Time Frame to One Company?


Feb 29, 2004
Is there a tentative date on which US Airways will cease to exist as a wholly owned subsidiary of AAG and be absorbed into AA?
They're shooting for mid-2015 for the Single Operators' Certificate.
bigjets said:
Does the ramp and maintenance have to be under one contract for that to happen?
Nope. They can fly as one airline without the JCBA from Fleet or Maintenance.
Justme said:
Is there a tentative date on which US Airways will cease to exist as a wholly owned subsidiary of AAG and be absorbed into AA?

Told us in ground school April 9, at 2 AM
The FAA could care less about the contracts. All they care about are the OpSpecs and manuals being in synch.

Pretty certain that the procedures at UA are common, but there are still s-CO and s-UA designations internally as to who flies what.
it's these two industrial unions keeping us down, because it's not about one voice, it's about keeping their union dues, and their own power in place.
Heard less than 30 days out. Starting one logbook transition this month. Today's Tech Ops update said paperwork sign offs are merging so that we can now use stamps on work cards like LUS. Been wanting that for decades here at LAA.
Yea I liked the idea to when I was in tasel u ntill I found out the supervisors had a duplicate set of stamps. Turned mine in and never used it again.
Overspeed said:
Heard less than 30 days out. Starting one logbook transition this month. Today's Tech Ops update said paperwork sign offs are merging so that we can now use stamps on work cards like LUS. Been wanting that for decades here at LAA.
Yup.  It's my opinion that the LAA logbooks are a joke.  We've been entering our own paperwork and data and using stamps for years.  You'll get used to it soon.
The logbook transition will be much harder to get used to for the LAA Pilots and Mechanics than it will be for us.
eolesen said:
The FAA could care less about the contracts. All they care about are the OpSpecs and manuals being in synch.

Pretty certain that the procedures at UA are common, but there are still s-CO and s-UA designations internally as to who flies what.
Exactly.  As far as the traveling public is concerned, all traces of AWA disappeared years ago, but the pilots never have had a join USAirways contract, and it was not until very recently that the flight attendants finally hammered out their own USAirways joint contract.
The status of contracts with labor groups is invisible to a "Timeframe to One Company."  
FYI, US Airways, Inc. (or whatever it's officially called) will likely continue to be a wholly owned subsidiary for many years.  It takes a long time to novate contracts or for existing contracts to expire.  I have been wondering about the SOC and reservation system consolidation timing.  From a customer point of view, "US" won't be gone until there is one reservation system and one mileage program.
USFlyer said:
FYI, US Airways, Inc. (or whatever it's officially called) will likely continue to be a wholly owned subsidiary for many years.  It takes a long time to novate contracts or for existing contracts to expire.  I have been wondering about the SOC and reservation system consolidation timing.  From a customer point of view, "US" won't be gone until there is one reservation system and one mileage program.
Last time Parker talked to the employees at a town hall or crew news, the estimate for consolidation of the biggest piece of the IT puzzle (one reservation system) is slated for 4th quarter of 2016.   
IMHO, if it doesn't happen very early in that quarter, i.e. in October, 2016, then it would be smarter to hold off until after the holidays and do it mid-January, 2017.  If there is a meltdown, Mid-January until mid-March is the best time to have it.