
Don't worry Busdrvr, since a majority of people in this country think like you, this festering, malignant, greed based, corrupt, HMO/Insurance scam called health care will be around for a loooooooooong time.
Busdrvr said:
First, you're doing a lot of ASSuming. Have you ever thought that I don't give a d@mn about flying planes? Do you think that that is possibly the point? If one thing ain't working as planned (flying planes), you pick yourself up, quit your frickin crying and you MOVE ON.

Second, sorry, no, you are NOT entitled or "deserve" the same care as Bill Gates. If Bill gates gets a tummy ache, he can afford to have a full staff attend to his every need and fix him the perfect foods to make it all better. If Bill doesn't like his nose, he can get the best to fix it. If he wants to drop the glasses, he can get the best lasic. If he has some rare disease, he can poor literally billions into the production of a special drug to make him (and only him) well, even if the drug would otherwise not have been made. you may think you deserve a certain minimum level of care, but you do not deserve the fruits of someone elses hard work, when you were too lazy yourself, just because you're a 'human being". Social responsibility would mean you get off your @ss and quit being a burden on the rest of us, thank you very much. Do you think there are ill people who struggle to make ends meet in the socialist countries?
What an assinine post. Were not talking about Bill Gates' tummy aches, nose jobs, or lasik. when the average person has a "tummy ache" they first try over the counter stuff (peptol bismol) .If it gets worse, they go to the doctor. If the doctor determines it is some thing serious like gall stones, pancreaitis, internal bleeding, or a cancerous tumor they are sent to the hospital ( if they don't die from it rupturing first)to have it taken care of. And in this instance, they are entitled to care to relieve the problem and suffering because they are human. I know a guy who makes little money and has a severly deformed nose and I mean severe. He can not afford plastic surgery and does NOT expect anyone else to pay for it. He lives with his condition. But according to you if he has a heart attack, he is not entitled to care because he is poor.What a self-centered person you are. What you are saying is that just because someone is a janitor, a waitress, or a garbage man instead of the head of microsoft that they are lazy and are living off someone elses hard work. These people DO work; it is just that their jobs are at the lower end of the job chain. But of course capitalism would not be capitalism if there was no one at the bottom that you could pompously look down on.Well all working people pay taxes and how much tax money has been poured into government funded reasearch ? The knowledge gained from the taxpayer supported research SHOULD be owned by the TAXPAYERS' it is called intellectual property rights. The taxpayers paid for the research therefore any discoveries should become the property of the taxpayers. But somehow some medical/drug company gets a hold on this(without paying for it) and makes billions of it. So Busdrvr, all the "little people" DO PAY for it and are ENTITLED to it. And what about all the charitable donations (from ordinary people all over) that go towards research for things like luekemia. These "charity" funds go towards research and development to find a cure. But once a cure is found the drug company will claim patent rights on the drug when it in reality it belongs to those who funded it (the donors). In essence the companies are getting free money to fund their research which will net them billions.
You do realize that you're talking to a narrow-minded brick wall who has already made up his mind and is not interested in hearing points of view that don't mesh precisely with his.

Plus, as to poor people and their little problems, "Out of sight, out of mind; they should have studied harder in school; not my problem," as far as he is concerned.
Bear96 said:
You do realize that you're talking to a narrow-minded brick wall who has already made up his mind and is not interested in hearing points of view that don't mesh precisely with his.

Plus, as to poor people and their little problems, "Out of sight, out of mind; they should have studied harder in school; not my problem," as far as he is concerned.
You are correct.
"It pains me to agree to some point with you.....

Legal immigration: good
Illegal immigration: Bad

(especially when you live far enough from the border that you can't enjoy the cheap labor....)" Coming to a town NEAR you... U.S. government sponsered illegal ALIANS...10 to 15 MILLION of'em. Has the populace of this great nation become THIS damn zombie like. What has to happen BEFORE we wake up to the destruction of our own nation from allowing this kind of overwhelming invasion. I really don't care WHERE they are from...illegal is ILLEGAL...PERIOD! Guess the bacon in Washington is ok with it cause it "helps" companies with jobs "Americans" don't want. That's my fav. = jobs Americans WON'T do for SLAVE wages to fatten corporate pig's bank accounts. :rant:
Busdrvr said:
First, you're doing a lot of ASSuming. Have you ever thought that I don't give a d@mn about flying planes? Do you think that that is possibly the point? If one thing ain't working as planned (flying planes), you pick yourself up, quit your frickin crying and you MOVE ON.

