Upcoming Shift bids


Feb 1, 2012
Does anyone have their shift bid coming up soon? I don't see a link on 591's web page for upcoming bids. I emailed the local about the link not being there and got a reply from Jerry Mishak saying the link would be on 591 SW divisions web page a few days before the bid. My bid is on the 20th(this Thurs) and i still don't see a link.
Please lock this because this is a internal Union thing that with the right amount of calls to the union hall it would be handled 
bob@las-AA said:
Please lock this because this is a internal Union thing that with the right amount of calls to the union hall it would be handled 
You are not a line mechanic nor a member of 591, let it stand, and if you read the TOS,  you dont use the posts to communicate with the moderators.
And what do you care?  You are anti-union and anti-workers, this topic doesnt effect you.
700UW said:
You are not a line mechanic nor a member of 591, let it stand, and if you read the TOS,  you dont use the posts to communicate with the moderators.
And what do you care?  You are anti-union and anti-workers, this topic doesnt effect you.
And you are? Remember you have no affiliation with ANY part of AA, US, TWU, IAM or any other from what I heard, and this qualifies to make this remark? Go rub rock salt Jack Hole !!  
bob@las-AA said:
And you are? Remember you have no affiliation with ANY part of AA, US, TWU, IAM or any other from what I heard, and this qualifies to make this remark? Go rub rock salt Jack Hole !!  
So mature, mister I got mine and screw everyone else, go into management where you belong.
bob@las-AA said:
And you are? Remember you have no affiliation with ANY part of AA, US, TWU, IAM or any other from what I heard, and this qualifies to make this remark? Go rub rock salt Jack Hole !!
You just knew that comment was coming. Just a matter of time until this useless topic closes.
bob@las-AA said:
And you are? Remember you have no affiliation with ANY part of AA, US, TWU, IAM or any other from what I heard, and this qualifies to make this remark? Go rub rock salt Jack Hole !!  
But unfortunately you do!