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Sep 26, 2010
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All is forgiven, please come back I'll sign your card. Let's get rid of the association.
You do realize they havent even gotten a JCBA for UA/CO and its been over FIVE years and both groups are IBT?
Go ahead, sign cards, get an election and delay your getting a JCBA even more.

IBT five years at UA/CO no JCBA, UA has laid off mechanics while CO hired and the UA guys werent given first shot.
How long did it take the IAM and TWU to neogiate there last truly nrogated contract?
Trust me no one is going to sign a Teamsters card. Their true colors came out on the last drive. We need a craft union for the AMT'S. During the merger the flight attendant's went with a non afl-cio affiliated union. The pilots did the same. Both craft unions. Both believe in quality in a union instead of quantity. Both of them have agreements signed and are looking forward past BK and the next contract. Both unions have full accountability in their constitutions. No union is perfect but those two work groups are doing much better than the ASSociation. To sit here and say sign a Teamsters card out of fustration is like the last drive. Guys were so upset that they would sign any card thrown at them. This was a tactic the TWU wanted us to fall into. It worked because look where we are today. We really need to be united as one group with the goal of wanting to replace the association. If we go around saying fill out any card it is a waste of time. When SWA, UAL, Alaska, NWA and others had a amfa drive they focused on one union. They knew what their goal was. We at AA have yet to figure that out. Whether it's AMFA or any other craft union we need to set a goal. That has not happened yet. We just keep taking it up the pervubial A$$ from the TWU and soon the Association. Do we really need another industrial dues sucking union to represent us?
While I would prefer AMFA, they failed us, they don't have the will or the leadership. I checked around and many AMT will go still for IBT.
chellow said:
How long did it take the IAM and TWU to neogiate there last truly nrogated contract?
There is a difference between Section 6 negotiations and JCBA.

The last IAM CBA was give or take three years, but the IAM had built in raises for three years past the amendable date.
chellow said:
While I would prefer AMFA, they failed us, they don't have the will or the leadership. I checked around and many AMT will go still go for IBT.
You need a reality check. AMFA did not fail us. We failed ourselves. Tulsa was not onboard, guys filled out two different cards in desperation. Are we mad enough at the union to make a change? You have guys that still want the TWU, still want the IAM, still want AMFA and the ones that don't care about anything dealing with unions. That will not lead to a coordinated effort to oust the association. What makes you think the Teamsters will be any better? Money, large union or perhaps you like to pay more in dues for the same. You like to have people appointed instead of elected? Wasn't this all brought out during the last drive about the Teamsters? We as a group need to wake up. This isn't a college football game last play in the fourth quarter and your going to throw a hail mary pass and hope for the best. I agree that the association has to go due to lack of accountability to its members. The Teamsters are no different. Is that what you really want?
Aren't local elections coming up? Why not run a new slate of candidates other than what we have now? I mean who is the Trump, Dr Ben Carson, or Bernie Sanders of teh TWU membership. A group of outsiders with fresh perspectives and ideas might be a great change fo pace.
Buster CRC said:
If you remember IBT quit us.
Yes they gave up on us and we keep giving up on ourselves. We ask Teamsters and AMFA to represent us but we can't get passed the first step. Amfa does not have the same bankroll as the Teamsters. The Teamsters spends the members money on failed drives. They spent $$$ millions on our last drive. We fell short on cards and that would have been shown if the Teamsters did not dump us. Did it occur that AMFA has a more cautious approach to protect funds on a low percentage drive? If I was a member represented by a union be it Teamsters or AMFA I would want accountability from the union on how my dues money is being spent. You don't have that with Teamsters, TWU or the IAM. We keep asking for AMFA but the truth is we can't even meet them half way.
You can't change the TWU international.electing a trump like guy will not work. Get out of the AFL-CIO. Wait until JCBA then lets start a move to drop this ASS TWU IAM collectively line and base..
ATD said:
You can't change the TWU international.electing a trump like guy will not work. Get out of the AFL-CIO. Wait until JCBA then lets start a move to drop this ASS TWU IAM collectively line and base..
Sounds like a plan. Maybe that's why the association is dragging their feet. They fear another attempt to hit them in the bank account.
700UW said:
You do realize they havent even gotten a JCBA for UA/CO and its been over FIVE years and both groups are IBT?
If we are going to compare what is going on at United and timing, I think the IAM blew that one.  Maybe the situation is reversed here at American and we can take advantage of the timing. Nonetheless, at American, it would seem that the members have to be all in with The Association, at this time.

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