Support The Flight Attendants

Steve Connell said:
You know's "union members" like yourself that makes me sick. You depend on the International? You, for one, are a known amfa organizer. You wonder why you did not get a paid invitation, from the TWU, to attend a union activity? Surely, even you, are not that ignorant, well maybe.

Haven't you been informed? Apparently making you sick is the most important thing on the planet and this forum. Therefore, I have once again accomplished that which others can only dream about.

Thanks Steve,
You made my day. Until I read your post, my day was nothing more than a normal passing of time.

BTW, with the TWU, you have to rely on the International, because the member has NO SAY or POWER within the Dictator Structure. Did you forget about the "without further ratification" concessions and loss of jobs you are suffering from? Don't you understand the term "ATTRITION" yet?

Ignorance is worshipping a Bus Drivers Union while claiming to be skilled professional.
Yeah, I guess Kirky is Intl now.....

Mr. Gless was present, where were you? I believe Mr. Owens would have made an attempt if he did not have prior committments, but the rest of you are really lame (hope the word lame doesn't offend anyone, I'm running out of alias').

That event should have been the beginning of a grass roots effort to send a message to the company and the BK judges that we are through with their profession ruination. As the slogan goes Creating Havoc Across Our System.

It's no wonder the TWU seems weak to you, look at it's membership...yeah you. You'll follow the likes of Dave Stewart around, yelling this and that about the TWU, but when it's time to show numbers you fail...great job, keep following...Baaaaahhhhhhh!
Steve Connell said:
Mr. Gless was present, where were you?

Working, making sure you and Kirky had a safe flight to DC.

BTW...Why the A pass for Kirky, I thought this was suppose to be a personal sacrifice to our professions. Why the UB pay, you won't do it on your dime. And for the record, I did ask for UB pay, hotel, food, drinks, taxi/limo/subway expenses paid, A passes, etc, from my local and was denied.

Lastly, why are the twu stoolies holding APFA signs? Aren't they the "evil" ones who left this dues collecting association back in the 70's? Aren't they non-AFL-CIO?

DC Pictures
Working, making sure you and Kirky had a safe flight to DC.

BTW...Why the A pass for Kirky, I thought this was suppose to be a personal sacrifice to our professions. Why the UB pay, you won't do it on your dime. And for the record, I did ask for UB pay, hotel, food, drinks, taxi/limo/subway expenses paid, A passes, etc, from my local and was denied.

Lastly, why are the twu stoolies holding APFA signs? Aren't they the "evil" ones who left this dues collecting association back in the 70's? Aren't they non-AFL-CIO?

DC Pictures
An A pass for the twu felon? WoW!!! Astounding how a the twu felon is rejected by the membership and his own co-workers in the AFW paint shop, yet he gets promoted (appointed) to the twu International, and flies around on UB with the members dime.

I wonder if the felon asked any of the APFA members why they left the twu? I'm sure he could convince them with some twu International lies to come back to the twu fold. After all, the APFA cannot be a real union, can they? :rolleyes: :unsure: :lol: :down:
It's no wonder the TWU seems weak to you, look at it's membership...yeah you. You'll follow the likes of Dave Stewart around, yelling this and that about the TWU, but when it's time to show numbers you fail...great job, keep following...Baaaaahhhhhhh!

Should we follow a rented coffin chanting, "To the doors and stop! To the doors and stop!"?

By the way, Steve, did you receive UB pay and a confirmed seat to travel to DC? Were the other people who attened with you have the same?

Someone posted pictures of the DC event. Can anyone put a name with any of the twu people? It would be nice to know who actually was there.
Actually Ken, I flew on my own D1 and have not received a dime from the TWU...why did I know that it was more important to be paid for travel and time to you than to being present for the vigil.

And personally Ken, I don't care who you follow where, just follow as you're used to.
Steve Connell said:
Actually Ken, I flew on my own D1 and have not received a dime from the TWU...why did I know that it was more important to be paid for travel and time to you than to being present for the vigil.

And personally Ken, I don't care who you follow where, just follow as you're used to.

Steve, your being on UB and having confirmed travel are not more important to me than your attending the vigil. With your blind loyalty to the twu and your previous position in the twu at MCI it only seemed natural that you would be compensated for attending. Actually, I am surprised you went, given that there were no coffins to stand next to.

As for following do not confuse my ability to understand which labor organization has my crafts best interests at heart and which is more concerned in collecting only dues with no democracy or accountability.

By the way Steve, where your different alias' also on a D1?
AMFA doesn't have your best interests at heart, had they, they would have attended as a union, in support of a union with common causes and goals...AMFA and you were a NO SHOW.

Man, I have more alias' than you can imagine, and that is my business. As soon as I find one that is "bulletproof" I'll remain with luck.

Oh yeah Ken, do not mistake unionism with your blind loyalty BS. Loyal to Local 530, you bet. Loyalty to the TWU, as a whole, is judged as deemed necessary, nothing is taken for granted by them or me...just you.
Calvin said:
AMFA doesn't have your best interests at heart, had they, they would have attended as a union, in support of a union with common causes and goals...AMFA and you were a NO SHOW.

Man, I have more alias' than you can imagine, and that is my business. As soon as I find one that is "bulletproof" I'll remain with luck.

Oh yeah Ken, do not mistake unionism with your blind loyalty BS. Loyal to Local 530, you bet. Loyalty to the TWU, as a whole, is judged as deemed necessary, nothing is taken for granted by them or me...just you.

Well, steve, the only BS here is your continued support in an industrial union, (you have a craft don't you?), that has lied to you, stolen money from your wallet and tells you that they are democratic. The many jobs that were saved due to concessions at AA was a big, fat lie. Why the lay offs now steve?

steve, your ability to act as a union man is rather comical when you support one of the worse unions in the industry. That's OK. The twu loves people like yourself that swallow everything whole that comes from the international.

You're loyal to the twu as a whole? Are you loyal to individuals that you are unable to elect into office? Simple question here. Are you loyal to an organization that will allow you to lose wage and benefits in order to save your fellow worker only to have these fellow workers laid off? Are you loyal to an organization where the international officers do not take a pay cut when you do?

Loyalty is one thing to exhibit. Stupidity is something all together different.
One of these days Ken you might get it right. Would you be loyal to AMFA after they went through the furloughs at NW and UA? Guess not.

BTW Ken, I stand by my KC people, if they abide by the International, then I will also, if they decide it's time to get more dependant, then we will.

Loyalty is one thing to exhibit. Stupidity is something all together different.
Which are you Ken? Loyal or stupid?
All is fair in love and war...except when they contact the administrator and get a bunch of alias' banned...HAHAHA!!!...ya'll need to quit...this is tough work...figuring out which alias' are banned and which are not.
Someone who brags about having many alias' banned, while at the same time flaming the board is not worthy of mature response.

Folks like you make the board undesireable to read and visit.

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