
North by Northwest said:
In a nation that finds it acceptable to spend US$200 Billion to 1/2 Trillion dollars sticking their nose in somebody elses business (Iraq) there should be no elderly without healthcare, food, or shelter. There should be 1 percent unemployment, FREE secondary education, and any other "perk" that comes along with being the richest nation on earth. ( and that means NO illegal ALIANS! :down: not even Sigorney Weaver's space friend...get it!) :cop:
I wonder why Busdrvr does not complain about his half a trillion in tax money going to finance a war that was based on a lie?
aafsc said:
I wonder why Busdrvr does not complain about his half a trillion in tax money going to finance a war that was based on a lie?

Because I fought in the war, I heard the intellegence when Clinton was in charge (and after), and I get my information from the soldiers, not Randi Rhodes. what "lie" are you refering to?
Busdrvr said:
1. Then your Example (as with most of your posts) was pure and utter BS

2. So if you live somewhere for 40 years, you're no longer allowed to moved? In the U.S. people LIKE to live outside the business district. I guess you'd rather live in the factory basement?

3. Strom Thurmond?, Apparently not, My mom's white.

4. Wrong, proof of prior insurance requires they be given insurance elsewhere.

5. I don't know

6. Switzerland is also an example of a place with private insurance that's run well. what do you think woud happen if the pres tried to require everyone to have health insurance? Babs Boxer and Teddy "the Fish" Kennedy would blow a gasket. I'd fully support that type law.

7. When you come up with one, let me know (it helps your argument)

8. That quote, I think was from Sastal (Skirting the flow control...).
But yes, I can make that claim re: education, and if there is truly that level of fraud, you could make a mint on it.

1.My post in #1 was fact. At my mother's place of employment, there are other people there that make that amount and less and they are the only wage earner. They could be single or have kids. In fact most jobs here pay below $10/hr with no benefits. A lot of cheap immigrant labor in MIA. There are third party aircraft maintanence companies here that do not give health benefits.

2. Where my mother works is about 10 miles away from the house. It is not feasible to move because my parents plan to retire in the next few years and move far from here.
Busdrvr said:
Because I fought in the war, I heard the intellegence when Clinton was in charge (and after), and I get my information from the soldiers, not Randi Rhodes. what "lie" are you refering to?
The fact that Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 (which Bush admitted to after the invasion) but before the invasion he made reference to Hussein being a terrorist by aiding al-Queda there by justifying the invasion. If Bin-Laden and the others are in Pakistan/Afghanistan shouldn't we be spending half a trillion dollars there, throwing everything we have at them to destroy those who were responsible for 9/11?
"Because I fought in the war, I heard the intellegence when Clinton was in charge (and after), and I get my information from the soldiers, not Randi Rhodes. what "lie" are you refering to? " WHOA there baby boy! Don't EVEN try that BS! Place responsibility where it belongs. The ADMITTED lack of "clear" intellegence happen NOT on Clinton's watch. Try the SUPER BS hitters that KILLED the young American men and women lying in their graves today. Those Iraqi oil reserves were just too tasty to pass up. Lets not throw in the vendetta for Dad. This is simply one of the darkest periods in American history. Our decendants will never understand how we were such lemmings. :angry:
Busdrvr said:"When you come up with one, let me know (It helps your argument)."

At the University of Florida's Biotechnology center, they are testing a bacteria that will kill the other bacteria in a persons mouth that cause cavitites. This is just one example of medical research at one PUBLIC university.www.biotech.ufl.org.
I will type the first few lines of this webpage.
From the website:
The University of Florida's highly acclaimed 40,000 SF Sid Martin Biotechnology Development incubator is a STATEWIDE AND NATIONAL RESOURCE FOR GROWING PROMISING COMPANIES FROM UNIVERSITY BASED DISCOVERIES. In a national survey of technology incubators FUNDED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE.......