Second, sorry, no, you are NOT entitled or "deserve" the same care as Bill Gates. If Bill gates gets a tummy ache, he can afford to have a full staff attend to his every need and fix him the perfect foods to make it all better. If Bill doesn't like his nose, he can get the best to fix it. If he wants to drop the glasses, he can get the best lasic. If he has some rare disease, he can poor literally billions into the production of a special drug to make him (and only him) well, even if the drug would otherwise not have been made. you may think you deserve a certain minimum level of care, but you do not deserve the fruits of someone elses hard work, when you were too lazy yourself, just because you're a 'human being". Social responsibility would mean you get off your @ss and quit being a burden on the rest of us, thank you very much. Do you think there are ill people who struggle to make ends meet in the socialist countries?

Who's talking about nose jobs? Who's talking about socialist countries? I'm just glad Bill Gates doesn't share your mentality when it comes to the underprivileged.
Bear96 said:
You do realize that you're talking to a narrow-minded brick wall who has already made up his mind and is not interested in hearing points of view that don't mesh precisely with his.

Plus, as to poor people and their little problems, "Out of sight, out of mind; they should have studied harder in school; not my problem," as far as he is concerned.

Right.... I point out the facts about "wonderful' socialized medicine, and I'm the "Brick wall". but yes, they really should have studied harder in school.
1. The example I used was based on my mother's hourly wage. But she only gets 38 hours a week. She has been at this company for 10 years so she has not always made $10 an hour. There are people there with 5 years so they are making about $7.50 an hour. I used a real world situation.

First, where's your Dad, and second, why aren't YOU taking responsibility for your own family? Does she get medicare yet?

2. No one has a "right" to own a car but how would my mother get to work? We have no mass transit (thanks to people who think like you) that could get my mother to work. You right wing jerks are all the same.

Why does she live there? In the U.S. you are allowed to move you know. You left wing brain stems are all the same, instead of defending your position with FACTS, you resort to name calling.

3. Regarding kid or kids. I do believe in responsibility. It does not necessarily mean that a woman just sleeps around and has kids out of wedlock. Men die as husbands leaving people called widows. Bush with his Iraq war has made a lot of these. Because of your arrogant pompous nature, you assume EVERY single mother is one that just slept around and got pregnant. By the way, how may pilots screw around while on a trip?

Husbands who die should have the responsibility to have insurance. As to Iraq, As a minimum, the soldiers family gets:
$250K in life insurance,
a monthly income equal to approx 21K a year for two years (wife and two children), then approx 18K per year until kids are 18 and spouse remarried.
3 years of full medial coverage for the family followed by "retiree" medical
Education benefits equal to approx 100K
SS benefits
approx 20K in cash
lifetime of additional income equal to what the soldier would have recieved had he been medically retired on the date of his death.

So again, the families are well taken care of and have health insurance. If you spent half as much time researching as you do trying to impress us with your insults, you wouldn't look nearly so foolish

As to pilots sleeping around, Not this pilot, and for the others, only when they layover in (insert your mom's city here). See I can throw around insults also :rolleyes:

4.Yes, what happened to my brother happened almost 2 decades ago. But also people ARE BORN with health problems. Health insurance companies cherry pick. They only want to insure people who will not cost them anything (healthy people) they will not write a policy for someone who has had health problems since birth (preexisitng conditions) because they know they will loose money from the start.

and now they can get coverage at birth and keep it for life. Do a little research for once. Additionally, the state and SS will often "pitch in"

5.Well, look at Texas when Bush was governor and you will see his plans for the nation. In Texas he was pushing for a law where people can't sue for damages so a "dream team" ambulance chaser would be irrelevant.

no, what they want to do is prevent 'venue shopping'. what they want to do is prevent jackpot justice. If you are injured, you should get ALL your damages. You should NOT get "punative" damages. Lawyers should pay if a case is completely without merit. compare that to "justice" in your dream country Canada. What can you sue the healthcare system for there?

