and west into two separate certificates.

The way I heard it was that is a new Assit CP.


"Everyone was the right to be wrong, including you.

Why don't you ask the R&I guys what happened?"

We did, there were too busy calling LTD guys during the representational election..lying to them about losing their benefits if USAPA won. They fiddled on full flight pay loss all the while our pension was raided.

"Enjoy your PBGC retirement check."

Too young, but thanks.

"John Davis enjoys spending your real retirement money."

You are one of those guys that thinks cavemen were fighting dinosaurs. John was not here when Pollock sold us out. Where were you? You seem to have a disconnect on the timeline. It is not John Davis that is spending my real retirement money, it is every other non-airline guy and gal that were no way connected to US Airways..but just also happened to have a REALLY underfunded pension, even by PBGC standards. Thus a redistribution of wealth by the PBGC. And don't forget the 400M that bought E-170s, needed to save the airline..sold in the next round.

Let me guess… you don’t really need this job. Is that you?

You are one of those guys that thinks cavemen were fighting dinosaurs. John was not here when Pollock sold us out.

Ask the R&I guys why we don't have a pension if you want to know the truth.

John would not allow the pension to be frozen the first time we were advised to look at freezing the plan.

Enjoy your fantasy and your PBGC check.
Ask the R&I guys why we don't have a pension if you want to know the truth.

John would not allow the pension to be frozen the first time we were advised to look at freezing the plan.

Enjoy your fantasy and your PBGC check.

Traitor, like I said….the last idiots I would ask would be our ALPA pension committee..long on FPL and short on smarts.

There were calls for a B plan as early as 1985..maybe earlier..but to be clear none of us saw that whole “airplanes flying into buildings” thingy coming. If you were so smart, why did you never run for office to save us all?

John was indeed a great guy and true pilot advocate..warts and all. I am glad he got his full lump sum..I member helping guys his seniority with the pension ciphering on many a 757 transcon leg..figuring the more that went the more senior I became. I take credit for 5 guys retiring in a single month.

You continually tell everyone “you don’t need this job.” us you don't. Sad thing is the training department really knows why you only pull gear. Guess your portfolio also tells you why you are still here.

You don't appear to even have a dog in any just seem to hate all those you work with. Keep throwing the crap...I will keep knocking it down. I still cannot believe you came to the defense of Pollock by smearing John Davis. What a piece of work you are.