I capitalized certain words to emphasize them. So you see Busdrvr, companies do indeed use taxpayer (federal and state) funded discoveries and facilities to make fortunes in the medical field. I would have listed one from the University of Miami but that is not a state university (UM is private)..
"3. Strom Thurmond?, Apparently not, My mom's white." Please leave my bigoted (during the day) brown Sugar loving (during the warm southern nights) papa outta this. God bless his lynchin lovin soul. One must practice whatcha preach... when you are a racist papa. ;) Alas, this seems to be the standard for dumb a$$ extremists. My only serious comment on this is ....please stop using the term "conservitive" as if it reflects Republican values...I know pleanty of "conservitive" Democrats. What we need is a group of leaders that listens to the people and govern according to what the PEOPLE want and NOT what politicians what.
Isn't this topic about the high price of oil? Please let's bring it back on topic. Socialized medicine, capitalism and the drug companies, should be discussed in a different forum.
Busdrvr said:
Actually, there are differant levels of care. In some cases, the decision may be made to NOT operate.

For the record, if you want more people being denied bypass surgery, again, look at the countries with socialized medicine.

Bus, I can't compete with your ignorance. I grew up in a country that runs on socialized care, and your comment just shows that you don't know the least thing about it. Keep listening to Rush on AM and keep deluding yourself.
Bear96 said:

He'll wear anyone down with his inexhaustible supply of ignorance.
I got another example of his ignorance. He says that an insurnce company has to write a policy on a sick person who was previously covered (see my UA example regarding depedents). This is NOT true. I just talked to a state farm agent and used my hypothetical UA example. She said that NO insurance company would be required to write a policy in such a case. Again, he posts false information.
I have to admit, after reading your post; I had a subdued laugh and am repose!

For the record, I highly doubt I'm "socially disconnected". my parents were the first generation on both sides of the family to finish high School, and I'm the first (along with my sister) to finish college (I'm working on a second masters). my mother has 8 brothers. every single one served his country honorably (enlisted), and 4 were career NCO's. My only other sibling (my big brother) is a truck driver. If I did the math, I'd be willing to bet 90% of my cousins (and my brother) live in homes that arrived on wheels. I'm a very lucky person. no doubt about it. I was lucky enough to "run with the right crowd". Instead of smoking on the back porch, I played sports. I knew what I wanted to become. I knew about what it paid, and what lifestyle I could give my family from those efforts. While you were smoking the tires on your new IROC Z-28, impressing the cigarette smoking halter topped bimbo's in the Winn Dixie parking lot and throwing down a half rack of PBR, content with the life YOU chose, i was sucking it up preparing for another exam, writting another paper, and reading another book. And to get it done, I didn't take a DIME from my parents. you made your choice, i made mine.

Our ‘path’ may not be as different as you might think!

Now i ask you. should I give up appropriate care for my family because YOU chose your path? Who is the arrogant one? The person who delayed gratification, made some tough choices, and chose my course, or someone who was unwilling to put the effort in and now expects me to subsidize them?

We all have tough choices and my ‘efforts’ are not as diminutive as you imply. I do not expect you or anyone else to ‘subsidize’ myself or anyone else whom refuses to try to change their situation because of their laziness! ‘Hand-UP not Hand-Out’ has always been my philosophy. But there are those that cannot comprehend their own situation, should we attempt to understand and correct the situation or kill them?

I base my positions on facts. you base your's on blind emotion. you're on here enamoured with the wonderful socialized ways of Europe. I'll ask you to do the research. What is the unemployment rate in the EU? What is the take home pay of the average worker? What is the "per capita GDP"? How many cars does the average family own? what is the growth rate of the EU economy? how many Sqft of home per person in the EU? Have you ever thought that if you merely equilized YOUR lifestyle, with the lifestyle of the average Canadian or European citizen, you could afford to buy additional healthcare far superior to anything they have to offer?

Do Figures Lie or Liars Figure? Considering different accounting methods of reporting countries, which is more correct? We here in the US drop people off of the ‘unemployment status’ after two years and ‘mark’ them as ‘unemployable’ and are not counted in the ‘unemployment statistics’ even though they are unemployed.

