Official Delta AFA flight attendant group!

Official Delta AFA flight attendant group.

Visit, view the videos, upload pictures, share your thoughts. All airline crew members are welcome.

Also, Delta ALPA supports flight attendants right to organize and that you can be pro-union and pro-Delta.

Visit periodically for updates!
i have a question about this support that is claimed in this post. It appears to be a proposal and not passed by vote. Also this is a LEC ( local) and not MEC (master) and it is in Detroit (former NWA) council. DAL alpa has always supported the Flt Attendants rights to organize however never endorsed or lobbied for it other then lip service. I see nothing that would change that stance. In other words they will stay out of it and let them decide. Your post appears to suggest otherwise.
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At the bottomw it mentions that the MEC supports this as well. It is a resolution, yes.

It states...

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the DAL MEC fully supports the DAL Flight Attendants in their right to organize and select representation of their own choosing.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED the DAL MEC is committed to the ideals that Delta Air Lines employees can be both pro-union and pro-Delta.

The DAL MEC is the Master executive council...
At the bottomw it mentions that the MEC supports this as well. It is a resolution, yes.

It states...

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the DAL MEC fully supports the DAL Flight Attendants in their right to organize and select representation of their own choosing.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED the DAL MEC is committed to the ideals that Delta Air Lines employees can be both pro-union and pro-Delta.

The DAL MEC is the Master executive council...
So you agree with my post or did I miss something ?

Wow, over 600 people have joined in the past 10 days!!
Good going!

I noticed the NOWayAFA group has quieted down quite a bit especially after several accusations of censoring and deletions of pro-contract voices. This, combined with a few of their prominent anti-union posters having been caught editing their posts and later denying the edits (I saw one myself. Kinda freaky.) has probably caused a shift in activity to the new World Class site.
And ther real "elephant in the room" is Mr.G.P.'s (don't want to put his full name out here since I don't know him) jumpseating case. This has caused many f/a's to sit up and take notice as so many can relate to it. I mean,just to imagine being terminated because someone stowawayed on a flight you weren't even working!! The NoWay site deleted all references to Mr.P's case.
But anyway, this is good for the NOWayAFA they can have their rah-rah site where no one comes to question anything.
Wow, over 600 people have joined in the past 10 days!!
Good going!
it appears a lot of them are from the other site on FB!

This, combined with a few of their prominent anti-union posters having been caught editing their posts and later denying the edits (I saw one myself. Kinda freaky.) has probably caused a shift in activity to the new World Class site.
the longer the process is dragged out, more of those 'sites' are probably going to pop up and cause more division..

people surely must have their minds made up by this point..

instead of focusing coming together as a group.. it appears the opposite is happening with some debating pros/cons of representation..

its been time to have an election...
it appears a lot of them are from the other site on FB!

the longer the process is dragged out, more of those 'sites' are probably going to pop up and cause more division..

people surely must have their minds made up by this point..

instead of focusing coming together as a group.. it appears the opposite is happening with some debating pros/cons of representation..

its been time to have an election...

Yeah, we've discussed the election timing ad nauseum on this forum before. The bottom line is AFA isn't going to file until Puchala is confirmed for the NMB. We can type, flap our gums, pontificate all we want about what that will mean but it is what it is.
I agree, at least on the Delta side, that everyone's mind is made up. I only know of one former union supporter who is switching sides and not voting, not because he doesn't believe in a contract, but because he doesn't think AFA is doing a good job of promoting their cause and doesn't have enough backbone. (Of course he doesn't volunteer nor does he appear to read his afa emails or keep up with what's going on--so there ya go.)
Is everyone's mind really made up on the NW side? I mean, we just went through this a year ago. It's almost "tired" to us. But for give up a CBA after ALL THOSE YEARS?? That's a major decision to make.
Yeah, we've discussed the election timing ad nauseum on this forum before. The bottom line is AFA isn't going to file until Puchala is confirmed for the NMB. We can type, flap our gums, pontificate all we want about what that will mean but it is what it is.

and what it a mistake..because what appears is starting to happen (while doing a surfing/reading of various sites is simply.. debates are turning into bickering which in turn is starting to divide the group..

I agree, at least on the Delta side, that everyone's mind is made up.

if people do not have their minds made up at this point, they never will..

I only know of one former union supporter who is switching sides and not voting, not because he doesn't believe in a contract, but because he doesn't think AFA is doing a good job of promoting their cause and doesn't have enough backbone. (Of course he doesn't volunteer nor does he appear to read his afa emails or keep up with what's going on--so there ya go.)
but that vote or (non-vote) matters..

Is everyone's mind really made up on the NW side? I mean, we just went through this a year ago. It's almost "tired" to us. But for give up a CBA after ALL THOSE YEARS?? That's a major decision to make.
I think people in general are getting tired of the delays..(especially since a part of our training begins in June, the election should have been completed prior to the commencement of training, IMO)
I recently has a AFA person on my flight. She was taking a voluntary survey (scale of 1-4) on
whether we wanted a Union. 3 stated 1 (not interested) 2 stated 4 and two of us stated 2 lol...
Anyway she commented that they are looking at the END of Summer vote and a Fall result. Also
acknowledge that they are toning down the over zealous afa f/a's and also realize f/a's are
not happy with the delay. It was a very respectful discussion.

btw. how do you find the myface board and do you have to sign up?