Once More Into The Breach:


May 18, 2003
Once more into the breach: Pilots, US Airways sit down at the table this week to again discuss concessions

What they decide could very well decide whether the airline lives or dies

PITTSBURGH (Post-Gazette) - Yet another critical moment in the turbulent life of US Airways starts Tuesday, as negotiators from the powerful Air Line Pilots Association sit down with the nation's seventh-largest airline in Washington, D.C., to hammer out a new contract.

See Story


The facade of turnaround is becoming aparent.. even fools who cling to pipe dreams of the glory days of yesteryear, are becoming skeptics of the antics and deception woven through out the fabric of the the bronner lakefield swan song at USAir...
Is that the P-G's headline? Shame on them. It's "unto" the breach, not into. Henry V, Act 3, Scene I.
Rumored ( partial list ) of company opener. I repeat this is unsubstantiated.


* Company wants a $1.5billion reduction, $400mill to come directly from pilots.

* Company steals your sick leave if u have over 500 hours. 500 hour max sick bank;

* All narrow body a/c types pay the same rate...$137 an hour, 96 hour hard time (virtually hard time), f/o's rate approx $90 per hour.

* Reserve guarantee is around 77 per month.

* 757 pilots will take the worst hit. Reserve 757 capts to make $127K per yr.

* Duty rigs altered.

* Possibility of flying 5 days a week unless scheduling can get a handle on it.

* Furlough clause to be reopened.

* Retirement DC plan virtually eliminated ( to be reduced substantially). Augmented with 401K with 7% matching funds from company.

* Reduced medical benefits.


* F/A's to clean all planes.

* Pay rates adjusted downward to Amer West Scale.

* Retirement reduced.

* Medical reduced.

* No 55,75,85 hr options.

* Unlimited duty day to FAR max.


* Furlough 680.

* Move remaining reservationists to INT.


* Kiosks and ticket readers to cause layoffs in hubs. City Ticket Offices (all 11) to be closed. To be replaced by internet ticketing.

* Reduce ticket agent pay from $20 hr to $13 hr.


* Close PIT TRNG CENTER incld the sim building.

* Move all trng to CLT.

* Selling one 737 sim, one A320 sim, buying multiple RJ sims to be located in CLT.

* 757 Sim to be relocated to CLT.


* Fewer changes than the rest of the work force...with the exception of possible outsourcing of some maintenance.

* Possibility of terminating CLT and PIT as major overhaul centers. But keeping PIT/CLT for other maintenance.


* Force cleaners/utility to become "joint use cleaners and rampers" under the same job title.


* To increase.

* Possibility of selling B-737's to be replaced with mainline flown big RJ's.

LOA #91:

* Allows Uair to sell MDA, PSA,Allegheny,Henson, and future Canadair CRJ positions if needed to finance possible addition of 29 Airbuses of all sizes if load factor dictates.

* All narrow body a/c types pay the same rate...$137 an hour, 96 hour hard time (virtually hard time), f/o's rate approx $90 per hour.

The hardest time I ever saw a Pilot work would be walking from C-con to B-con outside on a Hot Day in CLT!