Support The Flight Attendants

Bob Owens

Sep 9, 2002
As Jim Little tries to keep the TWU out of the fight one TWU Local has already stepped up to the plate in support of the AFA.

No matter where you stand on the TWU-AMFA debate credit is due to Mr McDaniel. Local 556 is more fortunate than most of the TWU/ATD Locals in that they have control over their contract and their Local.

Let Little and Thom McDaniel, the President of TWU Local 556 know where you stand. Applaud Thom for his courage and leadership and back Little into a corner so he has no choice but to support the AFA. No matter what our differences are as union people this is one case where we must all stand together for as Ben Franklin said: "If we do not hang together , we will be hung seperately", or something like that.

You can contact them here.
Tom McDaniel [email protected]

James Concessions Little [email protected]
ALL airline employees need to come out and support the AFA. The concerted attack on our profession needs to stop and standing together will send a loud message.

Where ever and when ever there is a picket/strike everyone needs to make an effort to attend. Regardless of union.
I agree and will make an effort to organize MCIE in their support. I believe we need to show up in mass on this....with or without our local's leadership or support. We do not need to be led by the hand to the airports.
Thank you for your support. This may very well be Labor's last stand. If we all, from every airline, stand together, it's possible we can put an end to this continued raiding of the employees pay and benefits and force executive management to actually operate the airline industry in a manner that does not involve burning the house down.

Remember, every time an airline gets away with lowering wages and benefits, it's just a matter of time before the next group at another airline uses it as an excuse to lower YOUR wages in the name of "competition. Why should executives have to think of anything else when Labor is willingly providing the "low hanging fruit"?

Airline executives jump from one airline to another, every time taking a sack of money with them. Those of us who have actually been around for some time have built the airlines. We have cared for our airlines and our professions. Not these MBA's who have no loyalty, who don't care if they leave the ashes of employees or airlines in their wake.

We must stand up together and fight for the careers we've trained for, spent our adult lives improving and not allow this distruction of our industry by a greedy, incompetent few!

And while I'm on a roll here, what is up with all this bashing of one union or another?

AMFA, IAM, TWA, AFA or whatever. While all this squabbling is going on, our jobs, our careers and our livings are going out the door at an unprecedented rate. Where are all the "grapes" or "cajones" or "stones" we hear so much about? Anybody can put on a T-shirt saying "I'm mad as hell and won't take it any more" but that's completely meaningless unless you are willing to put in some action.

Frankly, I'm terribly disgusted that the AFL-CIO seems happy to collect their share of our dues without doing much for us, other than sending out a little newsletter once in a while asking us to boycott mushrooms or some such. To quote Ms. Jackson, "What have you done for me lately?"

Our locals needs to send a message to the President of the AFL-CIO saying we will begin withholding their cut and putting it to better use, like establishing a strike fund or food bank.

I'm not asking anyone to do anything legal. I am asking that we demand our union leadships to show some gumption and support legal work actions. Do not take your anger out by destroying company equipment or property. Show up on legal picket lines. Do not cross legal pickets lines.

We all have families to feed and bills to pay. We cannot let our wages drop to the point that's not possible.

WE do the work, WE deserve the wages! Take a moment and write or call your union reps. Let them know the time for posturing is over.

You may now return to your usual bashing of one another.

Dea Certe said:
And while I'm on a roll here, what is up with all this bashing of one union or another?

AMFA, IAM, TWA, AFA or whatever. While all this squabbling is going on, our jobs, our careers and our livings are going out the door at an unprecedented rate. Where are all the "grapes" or "cajones" or "stones" we hear so much about? Anybody can put on a T-shirt saying "I'm mad as hell and won't take it any more" but that's completely meaningless unless you are willing to put in some action.

Frankly, I'm terribly disgusted that the AFL-CIO seems happy to collect their share of our dues without doing much for us, other than sending out a little newsletter once in a while asking us to boycott mushrooms or some such. To quote Ms. Jackson, "What have you done for me lately?"

