NW Alpa and PHAA contracts and the judge


Oct 17, 2005
Wonder what's gonna happen next?

Check or check mate?
Depends on what side of the board you're sitting on.
Anyone care to guess?
NW management check? Unions Check?
NW management checkmate? Unions checkmate?

Should be an interesting few weeks.
As I dont work for NW i dont really hear too much but I keep checking this board for any news. I pray that NW management will learn how to run an airline over night and this situation will resolve itself with no loss of jobs or pay. My thoughts are with all NW employees as the outcome could affect so many. I would also like to see the scabs go away and real employees getting back to work. Please post if you hear anything.
I hope one or both ALPA/PFAA strike if their contracts are abrograted.

The questions on strike legality need to be put to the test. Consider what happens if ALPA or PFAA strike and their ability to do so is upheld. Airlines would then be forced to truly negotiate as they should with the unions. Companies would have to think twice before throwing out a CBA if they knew full well the employees could walk the same day.Conversly, if these groups are forbidden by law from striking even after having a contract thrown out, it makes carreer decisions alittle easier to make, insofar as skilled individuals might not linger at a carrier waiting to see what might happen.

I wish all involved the best of luck.
No decision will be likely be made by the judge before tomorrow, and it is quite possible that an extension will be agreed to by all parties.
Its already been made,the ruling will be enforced if the parties are unable to come to an agreement.

As much as it pains me to agree with avek, he's right this time.

The linked document is a proposed order filed with the court by NW's lawyers. IME, judges rarely write their own orders, prefering to make the attorneys write them. Most motions like this are accompanied by a proposed order - written by the moving party. Worded the way they want it worded.

The decision hasn't been rendered by the judge. He may sign this order and may not. He may do it tomorrow or he may delay (if the parties all agree to a delay).
As much as it pains me to agree with avek, he's right this time.

The linked document is a proposed order filed with the court by NW's lawyers. IME, judges rarely write their own orders, prefering to make the attorneys write them. Most motions like this are accompanied by a proposed order - written by the moving party. Worded the way they want it worded.

The decision hasn't been rendered by the judge. He may sign this order and may not. He may do it tomorrow or he may delay (if the parties all agree to a delay).

Indeed, it seems I spoke too soon.

Heres the Yahoo link:

Don't worry - if and when a ruling comes out, methinks we'll hear it loud and clear...
in an effort to support the employee cause, i purchased a ticket on nwa for travel to europe in early march. what is the collective thought: should i attempt to ammend my itinerary and change carriers?
the whole mechanical competency, i.e., scab, issue weighs heavily on my mind, but, at the end of the day (and very idealistically), we are all the same, despite the uniform we wear...
at this point, however, i just want to make it to my destination (prg, via dtw & ams)...any thoughts and/or suggestions?
my best to all of the outstanding nwa employees (less management, of course)!!!
I dont know about flying NW. As much as I support the employees I will not trvl or let any of my family trvl on NW. I dont trust scabs and feel until they get rid of them I will support the striking workers. JMO. If management sees more and more open seats they are more apt to change their ways. One could hope anyway. I will support any union group that has valid gripes and lousy managment.
in an effort to support the employee cause, i purchased a ticket on nwa for travel to europe in early march. what is the collective thought: should i attempt to ammend my itinerary and change carriers?
the whole mechanical competency, i.e., scab, issue weighs heavily on my mind, but, at the end of the day (and very idealistically), we are all the same, despite the uniform we wear...
at this point, however, i just want to make it to my destination (prg, via dtw & ams)...any thoughts and/or suggestions?
my best to all of the outstanding nwa employees (less management, of course)!!!

Excuse me????
how do you justify supporting the "employee cause" by purchasing a positive space ticket???
You have just paid money to cross a UNION strike-line, with a portion of that money going to PAY for the replacement mechanics.
You are also "paying" for the opportunity to fly on an aircraft that may or may NOT have had the proper maintainance done on it (putting you and your family at high risk). Yes, YOU have just bought yourself the opportunity to become a "lawn dart"......
Also a portion of that purchase price went to the very management that created the situation that NWA is in.

So as the saying goes..... "you pay your money...you take your chances...."

My advice???? Get a fefund on that ticket... and purchase passage on an air carrier that is NOT utilizing "STRIKE BREAKERS" to maintain their aircraft.... An air carrier that you can not need to worry about if it will still be flying on all portions of your trip..... So that when you arrive at the gate??? you won't face the possibility of finding a sign that reads..... "FLIGHT CANCELLED" "Airline has ceased operations"
Just some thoughts to keep in mind..............