And Russ Dittmer takes over at VP position. Watch him spend more time fighting the AMP drive instead of performing his TWU appointed position.
October 3, 2018

To the Membership of TWU Local 591:

Over the last few months I have been talking with the Executive Board on the best pathway forward for Local 591. During that time I have also spoken with TWU members, other Local Union leaders, and International Leadership. The question I have been trying to solve is how to best serve the membership, while helping to improve the Air Division at TWU International. When I was elected as an International Vice President in 2017, I did so with the full support of the Local 591 Executive Board and I cannot thank them enough for the work they do. The TWU International Leadership will not accept the status quo and the changes being made continue to show a commitment to improving the Air Division, which has isolated our members and been stagnant for far too long. In saying that, I have been asked to take on more responsibilities in transforming the Air Division. I am proud of the opportunity to serve as the President of Local 591, but it is now time for me to turn the position over to Gary Schaible. I know Gary will do a great job in replacing me as the President of Local 591; over the last seven years, Gary has been my biggest advocate, voice of reason, and most critical colleague. While Gary and I may be different in how we approach a subject or present the issues, we both hold the values of unionism at the top of our priority list. I am sure he will hold me even more accountable now than ever.

Some may question why I would take this risk, based on the history of those who moved over to the International, while others may be skeptical that it is for personal gain. I will respond in two statements: I have never forgotten where I came from, nor will I; and in life you have two options, complain about how things are, or fight for change and work to fix them. My decision to take on this new role begins with a very basic premise; we must do a better job of eliminating the rhetoric and a better job of communicating fact. We must find a better way to improve both internal and external communications, by applying more effective methods that support our local union leaders. Getting fact-based answers and information to our membership will be my top priority. I recognize that we must do a better job of keeping our membership informed of what is happening not only at American, but also everywhere within the Air Division and the organization. We must find more innovative and effective ways to fight against the management teams who are working together to hold us down, by mobilizing our membership across the nation against any management team that chooses to take us on. The membership is our greatest strength and we must remain unified in our fight, because when we do, we win every time. We must show management that we have had enough of their games negotiating this JCBA. Where we have internal differences, we must put them aside and focus all of our energy on our adversary who sits across the bargaining table from us and in our workplace when they attempt to take away any of our members’ collective bargaining rights.

While this letter is bittersweet to sign, I feel it is in the best interest of the membership, Gary as our President, and our Executive Board as we move forward.

In solidarity,

Gary Peterson

International Vice President
October 3, 2018

To the Membership:

This morning, your Executive Board met at the request of President Gary Peterson. At this meeting Gary informed the Board that after much thought, he has decided to resign from the position of President of TWU Local 591 in order to focus his efforts in his growing role with the TWU International. This is not news that any of the Board wanted to hear, but at the same time we all recognized that Gary has in the past, and continues to, take on additional workload with his International position.

That said, as a Board we respect his decision. We will, however, miss the endless supply of energy that he brought to the job each and every day. His education, experience, dedication, and desire to do right by the Membership, along with a tenacious approach towards those in management who attempt to hurt this membership will be missed at the Local level.

At the same time, it is comforting to know that the International has chosen someone with tremendous work ethic, and who we are confident will not forget where he came from. I know that I speak for the entire Executive Board and the Membership when I say that we wish him success in his role with the International.

With Gary’s departure from Local 591 as an Officer, I will, in accordance with the TWU Constitution and the Local 591 Bylaws, assume the position of Local President. This is not something I take lightly, especially in light of our negotiations heading into mediation. However, the transition to my new role in the Local will be much easier after working alongside Gary for the past seven years.

Those of you who know me well know that my approach can at times differ from Gary’s, and although we might not always agree on a particular subject, our level of respect for each other’s views has never wavered. Our collective goals for the Membership have been steadfast.

Much like Gary has been doing for years, it will now be my job going forward to make sure the TWU International understands and listens to the Local 591 Membership concerns and goals, and that the International fully supports this Local. Having Gary in this International position, someone who knows the history, both good and bad, and someone who has fought alongside this Local in our disagreements with prior TWU International leadership, will, in my view, be a great asset to the Membership; much more so than in similar situations in the past.

Starting tomorrow, I will also be assuming the Local 591 President’s position on the JCBA Negotiating Committee. Executive Board Member Mike Bush and I will be representing Local 591 in the Mechanic and Related (M&R), and Stores, negotiations, while Gary Peterson, in his International role, will continue as Chair of the M&R and Stores negotiations for the TWU.