Our locals needs to send a message to the President of the AFL-CIO saying we will begin withholding their cut and putting it to better use, like establishing a strike fund or food bank.

I'm not asking anyone to do anything legal. I am asking that we demand our union leadships to show some gumption and support legal work actions. Do not take your anger out by destroying company equipment or property. Show up on legal picket lines. Do not cross legal pickets lines.

We all have families to feed and bills to pay. We cannot let our wages drop to the point that's not possible.

WE do the work, WE deserve the wages! Take a moment and write or call your union reps. Let them know the time for posturing is over.

You may now return to your usual bashing of one another.


Well written.
Dea Certe, the reason many of us here bash the TWU is because the TWU started this whole mess in 1983 by giving massive concessions(particularly the hideous "B" SCALE) to AA. This along with the IAM giving Harding Lawrence(Braniff) a 10% paycut in 1981 led to a feeding frenzy by airline management (particularly LORENZO+ICAHN) on it's employees!

I agree that we need to quit squabbling and STRIKE this industry together, but the TWU international will never go along, because it is too concerned about the loss of dues money and bribes by management.
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While I agree that its unfortunate that it appears that we have one union fighting against the other the sad fact is that if we want progress we are forced to do this.

Our problem is that our situation with our union, the TWU, is one where we have people who are appointed to top positions who are not accountable to us. Not all TWU members suffer this same situation. Local 556 is an example of a TWU Local that enjoys a lot of autonomy, same with Local 100. In both cases the Local has control over their contract. Their President participates in direct negotiations. He signs it into effect.

At American Airlines direct negotiations is almost solely conducted, in private, between Jim Little or other appointed International officials who in theory take their requests from the "negotiating committee". The elected representative do not directly negotiate with the company. They agree on propsals, present them to the INternational then the International takes them to the company. Often the International would keep the committee locked up in a room until they came to agree on what the International wanted.

No matter what these International officials do, no matter what they agree to, we can not remove them. The person who appoints them is elected by delegates from a wide variety of different workers, most of whom earn less than half of what we earn, most of whom do not have the same situation where they have no real control over the contract.

The head of our union could care less about us, all he cares about is dues flow.

Sonny Hall has stated several times that he does not concern himself with what goes on in the ATD, he left that up to his appointee Jim Little. As long as Jim Little keeps the dues flowing with as little expense as possible then as far as he is concerned Jim Little is doing a good job. This means no strikes, they are costly, no job actions, they are costly too and do what you can to increase membership. In order to do that without strikes or job actions you must give concessions.

This policy of maximizing revenue and growth puts the unions goals in sync with American Airlines goal-growth and profits. The easist way for them both to achieve their objectives to to cooperate by lowering labor costs. Is it any wonder why the TWU would act like the company under these conditions?

This fact also is one of the reasons why the International does not interfere as much with the rest of the ATD, because they are of less importance. They dont really care what those locals do because their main relationship is with American Airlines. THats why the ATD is in Dallas, right near AAs corporate headquarters. Their non-interference at the other Locals help them maintain complete control over the AA locals. By not interefeing at those Locals it helps prevent a coalition of ATD Locals aligning against the International at the Convention, the only place and time where Constitutional changes can be made.

So, here at AA, where we have 22 Locals all working under a common contract that is the property of the International, not any or even all of the Locals, we have Jim Little with a mandate to increase membership without strife, in other words increase membership without any cost to the International. So Jim Little works hand in hand with American Airlines. They have such a good cooperative relationship that despite the airlines current financial problems they still give the TWU $3.1 million a year to conduct union business.

Of course in order to hide all this the TWU had to set up an elaborate fascade in order to disguise it from the members. Thats how they came up with the "Presidents Council'. This body has no real power, thats been made clear in at least two lawsuits where the court stated that the council has no authority over the contract, since they are not party to the contract, or the International, because the Constitution does not grant or even mention the Presidents council. However, the INternational gets a lot of use out of the Presidents council, they serve as a target for blame. When the members protest about the member and dues producing concessions the International simply blames the Presidents council. It has worked well for twenty years.

