Trust me no one is going to sign a Teamsters card. Their true colors came out on the last drive. We need a craft union for the AMT'S. During the merger the flight attendant's went with a non afl-cio affiliated union. The pilots did the same. Both craft unions. Both believe in quality in a union instead of quantity. Both of them have agreements signed and are looking forward past BK and the next contract. Both unions have full accountability in their constitutions. No union is perfect but those two work groups are doing much better than the ASSociation. To sit here and say sign a Teamsters card out of fustration is like the last drive. Guys were so upset that they would sign any card thrown at them. This was a tactic the TWU wanted us to fall into. It worked because look where we are today. We really need to be united as one group with the goal of wanting to replace the association. If we go around saying fill out any card it is a waste of time. When SWA, UAL, Alaska, NWA and others had a amfa drive they focused on one union. They knew what their goal was. We at AA have yet to figure that out. Whether it's AMFA or any other craft union we need to set a goal. That has not happened yet. We just keep taking it up the pervubial A$$ from the TWU and soon the Association. Do we really need another industrial dues sucking union to represent us?