Twu Atd Restructure Part 3


Jul 23, 2003
TWU Restructuring Plan


The TWU at American Airlines has undergone much adversity over the much of its 46 year history. For the most part, the TWU has done much for its members over this period. There have been many victories that the TWU has earned for the membership at American Airlines. Since deregulation hit the airline industry in 1978, the industry has undergone tremendous highs and lows. Now, due to a horrendous economy that has been brought on by a variety of reasons too numerous to go into here, the TWU faces a serious problem.

The problem is that the airline industry changed and we did not. These changes were brought on by;

• Ever changing government regulations
• The industry is much more competitive due to deregulation
• The job skills have become vastly different in the groups the TWU represents at American Airlines, Inc. (AA)
• The work environment has changed (i.e. changing attitudes on work place violence, discrimination, harassment, etc.)
• The demographics of our membership has changed
o Younger membership - the hard fought gains of the past and how we earned them has been forgotten.
o New generation was brought up when the concern was not the whole group but on individual achievement. That you need to worry about yourself first.
• Airline Human Resources has become more professional and better educated while we rely on well-meaning, but woefully outclassed, union representatives.
• An emerging global work environment that offers similar job skills but with reduced government oversight and inherently lower costs.
• And many other details that can be debated ad infinitum

What this has brought on is a myriad of complex problems. Members are looking to the TWU and they do not see us as prepared. They see an antiquated organization that is out-classed by American Airlines. They see us as unwilling to change so the groundswell of support for labor organizations outside the TWU grows with every day that we stagnate.

Some problems are clear while others are more ambiguous, so in order to correct the issues at hand, we must have a plan with distinct goals.

The Plan

The solution to the problems the TWU faces cannot be resolved by merely advertising how bad the other organizations are to make us look better. The TWU must be better. This proposal outlines several aspects that will allow the TWU to be more responsive and professional. The following is what the core issues at hand are;

1) Structure
a) The TWU system of locals is confusing and has no rhyme or reason. The system is based on an outdated and outmoded way of doing business before the day of instantaneous communications.
B) Financial as well as physical resources are not being used effectively, duplication exists at all levels.
c) Separation of work groups to more effectively represent those each local covers.
d) Negotiation teams are cumbersome and ineffective.
2) Information Technology
a) Technological solutions exist that will allow the TWU become highly effective.
3) Publicity and Education
a) The ATD needs a separate identity within the larger body of the TWU.
B) The TWU needs specialized training for its representatives.


The ability to address specific needs of various title groups while encouraging unity as a labor organization requires the review of the complex system of locals. Within the ATD structure itself, the fact that there are so many locals with a mixture of different title groups, employers and contracts makes it very confusing. Within the AA system itself this still continues to be a divisive problem.

Reducing the overall number of locals possibly along title group or regional lines would help to streamline negotiations, president’s councils, etc. This reduction of upper management within the ATD and their Locals could also help by centralizing the arbitration process, possible into one arbitration unit handling all grievances; this consolidation would better utilize the limited resources of the ATD and all the locals.

Resources could be better used to find common threads, more along common labor issue and respecting the difference of each title group. These should be our strengths as it is in the overall labor movement.

Presidents Council

There would be a Presidents Council that would oversee and administer the global issues that affect the AA/TWU membership that they represent. Duties and responsibilities would include, but not be limited to:

1) Negotiations
a) Identifying the membership’s goals for their contract and formulating them into contract proposals.
2) Administration
a) Ensuring the contract is enforced at the system-wide level.
B) Coordinating the uniform enforcement and application of the contract at all Locals. (No side deals that undermine the overall membership.)
c) Committees and appointments
i) Creation of all committees along with their scope and range will be determined by the President’s Council.
ii) All AA/TWU Committees and appointees will be accountable to the President’s Council or those they so designate.
iii) All committee appointees will be selected and approved by the President’s Council through a mutually agreed upon procedure.
iv) All Airline System Board appointees will be reviewed and selected by the President’s Council.
3) Political
a) Identifying and addressing the legislative goals of the ATD Division.

Standing Committees would be created by the Presidents Council to assist with the ongoing process of better serving the membership. These committees would report directly to the Presidents Council and would address issues such as political action, legal, structure, grievance and arbitrations, etc.