The fact is that through the President of the TWU, Jim Little has sole authority over our contract and our locals. He can impliment any changes he sees fit. He can dissolve or form new locals. He can remove elected officers. He can do as he pleases but he is careful to always hide and create another entity to affix blame. Jim is a master at deferring blkame. I'm sure he is using all of his favorites now as members and local leaders pressure him to step up to the plate with the flight attendants.

I can hear him now.

"I agree, but the AFL-CIO wont do anything".

Thats a lie because the AFL-CIO waits for the member unions to act, then they support them, not the other way around. This is the real way the AFL-CIO is set up because thats the way the leaders of the unions want it. Jim of course knows this but he counts on the fact that most memvbers dont.

"I agree we should do something but O'Brien does not want us to get involved in an illegal strike."

Thats pretty much a lie, because OBrien probably has no idea of what is going on in the ATD. Besides, even though OBrien could remove Little he wont, because as far as he knows Jim has the ATD, which is more than half of the union, those are votes O'Brien will need ion order to get elected at the next convention.

"I agree but none of the other Locals or members care."

THats a lie. Other Local leaders have already expressed an interest in supporting the Flight Attendants.

"I agree, but its like herding cats."

That is merely a reflection on Jim Leadership abilities, so this is probably the most truthful statement you will hear from Little.

"We both feel the same way on this but I have to wait for the International to approve of any public stance. But believe me I'm 100% behind them, and I've told them so."

The International lets Jim run the ATD as he sees fit. Those guys dont want to be bothered, it means work, and they have put years of as kissing in to get where they have gotten so they dont have to work.

"They have not asked us for any assistance."

Thats a lie. They said they would welcome assistance from other workers.

"They are going to screw up the whole labor movement".

Thats a lie. The labor movement was built by resisting greedy employers who tried to exploit downturns in the economy to set back wages and benifits. Most labor actions happened when times were bad, not duriung boom times. Little knows this, but for Little these are the best of times. Off our suffereing he recieved raises and a promotion, he sees no reason to fight what is happening because things are good for him.
I agree that we need to put this union matter aside for now and show support to the stews, or whoever requires our support. I could go on about AMFA as you did the TWU, the only difference is that the TWU is currently your union, like it or not.

I will show up at the picket lines, representing Drippy Quill, unionist at large. I will assist in funding the stews if needed. I believe we should now pool our resources and assist the stews, we cannot wait for the TWU, AMFA, or the AFL-CIO...fact is a certain amount of liability is held by our unions...we need to act smartly, in MASS, and with organization.

We have this ability, we have shown each other we can organize against/for a common let's use it for something that will mean something to both parties...*throws up white flag to AMFA*
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Drippy Quill said:
I agree that we need to put this union matter aside for now and show support to the stews, or whoever requires our support. I could go on about AMFA as you did the TWU, the only difference is that the TWU is currently your union, like it or not.

Thats right, and besides Local 556 what is the rest of the TWU, our union, doing about it? How much would it take to make a public statement declaring support? Some guy under an alias means nothing. As you know, unlike Local 556, none of the AA locals are in a position to speak for all the TWU members at AA, this has to come from the International. Have you written to Little? What was your response? "Were working on it"?

I will show up at the picket lines, representing Drippy Quill, unionist at large. I will assist in funding the stews if needed. I believe we should now pool our resources and assist the stews, we cannot wait for the TWU, AMFA, or the AFL-CIO...fact is a certain amount of liability is held by our unions...we need to act smartly, in MASS, and with organization.

Fine but if we cant count on the TWU, AMFA or the AFL-CIO then why support them? Get rid of all the dead wood and start a new union.

We have this ability, we have shown each other we can organize against/for a common let's use it for something that will mean something to both parties...*throws up white flag to AMFA*

Again, have you made your feelings known to Little?

Again. What is his excuse for not issueing a statement or conducting a Strike vote?