Having been the Vice President for many years, I have been rather close to the negotiations already, so I don’t need much time to be brought up to full speed. Along with that practical experience, I also have extensive training and college education in negotiations. This is something I credit both Local 591 and my former Local 565 Executive Boards for investing in, and having the foresight to prepare me, and other Board Members for. This foresight prepared me to be able to walk into negotiations confidently at this critical time.

That having been said, I want to be clear upfront that I cannot vote to bring back an agreement which might eliminate hundreds of days and afternoon shift jobs across the country if we were to agree to the company scope demand which takes the aircraft moves away from Aircraft Maintenance, and/or the company demand which increases Line Maintenance outsourcing. Station Protection may make a great company soundbite, but station protection does not mean “shift protection,” and I do not want to see any more Members of this Local rolling backwards towards midnight shift.

Finally, on Friday, your Executive Board will be holding a meeting to discuss and fill the vacancy in the Vice President’s position. Being that elections are less than 18 months away, I am expecting that vacancy will be filled by appointment of the Local Executive Board. I will update the Membership after Friday’s meeting with the Executive Boards determinations.


Gary Schaible

TWU Local 591 President
That was short lived. Forced out? Leaves lots of questions...
Double dipping in violation of the TWU constitution. A union member filed a complaint. He decided to stay with the International instead of going back to the position he was elected. The International pays more money and has better benefits.
He still would have remained in negotiations if he chose to go back to 591. Follow the money. Elections are coming soon and if he got voted out he would have lost his salary and be down to one salary and work under the same benefits as us poor slobs. This way he collects two salaries plus benefits from the international and AA. He has a job to do but in the end Gary is looking out for Gary. If things fall apart in negotiations or the companys financial situation gets bleak we will take hits but not Gary. He has the international parachute. The international takes care of themselves in thick and thin. Bottom line.
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October 3, 2018]
That having been said, I want to be clear upfront that I cannot vote to bring back an agreement which might eliminate hundreds of days and afternoon shift jobs across the country if we were to agree to the company scope demand which takes the aircraft moves away from Aircraft Maintenance, and/or the company demand which increases Line Maintenance outsourcing. Station Protection may make a great company soundbite, but station protection does not mean “shift protection,” and I do not want to see any more Members of this Local rolling backwards towards midnight shift.


Gary Schaible

TWU Local 591 President

This statement alone tells me we are in store for another three years of NOTHING.
Schaible will now be fighting for SHIFT protection???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Dear lord, now we are going to fight for SHIFT protection...…????????????
Are we to believe that this is going to become another sticking point?
Now the company doesn't have a right to determine shifts?

And before I get my ripped off.... I AM NOT TAKING THIS OUT OF CONTEXT because he mentioned the potential loss of day shift and afternoon jobs MAINLY because the aircraft moves will shift to fleet.
The mere mention of SHIFT protection means that Schaible will throw another wrench into the carousel of non-progress.

Good God almighty, how unreasonable is this.
I hope the mediator doesn't die laughing!
Another Jimmy Hoffa wannabe!
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And there they go again. Get out that daily bag of rocks and start throwing boys.

I guess it would be just impossible to say congratulations to two of your own? Nnnaaaahhhhh!!!!!

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  • #9
And there they go again. Get out that daily bag of rocks and start throwing boys.

I guess it would be just impossible to say congratulations to two of your own? Nnnaaaahhhhh!!!!!

Sorry, WeAAz.. His letter was all good until "shift protection" was mentioned.
Sorry, this is how I read it.
Sorry, WeAAz.. His letter was all good until "shift protection" was mentioned.
Sorry, this is how I read it.

I get where he’s going with his comment. He’s trying to emphasize a quality of life issue. Like I said earlier today and before. What turned me off on taking the road to joining your profession was the idea of being stuck on Midnights for a decade.

I hired in at 30. So let’s say 5 years to get my A&P and get on in the craft. So we’re talking 45 years “OLD” till I got on to afternoons.

They keep taking work away from you and eventually how long does it take to get off nights now? 15? 20 years? More depending on where you work?

Like I said I get what he meant by “shift protection” myself.