AA/TWU System Coordinator

The President’s Council will advise and report to the AA/TWU System Coordinator as to what is the will of the membership in regards to all issues. The duties and responsibilities of the AA/System Coordinator are as follows;

1) To act on the direction given to him/her by the Presidents Council.
2) To report back to the Presidents Council any and all information and outcomes of any proceedings or discussion with Company Representatives.
3) To make no independent action unless expressed authority to make such action was given by the Presidents Council.
4) To make agreements with the Company only when properly authorized by the Presidents Council.
5) To act as spokesperson for the membership of the TWU with AA.

The selection of the AA System Coordinator - as well as any and all International position that oversees administration of the AA/TWU Agreement - must be by direct election of the membership. This can be done to coincide with the TWU Constitutional Convention.

In addition, all officers at any level should be subject to recall provisions. A recall process needs to be developed that would provide for officers to be recalled. The provision should be written so that only a majority can force a recall vote.

Information Technology

The TWU must provide higher quality representation. A large piece of representation is information and how it is used and distributed. Existing Information Technology (IT) is under-utilized and there is no clear plan. The following proposal offers just one possible direction the TWU can go;

1) Hardware
a) The TWU International should ask multiple computer hardware companies to offer proposals and solutions to standardizing the hardware at all Locals in the AA/TWU system. Proposal should include;
i) Establishing an internal use only network that is secure.
ii) Establish a central server at ATD Office in DFW
iii) Common hardware for all Locals
iv) Should include maintenance and technical support.
v) All Locals would pay a fee to cover cost. ATD would pay cost and each Local would pay a pro rata share.
2) Software
a) The TWU International would solicit proposals that would deal with a software solution to meet the Union’s unique needs.
B) Standardize all forms and make them electronic with a provision to get a hard copy.
i) Grievance forms would be completed online. They would be submitted to the Local via the internet. A hard copy would be used by AA as the working copy.
ii) Tracking software to handle all grievances would be used. Local Grievance Committees could track and follow up more effectively on status of grievances.
c) Member services
i) Members would update personal info such as addresses online.
ii) Dues tracking software so that members who pay by hand can check their balance.
iii) All insurance forms for TWU offered programs would be available to the members. Submission of claim forms could be on the TWU-ATD website.
iv) Get news on contract negotiations.
d) Contract enforcement tools;
i) Arbitration research
(1) All past Opinion and Awards would be on the central server at the ATD Office. All cases would be on the server and be fully indexed for rapid accessing.
(2) Legal library to help with preparing for cases.
e) Training
i) Develop online training courses for union representatives to better the skills
ii) Links to resources that representatives could use to further their knowledge.
iii) Online exercises that representatives could use to better their skills.
f) Publicity and Education
i) Online newsletter
ii) Political news and system that helps members get involved and informed in the legislative process and how it affects them.
g) Email system
i) Internal email system for representatives to communicate through.
ii) External email system for contacting the membership.
3) Video and Phone Conferencing
a) These methods are already used to varying degrees but need better utilization and application.
B) When contract negotiations are in process, weekly video updates can be established to inform our members.
c) International or Presidents Council could do presentations via a video conference that members could attend at their respective locals.
4) Establish an 800 number that would be used for members that do not have access to a computer but want information.

Publicity and Education

The TWU has an identity problem. Although it has been established that the TWU’s roots are in ground transportation, many members believe this means the smaller divisions are not effectively represented. Several reasons for this exist.

1) The TWU Express focuses primarily on the ground transit portion of the TWU.
2) The history of the TWU is rooted and publicized that it began in ground transit.
3) Most emblems and logos focus on the ground transit aspect.
4) Lack of separate identity within the TWU.

While some solutions are to separate entirely each group, the issue can be resolved by other less drastic means.

1) Newsletter
a) Develop a separate section in the TWU Express that deals solely with Air Transit related issues. Same newsletter, but create a discernable difference.
i) FAA Regulatory issues
ii) Aviation safety issues
iii) Industry related news that affects the membership.
2) Publicize that the TWU is a union that represents worker’s rights and issues and can effectively represent each group’s needs.
a) Publicize where the TWU started and how it got to where it is now.
B) Publicize that the TWU is evolving to meet the greater scope of the transportation sector. (i.e. railway, buses, airlines, etc.)
c) Update the logo and emblems to better represent those we represent more clearly.
3) Separate the representative groups on specific issues unique to each group represented by the TWU. Keep them together on common issues.