Dont let him BS you, there is nothing illegal about conducting a vote, its merely a political act that gives the judge something else to consider. Since his objective is to protect the asetts of the shareholders he will now hove to consider not only the stockholders of UAL but society as a whole should his precident setting decision cause an industrywide revolt. Besides the RLA grant airline workers the right to secondary picketing. AMFA is one of the few unions that puts their right to honor picket lines into the contract. The TWU does not.
Dea Certe said:
And while I'm on a roll here, what is up with all this bashing of one union or another?

AMFA, IAM, TWA, AFA or whatever. While all this squabbling is going on, our jobs, our careers and our livings are going out the door at an unprecedented rate. Where are all the "grapes" or "cajones" or "stones" we hear so much about? Anybody can put on a T-shirt saying "I'm mad as hell and won't take it any more" but that's completely meaningless unless you are willing to put in some action.

Frankly, I'm terribly disgusted that the AFL-CIO seems happy to collect their share of our dues without doing much for us, other than sending out a little newsletter once in a while asking us to boycott mushrooms or some such. To quote Ms. Jackson, "What have you done for me lately?"

Our locals needs to send a message to the President of the AFL-CIO saying we will begin withholding their cut and putting it to better use, like establishing a strike fund or food bank.

I'm not asking anyone to do anything legal. I am asking that we demand our union leadships to show some gumption and support legal work actions. Do not take your anger out by destroying company equipment or property. Show up on legal picket lines. Do not cross legal pickets lines.

We all have families to feed and bills to pay. We cannot let our wages drop to the point that's not possible.

WE do the work, WE deserve the wages! Take a moment and write or call your union reps. Let them know the time for posturing is over.

You may now return to your usual bashing of one another.



I'm sure you've already seen this but for the rest:

Local 9 Membership meeting resolution

The following item was voted and approved at the dayshift and swingshift meetings on 17 Nov 2004.
The vote was unanimous.

Text of Resolution is as follows:

WHEREAS, The Association of Flight attendants United Airlines Master Executive Council unanimously adopted a Resolution for Strike preparedness on November 16, 2004 calling for AFA CHAOS strikes at any company that abrogates an AFA contract, and industry wide secondary strike properly authorized by the AFA and calling on all airline employees to join in solidarity and,

WHEREAS, we as mechanics and related are now facing the same attacks by the very same companies as the AFA and that our collective strength is in our numbers and our ability to withhold our labor across all crafts,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this meeting of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) Local 9 San Francisco endorses these actions of the Association of Flight Attendants, and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this meeting of AMFA Local 9 directs our Local, Airline, and National leadership to do everything they can to make similar strike preparations, including endorsement of the AFA resolutions and adoption of our own National strike resolutions.

AMFA has also tried to extend their hand in solidarity to the IAM at UAL so that we can work in a concerted effort to reach our common goal of defending our professions and lively hoods against this industry wide rape and pillage of unionized airline employees. Only to have our hand pushed away.

It is sad that the organized AFL-CIO leadership have to have a grudge against people whom choose a different path of unionized leadership but whom remain more of a ‘union’ in actions and philosophy than they. In the end we will ‘all’ loose and the AFL-CIO leadership will claim victory even though their actions/inactions have helped feed this beast.

As you can see, our hand is still extended and will be for as long as it takes for us to ‘collectively’ join together to achieve our common goals.

In Solidarity,
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UAL_TECH said:

I'm sure you've already seen this but for the rest:

Local 9 Membership meeting resolution
AMFA has also tried to extend their hand in solidarity to the IAM at UAL so that we can work in a concerted effort to reach our common goal of defending our professions and lively hoods against this industry wide rape and pillage of unionized airline employees. Only to have our hand pushed away.

It is sad that the organized AFL-CIO leadership have to have a grudge against people whom choose a different path of unionized leadership but whom remain more of a ‘union’ in actions and philosophy than they. In the end we will ‘all’ loose and the AFL-CIO leadership will claim victory even though their actions/inactions have helped feed this beast.

