Twu Likes Kool Aid

I seem to remember the same type of "WORKING TOGETHER" stuff being put out back in 2002. That was just before they clobbered us with the concessions or bankruptcy SCAM! Do people have that short of memory? Will the sheep buy into this B.S. again?
Hopeful said:

You have to be kidding me. The bigest sellout in the twu, next to yingst, gless, little, hall, videtich is speaking about "trust" between AMTs and labor? This guy was forced out of the international and is now the head pillow boy for the "pajama party" every time the company snaps their fingers? Obviously burchette has hit his head against that brick wall in the video once to many times.

He said it took a day to come up with a goal? I guess rocket scientist school can be scratched off his list of alternate job options. What's this about his concern of getting back the 700 people that were laid off? I thought the twu SAVED jobs, not LOST them. Didn't our "without further ratification" prevent job loss?

Exactly who is burchette talking to? Looks as if he is reading from a que card and little is running a pointer underneath the small words for him to follow along.