While the above serves to give one particular direction to go, it is not the only direction to go. One thing is for certain, that all members should get involved in the shape of their union and how they are represented. I hope that others will present ideas that can better the TWU from within so that our members can feel that they have a say in how their union represents them.
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FYI...Those smilies on the previous post came with the original document. More BS...

We received this from Mark. Please review,

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:04 AM
Subject: ATD Restructuring

Gentlemen -

In preparation for our meeting on the 8th we would like to submit these ideas for consideration.

In addition to the attachment we would like to consider how to efficiently organize our locals. We had three ideas based on the understanding that each Title group has specific representational needs:

1. Organize by three regions East, Central, and West. Each region would have a Maintenance local (Tile I) and Ramp local (Title III) other Title groups to be assign by ATD Director for best fit, and finally three O/H locals. The reduction of locals would solve many problems that have been discussed, such as reducing the size of the Presidents Council, the reduction of the negotiating committee while still having Presidents in attendance, even with every title group sending a negotiating rep from the local the committee would still be smaller than what we have had in the past.

Representation would be enhanced by consolidating the representational needs of the members in these regions and taking away the focus of representing locals.

Having each regional local (Ramp & Maint) align with a O/H base to share resources would also help bridge the slight differences between each geographical/Title group. Each region would have Title specific Board members to ensure their issues are heard. Regional locals will need a minimum of two VP’s to oversee stations along old alignments. We would also recommend that the Eastern Local be physically located in the DC area to assist all locals with political issues, possibly coordinating with ATD.

The actual alignment of the regional locals should be based on membership numbers now and consideration of future changes.

2. One Local for O/H, one local for Line Maintenance, one Local for Ramp, all based in DFW (other title groups assigned to locals by ATD for best fit). In addition to the benefits of above this alignment would help consolidate resources while still maintaining member’s representational needs.

3. One local for Maintenance, one for Ramp, all based in DFW (other title groups assigned to locals by ATD for best fit). In addition to the benefits of above this alignment would help consolidate resources while still maintaining member’s representational needs.

While it looks like we have given number one the most attention, all three realignments have pros & cons that should be thoroughly considered before any changes are made.

A committee with a sincere interest in changing the ATD structure for the better would probably bring forward some better ideas. So for now, that’s all we got.
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Just keeps getting better.....

Subject: ATD Restructuring response from Local 561 regarding Mark Rasco's Secret e-mail

ATD Restructuring

In response to Rasco’s recent e-mail sent to Jim Little without the courtesy of being copied in, I must share my disappointment with the contents. As we all discussed and agreed last week, the idea of converging into one local was a dead issue and we would not proceed with any plan unless we had all discussed whatever issue that may be. In Mark’s recent e-mail to Little he suggest closure of our Locals as an alternative and to be more specific, placing the East Coast into a Local out of Washington for Legislative reasons. In another scenario he suggests we all converge into Dallas. I sent my response to Mark’s idea on his restructuring sheet clearly stating that Miami will never sign up for such a plan. We pioneered and paved the way for other Locals to be self-governing and will stop at nothing to see that our vision is one day secured. We have been back doored by Mark as he slipped in his proposal to the ATD outside of the sheet he sent us with his ideas. To be quite honest, I have been the only voice advocating the Geographical realignment and have not felt a great deal of support from the rest of you.

I must at this point withdraw Local 561 participation in any talks with the self-determined Locals as I feel the damage that has been inflicted is irreparable. Miami will continue to run Miami Business and will support our participation in any future Negotiations as it will not be trusted to any of the other Locals to bring back to the table. In my opinion this would open the door for secrecy and lead to further perceived deception by the Members. In closing, it is sad to say that once again we cannot arrive on the same page. Perhaps some changes in Leadership may bring us all together again.

Todd Woodward


TWU Local 561, AFL-CIO
Can you say "AMFA-LITE"?

Making changes/restructure and other decisions in FEAR is the TWU way of business.

There is NOT one original idea in the whole list of postings.