But that isn't what it's about is it? when you look at some guy driving around in a nice new SLC (or better yet the guy I saw driving around in a DB-9 the other day ), do you think "dirty SOB keeping the worker down"? Or do you see a guy that likely worked his @ss off for year after year? Maybe a guy who had a great idea, something that made life better for all of us, and was willing to risk it all to bring it to market? Do you want to emulate him or hang him?

I see a person that has either worked his a$$ of to get where he is –or- a person that has had advantages that were not available to me –or- another scam artist. Either way, I would hold no grudge to him unless I had knowledge otherwise. Depending on his ethics, I would either want to ‘hang-out’ or refute him.
If his car had a flat and he was young I would drive by without a thought, but if he were older, I would change his tire (So what is the point you are making?)
Give me his number and we’ll do lunch.

Maybe that's why you're bitter and I'm not. Maybe you see the current situation and see no way out. maybe you feel you can't move on to better things and a brighter future. Sorry, I'm differant. I see new opportunities. I look at the past few years as a test. some challenges to overcome. Ten years from now, I'll look back and say "thank god I left flying". What will you be saying?

Not bitter!!! Possibly angry at the ignorance of what our country ‘is’ and what it ‘should be’! If we could step back and look at it ‘ALL’ without political/financial incentives (PORK).

United Airlines (JMHO) is in a very similar situation. If we can cut the ‘PORK’ and do the right thing, then we can grow and prosper.

(Taking bets on this one?)

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get on with it. If you want a better life, then make it happen. I'm not going to do it for you, nor should you expect me to. But If easy is what you want, I'm wondering why you haven't already applied for citizenship in Canada. If not there, they have a social utopia with free healthcare and education in Cuba.

Thanks, but Ill wait until people with dissenting views (such as mine) are terminated to save the ‘Fatherland’!!!

It's comical to hear a liberal accuse others of "lacking compassion", especially since I've given more to charity EVERY YEAR for the last 15, than former VP Gore gave in his first year as VP. It's easy to be compassionate with someone elses checkbook.

People do what their conscious allows them.

I thank you for your generosity!

I have always given more than is allowed by the ‘tax code’, but never beat my own drum about it.

Funny, those who accuse others of lacking "compassion" typically do so with their hand out.

I have worked my ‘entire’ life and have ‘never’ taken unemployment compensation even though I was qualified for it. I have planned for erratic unemployment periods and have adjusted my savings/spending habits to account for it.

but one more time, please tell me the "facts" I've ignored to come to my conclusion.

As your diatribe is a mix of facts/conjecture/emotions, it is impossible to retort to your conclusion in this venue.
(But you already knew that)

N by NW, are you kidding me? I heard all of the Dems, including Kerry, Clinton, and Kennedy all saying that he them and that he was a threat. Do you know that it was the policy of Clinton in 1998 that he wanted regime change in Iraq after the UN inspectors were kicked out? If no one else thought Iraq had WMDs, why were ALL of the major intelligence agencies wrong about what they thought to be true? It's one thing to be wrong, it's another thing to just point the finger at your political enemy. I'll admit, he's not very bright or very "with it", but at least he takes a stand and doesn't change his position every time the poll numbers change. You might not agree with him on certain stances, but after 9/11, I don't think this country could take chances with people/countries who support terrorists. The guy who is murdering US soldiers in Iraq is Al-Qaieda relted, you probably heard of him. He also has been in Iraq since about 2002 becuase we hunted him out of Aghanhistan. Again, I must be wrong because the public sided with my opinion last election.
Busdrvr said:
Because I fought in the war, I heard the intellegence when Clinton was in charge (and after), and I get my information from the soldiers, not Randi Rhodes. what "lie" are you refering to?

Flying at Mach .5 at 10,000 ft dropping your load in hopes of returning to the O’Club for happy hour hardly makes you an expert.

Grab a weapon, get that vest on and take a walk on the 'Wild Side'!

UAL_TECH said:
Flying at Mach .5 at 10,000 ft dropping your load in hopes of returning to the O’Club for happy hour hardly makes you an expert. 

Grab a weapon, get that vest on and take a walk on the 'Wild Side'!


Whatever, here's a pict of me in Kandahar Afghanistan with a pistol and vest.....

It's not showing up, how do you attach a gif picture?