Money isn’t everything.
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  • #11
I get where he’s going with his comment. He’s trying to emphasize a quality of life issue. Like I said earlier today and before. What turned me off on taking the road to joining your profession was the idea of being stuck on Midnights for a decade.

I hired in at 30. So let’s say 5 years to get my A&P and get on in the craft. So we’re talking 45 years “OLD” till I got on to afternoons.

They keep taking work away from you and eventually how long does it take to get off nights now? 15? 20 years? More depending on where you work?

Like I said I get what he meant by “shift protection” myself.

Money isn’t everything.
WeAAz, we are in a 24/7, 365 day a year operation, rain or shine. Do you really expect the company to design schedules and operations around personal preference? Why don't they just put all of us on day shift. And sit planes down on afts and mids? Good idea? Why not stop flying on weekends and holidays while we're at it?

BTW, when I started in this business, I knew very well I would be on midnights for many years. I knew my time would come to get the choice shifts, vacations and days off.
It's called putting one's time in.
WeAAz, we are in a 24/7, 365 day a year operation, rain or shine. Do you really expect the company to design schedules and operations around personal preference? Why don't they just put all of us on day shift. And sit planes down on afts and mids? Good idea? Why not stop flying on weekends and holidays while we're at it?

BTW, when I started in this business, I knew very well I would be on midnights for many years. I knew my time would come to get the choice shifts, vacations and days off.
It's called putting one's time in.

Metal of course we haven’t read the details of what the Company is talking about in regards to how they intend to at least temporarily protect work for those of us currently on the clock. But I’m sure Gary is talking about shifts in the terms of how many are actually available and need to be staffed? (Note question mark)

Let’s say the Conpany doesn’t get the amount of people they need to take the buyout to shrink the workforce to fit the contract Scope? Who’s to say how they may staff any overages and how people off nights could slip back onto them?

Since you hired on have there been times where people have slipped backwards?

Now if you want so I don’t get accused again today of being an arrogant know it all, I’ll say that I’m assuming that’s what Gary was thinking when he wrote that comment?

Besides if the Association say did allow the Company to gut your Scope (Besides the fact I’d hope you’d vote no) how long might it take the new hire coming in tomorrow to get off nights again I’m asking?
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Metal of course we haven’t read the details of what the Company is talking about in regards to how they intend to at least temporarily protect work for those of us currently on the clock. But I’m sure Gary is talking about shifts in the terms of how many are actually available and need to be staffed? (Note question mark)

Let’s say the Conpany doesn’t get the amount of people they need to take the buyout to shrink the workforce to fit the contract Scope? Who’s to say how they may staff any overages and how people off nights could slip back onto them?

Since you hired on have there been times where people have slipped backwards?

Now if you want so I don’t get accused again today of being an arrogant know it all, I’ll say that I’m assuming that’s what Gary was thinking when he wrote that comment?

Besides if the Association say did allow the Company to gut your Scope (Besides the fact I’d hope you’d vote no) how long might it take the new hire coming in tomorrow to get off nights again I’m asking?
WeAAz, there are no guarantees. If the company ever chooses to keep minimums on days and afts and beef up mids, then that is their choice.
And I know exactly the intent of his wording. It is one thing to fight to keep jobs. In this case, aircraft moves which require manning on all 3 shifts. But to insinuate he wants shift protection is utterly ridiculous!
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WeAAz, there are no guarantees. If the company ever chooses to keep minimums on days and afts and beef up mids, then that is their choice.
And I know exactly the intent of his wording. It is one thing to fight to keep jobs. In this case, aircraft moves which require manning on all 3 shifts. But to insinuate he wants shift protection is utterly ridiculous!

Speaking as someone who is constantly misquoted and misinterpreted on here I think I’m going to give the man the benefit of the doubt he wasn’t insinuating the ridiculous. (No question mark)
Double dipping in violation of the TWU constitution. A union member filed a complaint. He decided to stay with the International instead of going back to the position he was elected. The International pays more money and has better benefits.
He still would have remained in negotiations if he chose to go back to 591. Follow the money. Elections are coming soon and if he got voted out he would have lost his salary and be down to one salary and work under the same benefits as us poor slobs. This way he collects two salaries plus benefits from the international and AA. He has a job to do but in the end Gary is looking out for Gary. If things fall apart in negotiations or the companys financial situation gets bleak we will take hits but not Gary. He has the international parachute. The international takes care of themselves in thick and thin. Bottom line.
Another don v

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