This complete process is a SCAM that will never make things better. It is impossible to create a "hybrid" union that seeks to implement Craft Union Philosophies into an Industrial Union Constitution. The end result of such an attempt will be destruction by imploding. And they said "we" were trying to destroy the TWU. :lol:

The idea is to get "ALL" Mechanics into one union, and no matter how much smoke and mirrors Little and the TWU pump out, this idea will NEVER become reality within the most docile union in the industry commonly known as the TWU.

I suspect, that Jim "without further ratification" Little, cannot lead, and consensus for this meaningless change will NEVER happen. And if it does, complete TWU meltdown will happen shortly afterwards.

Hey Jim, I have the ultimate craft union restructure "better union" idea...

ii) Dues tracking software so that members who pay by hand can check their balance.

Oh yea I am going help the TWU enforce Article 38 upon myself! That will be the day!
Name: Rumor Control
Employer: NWA
Date: Friday December 03, 2004
Time: 10:59:51 AM

Word out of C side is that several people have had contact and meetings with Officers of another Union that is interested in representing the NWA MCC membership. I've tried to find out who it is but all I was told was it's not the IAM and that they are in the AFL CIO. If anyone has any more info please post it here. Thanks.
Buck said:
ii) Dues tracking software so that members who pay by hand can check their balance.

Oh yea I am going help the TWU enforce Article 38 upon myself! That will be the day!

Your ability to hand pay is your right...your being honest is up to act as if you have something to to share? :rolleyes:
Drippy Quill said:
Your ability to hand pay is your right...your being honest is up to act as if you have something to to share? :rolleyes:

My being honest has nothing to do with ensuring that the TWU enforces the contract.

Whether it is dealing with the company or the membership, it is the union that must be honest.

Nothing hide on my part. When the union does its part I will do mine.

Dippy, do you even know what Article 38 is?
So basically they want to shift around a few members, add a few bells and whistles but leave the Internationals control over our contract intact.

In other words they want to change everything except the most important thing.
The twu has all ways suxed and it all ways will. They have been giving back for the past 18 years this is a fact. They fight for nothing a true bunch of cowards.

So without further ratification shove the whole ball of wax up jim littles arse :up:
So calling your brothers that voted in the concessions all cowards?...reference '83 contract passing at over 80%...they weren't the International voting on those contracts brother...they were your co-workers...passing them all. How many strikes have you led? Who's the coward?
The cowards I speak of are the members who voted yes for every contract negotiated over the past 13 years. The twu presidents bring back these concessionary contracts for the membership to vote on. That is where it starts. These contracts should have never went to a vote but our leaders bring them back to us. Then the members fear for thier jobs and the BS that the twu spews "you better vote yes or they will lay you off"," this was the best we could get you have to vote yes"
The 83 contract (also a concessionary contract) should not have been brought back to the membership. As I recall it was also an industry first 6 year screwing. May be the word coward was the wrong word I should have used simple minded.

Last time you were allowed to strike was when?? Last time I checked it was against the law. Remember my simple minded friend you can hurt them alot more inside than you can from outside.

As for me I never had the pleasure of striking an airline but remeber another thing the only thing that changes is the color on that tail. This isnt my first stop and it wont be my last. I managed without AA before and I can manage without them again.

So keep voting yes and lower your standard of living and I will be there to vote NO and fight the simple minded people like your self. :up:
Last time you were allowed to strike was when?? Last time I checked it was against the law. Remember my simple minded friend you can hurt them alot more inside than you can from outside.

You, my scholarly friend, are a simple edited, proven by your own text. Hurt them from the inside my assperin're a coward..part one of your AMFA practical passed...HAHAHA!!!..." but it's against the law....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" that hurts to laugh...HAHAHA!!!
I guess you would need some leadership from the union representing the members of the TWU to call a strike? I have a suggestion, you start the strike , get all of the former TWA members to follow you out the door and then lets watch the TWU defend you.

How do you feel about the no-strike clause in the contract?
Drippy Quill said:
You, my scholarly friend, are a simple edited, proven by your own text. Hurt them from the inside my assperin're a coward..part one of your AMFA practical passed...HAHAHA!!!..." but it's against the law....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" that hurts to laugh...HAHAHA!!!

Enough of the name-calling, thanks.

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