As you can see, our hand is still extended and will be for as long as it takes for us to ‘collectively’ join together to achieve our common goals.

In Solidarity,

I agree, but the AFL-CIO is not as monolithic as it appears to be. Just look at all the controversy Andy Stern of the SEIU has caused .

He has been criticizing the structure of the labor movement under the AFL-CIO. One of the things he brought up that relates directly to airline workers is that there are too many different unions and that these unions just try to get dues payers, whether or not they have the ability to specialize and give adequate representation is secondary to just getting more members. TWU represented black jack dealers in Las Vegas is a perfect example of this. Where is the connection between blackjack dealers in Vegas and mass transit workers in NYC? How does being in the same union benifit either group? It doesnt, it benifits the International officers. It makes challenges to their power almost impossible.

The TWU represents federal workers, workers under the NLRA, the RLA, the Taylor act, several other municiple labor laws and the private sector. Nearly all of these industries also have workers doing the same exact job represented by other different AFL-CIO unions.

What is the benifit of having so many unions?

Its not like the members are given more choices-raiding is illegal within the federation. The benificiaries of this hopelessly corrupt ineffective organization is the hundreds of extra union officials, who under a more consolidated structure would no longer have union positions and would have to work under the conditions they helped put in place. So the entire labor movement suffers to benifit a few hundred Bobby Gless's, Jim Little's and Gary Yingst's.

The TWU is a reletively small union, even though its top officers earn more than most other unions. The TWU International really can not focus on any particular industry or workgroup. Since they represent such a diverse membership, where there are no strategic connections between them, they do a "less than stellar" job with all of them. But then again, the TWU brags that protecting "less than stellar" workers is why they exist! Why should members expect anything else?

The AFL-CIO is not ideologically anti-craft union. Many AFL-CIO unions are craft unions, such as the ALPA, AFA and many, many others in other industries. Instead of appealing to the AFL-CIO you have to make your appeal through the other craft unions. Leave the door open for the IAM, TWU and IBT, let them be the ones to say that they will not put their own selfish feelings aside for the good of the members. Ask ALPA what is wrong with mechanics having their own union? If its wrong for us then why is it right for them? No doubt you will see some serious back peddaling because even within the AFL-CIO there is conflict between Industrial Unions and Craft unions. To make an advance though the AFL-CIO is pointless, when you go that way they will have to put up the appearance of a united front. You have to go though the craft unions. Make your arguement and only use the merits, do not criticize any other workgroup.

I hope that the AMFA National follows local 9 lead, and the sooner the better. If the AFA rejects AMFA, well shame on them, but if AMFA does not act soon, then shame on AMFA.
Again, thanks for your support. From what I'm reading, it seems the airlines are playing one union against another, would that be an accurate assessment? Don't you think it's time put differences aside for the time being while there's an all-out assault on our professions?

AFA, especially US and UAL, is entering some uncharted territory. Both carriers being in BK, both carriers asking for the courts to void their contracts and deciding whether the RLA or the BK court takes precedence. The judge handling UAL has sent the company and union back to the table and told them to "work it out" between themselves. I imagine the judge sees the huge implications any decision he makes would have on the entire industry. It could put Bush into an uncomfortable position, if he has to order a PEB.

Whatever the outcome for AFA, it will affect every airline employee at every airline, including those not represented by a collective bargaining unit. If there is a "bad outcome" for AFA, why would anyone want a union? If contracts can be so easily discarded, why pay union dues? The AFL-CIO will lose its "cut" at a time when less than 12% of Labor has union representation. Sweeney needs to wake up and take a stand.

"Herding cats", I loved that statement! Of course everyone has an opinion! That's what being a good leader is all about. Union leadership needs to make its membership understand the old saying "An Injury to One is An Injury To All." Never has this been a truer statement.

I don't understand why we all remain so passive. Our leadership should be organizing writing campaigns to legislators. Our pensions are being stolen while we are buying into the corporate drivel that pensions are a thing of the past! But, as you will note, their pensions are protected in "bullet proof" clauses!