Don't worry Busdrvr, since a majority of people in this country think like you, this festering, malignant, greed based, corrupt, HMO/Insurance scam called health care will be around for a loooooooooong time.

Tell you what, this is the United States. If the industry is so full of greed, you can make MILLIONS by simply starting a "more ethical" insurance company. Small businesses will line up to pay you. Family's, sick of getting screwed by "the man' will line up to pay you.

In truth, you are FOS. You haven't a clue. You'd be out of business in a day.

Well all working people pay taxes and how much tax money has been poured into government funded reasearch ? The knowledge gained from the taxpayer supported research SHOULD be owned by the TAXPAYERS' it is called intellectual property rights. The taxpayers paid for the research therefore any discoveries should become the property of the taxpayers.

I agree. You got any SPECIFIC examples? Additionally, if I cure cancer with MY research, and MY money, who owns that intellectual property? for how long?

What you are saying is that just because someone is a janitor, a waitress, or a garbage man instead of the head of microsoft that they are lazy and are living off someone elses hard work. These people DO work; it is just that their jobs are at the lower end of the job chain.

No, I'm saying they don't get to live in Bill Gates house, Drive his cars, eat his food, fly on his jet, OR get the same level of healthcare.

But according to you if he has a heart attack, he is not entitled to care because he is poor.

Not true, he's not entitled to the same care as someone who pays MORE is getting.

What a self-centered person you are.

Right...., you think that just because on one night of hillbilly passion between two cousins, you were conceived and now that you survived the womb, you have some God given right (wait a minute, your a liberal), some "mother earth" given right to sponge off everyone else. And that makes ME the self centered one... What a joke. :rolleyes:
Both the left and the right agree that there is a basic right to a level of healthcare, food, and shelter. Their differences lie in where they think the level should exist. Busdrvr, being a sweet man, thinks the level should lie where he doesn't have to see children and families starving on the side of the road as he drives to work; otherwise, his Starbucks might spill in his lap, causing a slight rise in his drycleaner's income.

Others believe the level should be somewhat higher.
In a nation that finds it acceptable to spend US$200 Billion to 1/2 Trillion dollars sticking their nose in somebody elses business (Iraq) there should be no elderly without healthcare, food, or shelter. There should be 1 percent unemployment, FREE secondary education, and any other "perk" that comes along with being the richest nation on earth. ( and that means NO illegal ALIANS! :down: not even Sigorney Weaver's space friend...get it!) :cop:
But according to you if he has a heart attack, he is not entitled to care because he is poor.

Not true, he's not entitled to the same care as someone who pays MORE is getting.

I didn't know they had different levels of bypass surgery. May I opt for the one with leather interiors? AA, there's no use in having a discussion anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if Bus supported the war in Iraq on our tax dollars, despite his stance on healthcare.
sastal said:
But according to you if he has a heart attack, he is not entitled to care because he is poor.

Not true, he's not entitled to the same care as someone who pays MORE is getting.

I didn't know they had different levels of bypass surgery. May I opt for the one with leather interiors? AA, there's no use in having a discussion anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if Bus supported the war in Iraq on our tax dollars, despite his stance on healthcare.

Actually, there are differant levels of care. In some cases, the decision may be made to NOT operate.

For the record, if you want more people being denied bypass surgery, again, look at the countries with socialized medicine.
MachPi said:
Both the left and the right agree that there is a basic right to a level of healthcare, food, and shelter. Their differences lie in where they think the level should exist. Busdrvr, being a sweet man, thinks the level should lie where he doesn't have to see children and families starving on the side of the road as he drives to work; otherwise, his Starbucks might spill in his lap, causing a slight rise in his drycleaner's income.

Others believe the level should be somewhat higher.

I contributed $10K to charity last year. you? that's the diff between liberal and me. I spend MY money to help the poor, the liberals want to spend MY money to help the poor....... On second thought, i must be a liberal... :rolleyes:

There should be 1 percent unemployment, FREE secondary education

1% unemployment is neither desirable or possible, and free secondary education means everybody signing up for classes they never show up to, and colleges employing more people than the rest of the econmy combined. You have to charge for scarce goods.

