Things I am tired of


Apr 22, 2003
I work at an airport in Customer Service. Here are the things that I am tired of.

Opening the USA Today this morning to find AA, DL and UA each have a full page ad NW has 3/4 page. Knowing that US will not have any ads to bring in customers.

Having every other airline at the airport oversold except US.

Knowing we have lost government and corporate contracts we have held for years.

Looking at the suggestions submitted only to find less then a dozen approved.

Feeling like though we are out of bankruptcy, CCY is still trying its best to put us into chapter 7.

Bonner not living up to his promise of promoting US. Now is the time he should be out there shooting his big mouth out building up the company he now owns.

Poor schedules that fail to meet money making connections.

That is enough for now.......moaning on monday!