Tic Tac Toe: Nobody Wins

Tim Nelson

Jan 5, 2003
Ultimately, it won't matter what the judge does or doesn't do. It really isn't about the Judge at all because in the end it will be only your company and the employees. At this point who cares what the judge does, most already assume he will rule for your company, so what? This isn't between the Judge or the Attorneys.

The focus should be on the relationship between USAIRWAYS and its employees. The judge is kinda like a referee in a professional wrestling match. Who cares if he picks up a chair and slams it on the back of one wrestler. I mean, both sides have clearly defined their stance and It has the appearance of a knock out drag out fight in which nobody wins....Tic Tac Toe...didn't any of you folks see that ole Matthew Broderick flick? Of course, in the film, cool heads prevailed.

At any rate this seems to me like the perfect storm. I mean, your company is faced with $52 barrell, backed into a corner, but incredibly still has the resources to 'pick' marginal pay cuts for favorite sons, yet the IAM is left with an offer they have to refuse [Godfather reversed].

From my perspective, i.e., after talking to several IAM ramp members at your company, I have determined that there is tremendous 'disappointment' in the fact that managers may end the year with only a 2% pay cut [3% Spring raise - 5% October reduction]. While at the same time, asking other workers for 23%. I would say that the word 'appalling' fits here in the minds of most if not all. In any scenerio this is inequitable, and will bake, for the first time, [by recipe] solidarity within the IAM ranks, i.e., 141 and the other district.

I can only assume since your company supplied all the ingredients for the perfect recipe, that your company actually wants to bring about the solidarity that the IAM has only dreamed about. One language, one people. An ending that may not be too ironic and may allow the ship's people to finally have closure and board the waiting rafts in hopes of a better tomorrow.

Why did the leadership of this compamy come up with a fair plan. like Delta's where it is a flat percentage across the board. If this was a plan to pit one employee group against another, it worked.

The fact the management has such less punative numbers for their give backs and the vacation was hardly touched is an insult to the rest of the employees who being asked to give more. Is management not the group that is supposed to lead. This ship has lost it's rudder and we are turning in circles.

When looking at the career offerings on the web site you see quite a few anylyst positions. Have we not looked at this problem long enough and not done anything to fix it?

Best if luck to all
Um, in bankruptcy, surely it is no longer company vs employees?

It is company and employees vs creditors. And the judge is there to look after the creditors... If they will get more from Chap 7, isn't it his duty to liquidate?

All very confused in this case that the company management and a major creditor are co-operating, which is maybe why this is so messy...?

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