Repost and edit from FM2436

[P][SPAN class=BodyFont]Would everyone posting on this message board, for a moment, please go to the Yahoo U Message Board and <reply to> USJetMech.[BR][BR][BR][BR][BR]Re: US Crash in CLT[BR]by: USJetMech 01/08/03 09:54 am[BR]Msg: 45522 of 45534 [BR][BR]I hate that people died, but I wish that plane had gone in the hanger door and burnt the place to the ground. [/SPAN][/P]
I agree, with a post such as that he should be blocked from any further posting on this site.
[STRONG][FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00"]Let me clarify something this is not me, I read this on the message board on yahoo, and thought it would be appropiate to post Mr Ninegar's apology, I repeat I am not him and I am currently employed at US Airways[BR][BR][/FONT][BR][FONT color=#000000][SPAN]Re: US Crash in CLT[SPAN] [/SPAN][/SPAN][/FONT][/STRONG][BR][BR][SPAN][BR][FONT color=#000000]by: [/FONT][A href=""]USJetMech[/A][/SPAN][BR][BR][FONT size=3][FONT color=#000000][/FONT][/FONT][BR][BR][FONT color=#000000 size=3]I would like to offer my sincere apology for my comments I posted earlier today. I believe that it was in poor taste and rude to say what I said. [BR][BR]I think that an explanation of the intent of my comment may help. I fel that the operation of the maintenance hanger in Charlotte is a joke. It is mismanaged and is a study in what not to do, but that's just my opinion.[BR][BR]While trying to make light of a very serious situation, I made the comment that I wished the plane that crashed today had hit the hanger and burnt it to the ground. This was not intended to be taken seriously, I do not wish pain or hardship on anyone. My heart aches for the people who lost their lives and the loved ones they left behind. I also thank God that none of my former coworkers were injured. These people are my friends.[BR][BR]My heart also hurts for aviation as a whole, It is still my career and it was dealt a very untimely blow today. [BR][BR]Please accept my apology for this statement. I honestly meant no harm. [BR][BR]R. David Nininger[/FONT]
i don't know you really from other than this board.....i seemed to respect your inside union info.....but saw you had your own opinions,like anyone else.....but i must say i am terribly it true as to your termination?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/9/2003 1:59:51 AM DELLDUDE wrote:
[P]i don't know you really from other than this board.....i seemed to respect your inside union info.....but saw you had your own opinions,like anyone else.....but i must say i am terribly it true as to your termination?[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P][SPAN class=BodyFont][STRONG][FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00"]Let me clarify something this is not me, I read this on the message board on yahoo, and thought it would be appropiate to post Mr Ninegar's apology, I repeat I am not him and I am currently employed at US Airways[BR][/FONT][/STRONG][/SPAN]
From a well placed source the FBI was at the CLT hanger yesterday wanting USJETMECH's information, his name, address and phone # was given to the FBI
Thank you Bob, I have seen aircraft accidents before and it is a gruesome sight and the grief the families feel is unmeasurable, all of us at US Airways and the IAM give our heartfelt sorrow to the families invovled. The IAMs flight safety committee is involved helping the NTSB in the investigation, John Goglia, the NTSB board member who is heading up the investigation is a former us airways inspector and mechanic.