We don't have time to waste. Call, e mail *and* write your union leadership and Mr. Sweeney. Demand that you see some action for your union dues! No matter what your personal feelings towards your union, wear your union pin every day as a signal of solidarity with your co-workers. It makes management very nervous to see solidarity.

We, as Americans must put a stop to outsourcing, to off-shoring and to the loss of American jobs that will bring our national economy down to third-world levels.

One more thing about "herding cats." Wasn't there a union symbol of solidarity back in the IWW days of a black cat?

In Solidarity,

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Dea Certe said:
Again, thanks for your support. From what I'm reading, it seems the airlines are playing one union against another, would that be an accurate assessment?

Yes, and No. The TWU, IAM and IBT are playing the members off each other too. They have been doing this for many years now. Thats why they hate AMFA so much. AMFA came in and got mechanics precident setting increases.

Each union is willing to give concessions in the hope that "their company" will be the surviving powerhouse airline. Once the others go out of business then the union at the surviving airline will get more members.

Don't you think it's time put differences aside for the time being while there's an all-out assault on our professions?

Yes, if they are willing to take action. Their unwillingness to take action is one difference that obviously can not be put aside. Dont you agree?

AFA, especially US and UAL, is entering some uncharted territory. Both carriers being in BK, both carriers asking for the courts to void their contracts and deciding whether the RLA or the BK court takes precedence. The judge handling UAL has sent the company and union back to the table and told them to "work it out" between themselves. I imagine the judge sees the huge implications any decision he makes would have on the entire industry. It could put Bush into an uncomfortable position, if he has to order a PEB.

And if there is a PEB we should ignore it unless given some assurances. This would be uncharted territry for many of us but the labor movement was born in civil disobedience. The conditions that pushed the leaders of the early labor movement have been put back in place over time by uncontested judicial "legislation". When an immoral law is put in place it is our moral duty to violate it. When labor laws were put in place compromises were made, to have a judge come along and compromise the compromise is unacceptable.

Whatever the outcome for AFA, it will affect every airline employee at every airline, including those not represented by a collective bargaining unit. If there is a "bad outcome" for AFA, why would anyone want a union? If contracts can be so easily discarded, why pay union dues? The AFL-CIO will lose its "cut" at a time when less than 12% of Labor has union representation. Sweeney needs to wake up and take a stand.

No arguement there.

"Herding cats", I loved that statement! Of course everyone has an opinion! That's what being a good leader is all about. Union leadership needs to make its membership understand the old saying "An Injury to One is An Injury To All." Never has this been a truer statement.

That was Jim Littles latest excuse to TWU Local 562 as to why there has been no public support for the AFA from the TWU.

I don't understand why we all remain so passive. Our leadership should be organizing writing campaigns to legislators. Our pensions are being stolen while we are buying into the corporate drivel that pensions are a thing of the past! But, as you will note, their pensions are protected in "bullet proof" clauses!

Are our leaders pensions at risk? Have they taken paycuts? Can they be held accountable? With the TWU we can not vote out International officials. That is why accountable Local Presidents are speaking up but the International is not.
We don't have time to waste. Call, e mail *and* write your union leadership and Mr. Sweeney. Demand that you see some action for your union dues! No matter what your personal feelings towards your union, wear your union pin every day as a signal of solidarity with your co-workers. It makes management very nervous to see solidarity.

We, as Americans must put a stop to outsourcing, to off-shoring and to the loss of American jobs that will bring our national economy down to third-world levels.

One more thing about "herding cats." Wasn't there a union symbol of solidarity back in the IWW days of a black cat?

In Solidarity,


I agree, got to go, Company is here!
You know who I am Owens, so do not play that McTiernan BS with me, it will not work. I speak for Drippy Quill, not the TWU. I have written e-mails. Think this is the first "dance" I have danced?

Since you are unwilling to put this union crap aside for a bit, I will advance on my own, to support the stews or whoever, without your blue-ink BS. May I take this time to state that once again Owen, you do truely suck!

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