In a nation that finds it acceptable to spend US$200 Billion to 1/2 Trillion dollars sticking their nose in somebody elses business (Iraq) there should be no elderly without healthcare, food, or shelter.

actually, so called war's on poverty in the U.S. never work. there is a certain number of folks who simply, for mental reasons, will always end up back on the street. I'd rather see them cared for, but that's not reality.
Busdrvr said:
1. The example I used was based on my mother's hourly wage. But she only gets 38 hours a week. She has been at this company for 10 years so she has not always made $10 an hour. There are people there with 5 years so they are making about $7.50 an hour. I used a real world situation.

First, where's your Dad, and second, why aren't YOU taking responsibility for your own family? Does she get medicare yet?

2. No one has a "right" to own a car but how would my mother get to work? We have no mass transit (thanks to people who think like you) that could get my mother to work. You right wing jerks are all the same.

Why does she live there? In the U.S. you are allowed to move you know. You left wing brain stems are all the same, instead of defending your position with FACTS, you resort to name calling.

3. Regarding kid or kids. I do believe in responsibility. It does not necessarily mean that a woman just sleeps around and has kids out of wedlock. Men die as husbands leaving people called widows. Bush with his Iraq war has made a lot of these. Because of your arrogant pompous nature, you assume EVERY single mother is one that just slept around and got pregnant. By the way, how may pilots screw around while on a trip?

Husbands who die should have the responsibility to have insurance. As to Iraq, As a minimum, the soldiers family gets:
$250K in life insurance,
a monthly income equal to approx 21K a year for two years (wife and two children), then approx 18K per year until kids are 18 and spouse remarried.
3 years of full medial coverage for the family followed by "retiree" medical
Education benefits equal to approx 100K
SS benefits
approx 20K in cash
lifetime of additional income equal to what the soldier would have recieved had he been medically retired on the date of his death.

So again, the families are well taken care of and have health insurance. If you spent half as much time researching as you do trying to impress us with your insults, you wouldn't look nearly so foolish

As to pilots sleeping around, Not this pilot, and for the others, only when they layover in (insert your mom's city here). See I can throw around insults also :rolleyes:

4.Yes, what happened to my brother happened almost 2 decades ago. But also people ARE BORN with health problems. Health insurance companies cherry pick. They only want to insure people who will not cost them anything (healthy people) they will not write a policy for someone who has had health problems since birth (preexisitng conditions) because they know they will loose money from the start.

and now they can get coverage at birth and keep it for life. Do a little research for once. Additionally, the state and SS will often "pitch in"

5.Well, look at Texas when Bush was governor and you will see his plans for the nation. In Texas he was pushing for a law where people can't sue for damages so a "dream team" ambulance chaser would be irrelevant.

no, what they want to do is prevent 'venue shopping'. what they want to do is prevent jackpot justice. If you are injured, you should get ALL your damages. You should NOT get "punative" damages. Lawyers should pay if a case is completely without merit. compare that to "justice" in your dream country Canada. What can you sue the healthcare system for there?

Don't worry Busdrvr, since a majority of people in this country think like you, this festering, malignant, greed based, corrupt, HMO/Insurance scam called health care will be around for a loooooooooong time.

Tell you what, this is the United States. If the industry is so full of greed, you can make MILLIONS by simply starting a "more ethical" insurance company. Small businesses will line up to pay you. Family's, sick of getting screwed by "the man' will line up to pay you.

In truth, you are FOS. You haven't a clue. You'd be out of business in a day.

Well all working people pay taxes and how much tax money has been poured into government funded reasearch ? The knowledge gained from the taxpayer supported research SHOULD be owned by the TAXPAYERS' it is called intellectual property rights. The taxpayers paid for the research therefore any discoveries should become the property of the taxpayers.

I agree. You got any SPECIFIC examples? Additionally, if I cure cancer with MY research, and MY money, who owns that intellectual property? for how long?

What you are saying is that just because someone is a janitor, a waitress, or a garbage man instead of the head of microsoft that they are lazy and are living off someone elses hard work. These people DO work; it is just that their jobs are at the lower end of the job chain.

