No to the Alliance!

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Dec 3, 2005
No way no how will I ever accept this representational sham. When the NMB BUYS off this silly scheme the card drives should immediately comence. NO VOTE NO PEACE!!!

Will we ever get a voice on who represents us?
April 15, 2015

In an announcement that brings us one step closer to joint contract negotiations for more than 30,000 Mechanic and Related, Fleet Service and Stores employees at American Airlines, the National Mediation Board (NMB) today ruled that the carrier is operating as a single transportation system.

Today’s determination is a necessary precursor to certifying the TWU-IAM Association, an alliance formed by both unions after the merger of American Airlines and US Airways, as the collective bargaining representative for the above employees at the merged carrier.

Today’s ruling sets the stage for Association members to get to the table and do whatever it takes to get a labor agreement that recognizes the sacrifices our members and their families have made in order for American Airlines to become the largest and most profitable airline in the world.

30,000 TWU-IAM Association members determined to achieve the industry’s best contracts presents the most formidable labor alliance in the airline industry.

The TWU and IAM have been preparing for joint contract negotiations on the combined carrier, and contract surveys are already underway. Upon NMB certification, the Association will bring American Airlines to the bargaining table so the members the Association represents can achieve the contracts, pay and benefits that are long overdue.

Click here to read the NMB's determination.
The Association is the one who would be negotiating the JCBA, its totally relevant.
iluvaa said:
Can anyone explain what just happened in a nutshell
Unless an intervenor comes up with cards for 50% plus one for the mech and related group, the association gets the gig.

It's a long read. I read it, and I find it interesting that one of the board members couldn't sleep with themselves knowing how screwed the membership is now and that was a large part of the last few pages. In the end making light that the board is "ignoring precedent".

Which goes to what I said earlier , over and over, it's NEVER been done before.

The board member also said the same thing I memetioned earlier, it will be nearly impossible to get showing of interest going forward for such a large group.
How can a non-existing "ASSOCIATION" be crowned the representative?
No cards signed, no showing of interest, not even a certified organization.
Can you spell "Revolution"?
The AFL-CIO industrial union do NOT have enough political clout to protect the membership from outsourcing, workmans comp law changes, or even Right-to-Work Laws, but they damn sure have enough political clout to protect themselves from a membership vote to kick their asses to the curb...... WOW
But wait a minute, you kept saying you know what the representational manual says, and you said the association provided no showing of interest.
I kept telling you this situation wasnt in the representational manual, and you argued with me and NYer, forever over this.
The NMB provided the showing was made.
700UW said:
But wait a minute, you kept saying you know what the representational manual says, and you said the association provided no showing of interest.
I kept telling you this situation wasnt in the representational manual, and you argued with me and NYer, forever over this.
The NMB provided the showing was made.
The board member that dissented , said nearly the same thing I did word for word,
"Ignoring precedent", but you just keep glossing over the dissention part of the ruling because that ruins your warm fuzzies for the Ass.

Edit to add, I've read a good number of NMB decisions in the last few weeks, I've Never seen a dissention before, not saying there hasn't been, but obviously, this one smelled bad to at least one person on the board with a guilty connchiunce.
700UW said:
But wait a minute, you kept saying you know what the representational manual says, and you said the association provided no showing of interest.
I kept telling you this situation wasnt in the representational manual, and you argued with me and NYer, forever over this.
The NMB provided the showing was made.
Good for the NMB. But the dues paying member has not shown interest.
I was put in bad standing for three years for dual unionism for wearing an AMFA t-shirt, and now the TWU and IAM leadership is not only advocating dual unionism but filed an application with the NMB to request Dual Unionism. File charges and start the Kangaroo Courts ASAP.
CMH_GSE said:
The board member that dissented , said nearly the same thing I did word for word,
"Ignoring precedent", but you just keep glossing over the dissention part of the ruling because that ruins your warm fuzzies for the Ass.

Edit to add, I've read a good number of NMB decisions in the last few weeks, I've Never seen a dissention before, not saying there hasn't been, but obviously, this one smelled bad to at least one person on the board with a guilty connchiunce.
A dissension is a person's opinion, and it really doesnt matter, as it goes by majority rules, just like the supreme court.
TWU informer said:
Good for the NMB. But the dues paying member has not shown interest.
I was put in bad standing for three years for dual unionism for wearing an AMFA t-shirt, and now the TWU and IAM leadership is not only advocating dual unionism but filed an application with the NMB to request Dual Unionism. File charges and start the Kangaroo Courts ASAP.

Dual unionism is when you support another union for a raid.

There is an agreement between the IAM and the TWU, that is legal and binding, its not dual unionism.
The Socialist win again. No Democratic vote for who we want representing us. So I get to work along side a US Air mechanic with a full pension and mine is frozen. If we don't get a new pension on this joint contract both unions will be standing in the unemployment line.
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