Rhetoric Meets Reality


May 17, 2008

(CNN) -- In style and substance, Barack Obama is looking like he could be a different president than the candidate voters got to know during the campaign.

"I want to be realistic here," Obama said in an interview that aired Sunday on ABC's "This Week." "Not everything that we talked about during the campaign are we going to be able to do on the pace that we had hoped."

It's a far cry from what voters heard from Obama the Democratic candidate, who inspired roaring crowds of thousands by telling them, "This is our moment. This is our time."

Good grief. Get over your self already. Anyone who believes that candidates do not over state things during a campaign probably believed "mission accomplished" from W. BTW, when was the last time a politician stated that due to current circumstances, they will not be able to do everything promised at the pace promised BEFORE they even take office. It took W 7 years too admit that he screwed up with that little stunt.

Politicians lie. Some lie worse than others. Some start wars based on lies. All of them make promises in a campaign that they know they cannot keep. Voters who believe all of what they hear are idiots and deserve what they get. Those idiots voted in Bush 2 times. Obama has not even taken the oath of office yet so only time will tell if putting him in office was a mistake or not. I feel confident that the alternative to Obama was definitely not the route this nation needed to take.
I've been invited to Mr.Obama's inauguration. I'll do my best to be there.I feel as though I should call him Mr. because unlike "Dubya" he at least appears to care whether or not our economy folds in on iitself. Now I'm not a rocket scientist, but that appears to be a positive thing.
You see comparing apples(rotten ones), to oranges I see Dubya doing everything to cause an economic calamity. That's his neo-con base directing him. Mr.Obama on the other hand, though possibly naive, seems to want to HELP, yes help. Now that's a concept that seems to have a positive note.
Of course now, I don't see things from your perspective(thank God), I care whether or not we all go hungry,loose our homes,our retirements,our voice... shall I go on.
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Politicians lie.

And yet the populous and MSM somehow thought this media darling was going to be different. :lol:

They have only themselves to blames for electing an empty suit. :down:
I've been invited to Mr.Obama's inauguration. I'll do my best to be there.I feel as though I should call him Mr. because unlike "Dubya" he at least appears to care whether or not our economy folds in on iitself. Now I'm not a rocket scientist, but that appears to be a positive thing.
You see comparing apples(rotten ones), to oranges I see Dubya doing everything to cause an economic calamity. That's his neo-con base directing him. Mr.Obama on the other hand, though possibly naive, seems to want to HELP, yes help. Now that's a concept that seems to have a positive note.
Of course now, I don't see things from your perspective(thank God), I care whether or not we all go hungry,loose our homes,our retirements,our voice... shall I go on.

From your earlier post, see below:



It's all good now I guess, maybe Mr. apologized to you for his bad NWO choices.
The sure fire way to know that it's business as usual with the Republicrat dictatorship is this.

Has the Federal Government stopped the immoral confiscation of your wages by the Jack Booted Thugs of the IRS?

If they have then change has occurred

If not then nothing has changed.

Every four years the sheeple buy into the Republicrat lie.
Have you declared your independence from the big lie that is America?
The Holdup

So listen you filthy rich, now this is a holdup
Money is sickness, the IRS the cure
Hurry up now Don't sit there and quiver
or Barack will put a bullet right through your best liver

They'll take all you money and ride to the sunset
To Boeing, Haliburton & Whitewater they'll knock on the door
They'll spend all of our money just buying off a few dictators
Tomorrow they'll be back for some more.

You should name your poem................"Wealth Envy!"

BTW.................vote "Fair Tax" now ! This would solve our economic woes faster than ANY stimulus package !