No, I'm saying they don't get to live in Bill Gates house, Drive his cars, eat his food, fly on his jet, OR get the same level of healthcare.

But according to you if he has a heart attack, he is not entitled to care because he is poor.

Not true, he's not entitled to the same care as someone who pays MORE is getting.

What a self-centered person you are.

Right...., you think that just because on one night of hillbilly passion between two cousins, you were conceived and now that you survived the womb, you have some God given right (wait a minute, your a liberal), some "mother earth" given right to sponge off everyone else. And that makes ME the self centered one... What a joke. :rolleyes:

1.Again, your arrogance is amazing. You just ASSumed my father is not with my mother.FYI, my father is an A and P and has been married (and is still married) to my mother for over 40 years. And yes, I do help my family financially (even though it is none of your business). And no neither of my parents get medicare because they are not old enough.

2.My parents have lived in the same house for forty years. Here, as it is in most places, the residential areas are a good distance from the business district. With you right wingers it is always the workers fault.

3. Men don't necessarily have to go to Iraq to make their wives widows. Men can die in the US as a result of sickess or accident. Now in retaliation for the pilot layover remark, are you sure that Strom Thurman wasn't your real father? You sound a lot like him.

4. Say a child is born to a couple that works for UA. The child has a lifelong medical condition. When the child reaches 22 (or whatever the age is that UA will no longer cover the depedent) UA terminates coverage. Now that dependant will have to get insurance on his/her own with this preexisting condition. They won't write a policy for this person.

5. In Texas, they were pushing for a law (don't know if it passed or not because I transfered out) where HMOs could not be sued period. This was a different case than the homeowner issue I cited earlier.

6. I was doing some quick research last night by looking at the systems of various countries. Some of them had wait times as you said, but some did not. The German system seems to be pretty good. According to what I read, basically everyone's covered, the quality is very high, there is no waiting, and everyone has coverage through an insurance company BUT IT IS HIGHLY REGULATED BY THE GOVENMENT (unlike here where the insurance companies can do what they want.). The providers of care get paid for their services very quickly (as opposed to here where the doctors have to fight the insurance companies to get paid). So yes, health insurance can be run ethically, as in Germany, at a reasonable profit. As to where here they are run "less ethically" but generate enormous profits.

7. I can't think of anything specific at the moment but some treatments have been produced by state colleges and universities which are state institutions. And if you cure cancer with YOUR money and YOUR research, that is YOUR patent. And I think patents are good for 20 years,IIRC and after that I think generics can be made.

8. I'm not saying that a sick person should eat Bill Gates' food or fly in his plane-totally unrelated to medical issues. And I am not saying that they are entitled to his nose job either. What I am saying is if they have a malignant tumor that needs to be removed, or an appendix that is about to burst removed, then they have a right to have it removed. Nothing more, nothing less. It's that simple.Bill Gates' plane, yacht, house has nothing to do with it.

9. Lastly, I can assure you that my parents were not Hillbilly cousins (maybe yours were brother and sister). I am a moderate. I have NEVER asked for anything from anybody. I financed my whole education on my own. No government grants or loans and no help from family or anyone else. Can you make the same claim? I am about as independent as you can get. When I was unemployed for a brief time, I purchased health insurance. This was a long time ago and I was much younger so it was affordable. You call me a "liberal" because I object to the massive fraud going on in the "health" industry. But it is the right wing insurance executives who "sponge" off it.
1. Then your Example (as with most of your posts) was pure and utter BS

2. So if you live somewhere for 40 years, you're no longer allowed to moved? In the U.S. people LIKE to live outside the business district. I guess you'd rather live in the factory basement?

3. Strom Thurmond?, Apparently not, My mom's white.

4. Wrong, proof of prior insurance requires they be given insurance elsewhere.

5. I don't know

6. Switzerland is also an example of a place with private insurance that's run well. what do you think woud happen if the pres tried to require everyone to have health insurance? Babs Boxer and Teddy "the Fish" Kennedy would blow a gasket. I'd fully support that type law.

7. When you come up with one, let me know (it helps your argument)

8. That quote, I think was from Sastal (Skirting the flow control...).
But yes, I can make that claim re: education, and if there is truly that level of fraud, you could make a mint on it.