Us Airways In Trouble Again


May 18, 2003
US Airways in trouble again - Airline has lost about $200 million since emerging from bankruptcy

Analyst: "The next 30 to 60 days are going to be critical"

ATLANTA (Journal-Constitution) - Only 10 months after emerging from bankruptcy, US Airways' future is in doubt once again.

See Story


They forgot to add into the last paragraph... "In the mean time some employees in denial were on the picket line yelling "Whats left of our consession stand is closed and full pay to the last day " These employees you hear are in virtual denial, and are willing to destroy their famlies because of their anger, hatred, and distain.
Thats right if you can't treat the hired help a 'lil better close the doors.
pitguy said:
Thats right if you can't treat the hired help a 'lil better close the doors.
Hey Pitguy:

You're only kidding right? You'd be willing to destroy an employer of thousands, who is clearly having trouble, by putting those employees and their families on unemployment and later possibly on welfare. Is it any wonder American jobs are going overseas when employers are faced with these types of actions.

If your not happy with your current employment then move on, seek training in a new field and improve yourself and pursue other opportunities. Being unemployed sucks, welfare sucks, (especially in Pittsburgh) it's nearly impossible to pay your mortgage, car payments, credit card bills, bill consolidation loans, buy food and clothing for your family when you force your employer to permenantly close its doors.

You being unemployed HAS NOTHING to do with unions, pal.

Do a reality check, it is managments in companies who make decisions to close down, or sell assets, or liquidate or go into BK.

I don't know about your household, but in mine, we already have a hard time making mortgage payments and car payments, and putting food on the table, and paying for health care AND WE HAVE JOBS!

Next time your short-sighted mind tells you that it is the laborer who shuts down a company, you need to find out who makes the laws THAT CONDONE sending American jobs out of this country. Who makes the rules that outsourcing is OK. Who makes the laws that BK is OK and even fostered.

Labor has done more than any other interested party to save this particular company. THE REST IS UP TO MANAGEMENT ON WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE SACRIFICES ALREADY GIVEN. If THEY choose to take their money off the table and run, so be it.
USA320Pilot said:
US Airways in trouble again - Airline has lost about $200 million since emerging from bankruptcy

Analyst: "The next 30 to 60 days are going to be critical"

ATLANTA (Journal-Constitution) - Only 10 months after emerging from bankruptcy, US Airways' future is in doubt once again.

See Story


Nothing new here. Just the company continuing it's usual "newspaper negotiation" tatics. How about breaking down this 200 million loss. How much of this loss was paid to lawyers for the sleazy airbus contracting litigation ? How much was lost due to the company's failure to hedge fuel ?? I want to see what the REAL numbers due to the actual performance of the company. These companies have too much leeway in reporting these numbers so they are able to mold their story to suit their own purpose. I want the REAL numbers ! , Not the HEADLINE numbers. Same old song and dance...... :down:
PITbull said:

You being unemployed HAS NOTHING to do with unions, pal.

Do a reality check, it is managments in companies who make decisions to close down, or sell assets, or liquidate or go into BK.

I don't know about your household, but in mine, we already have a hard time making mortgage payments and car payments, and putting food on the table, and paying for health care AND WE HAVE JOBS!

Next time your short-sighted mind tells you that it is the laborer who shuts down a company, you need to find out who makes the laws THAT CONDONE sending American jobs out of this country. Who makes the rules that outsourcing is OK. Who makes the laws that BK is OK and even fostered.

Labor has done more than any other interested party to save this particular company. THE REST IS UP TO MANAGEMENT ON WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE SACRIFICES ALREADY GIVEN. If THEY choose to take their money off the table and run, so be it.

I'll just never understand the logic of an employee calling for closure of his employer, than moving on to other opportunities. Any management can and has made dumd decisions, but the employee controls his/her destiny. Use that opportunity to improve yourself and move on than choosing to intentially close the doors of your employer.

In another threat on the US Airways is a discussion about more Express cities being closed. The lovers of the LCC frequently ask why the network carriers can't be more like the LCC. Well apparently thats what management has chosen to pursue by eliminating regional/communter service into some smaller non-hub markets.
hammerhead said:
PITbull said:

You being unemployed HAS NOTHING to do with unions, pal.

Do a reality check, it is managments in
I wonder how many ex CO/EAL are at US. different management but still a sinking ship. could there be a relationship after all?
Last time I checked, CO is doing pretty good. Due partly to Lorenzo "upstreaming" EAL assets to CO. Remember ?
PITbull said:
Next time your short-sighted mind tells you that it is the laborer who shuts down a company, you need to find out who makes the laws THAT CONDONE sending American jobs out of this country. Who makes the rules that outsourcing is OK. Who makes the laws that BK is OK and even fostered.
I guess full pay until the last day is all imagination.

Labor is given a decision to agree to more concessions or not. Some folks can live with much less, and some can not. Majority rules on what contract you will live by or die by.

Labor does not wake up one morning and say, "gee, I'm not going to vote on this, I'm going to quit instead, and get no unemployment", yea, that's the ticket"....

You see, FM, that would make no sense. We either agree to "lower our bar" yet again, and decrease the quality of life for ourselves by spending more time at the job, or we say, no, that just won't work. Folks in the airline buisness have different crafts and skills, some have more of a "stake" and interesnt in the company than others. Unfortunately for some whose wages are over $100,000 want and need to keep their jobs here more than someone who only makes $30,000. They so desperately need that $30,000 earner to say "yes", just to save their income. The $30,000 yr earner can find a job more readily in the open market than a person who makes $100,000 and up. So, we as employees of the long-standing company we built are given a choice ONCE AGAIN #3 on what we can live with or what we can not. Those are the choices for labor. Mangement can "spin" that anyway they choose, but the ultimate decision to shut a company down, is management's.
FM2436 said:
PITbull said:

You being unemployed HAS NOTHING to do with unions, pal.

Do a reality check, it is managments in companies who make decisions to close down, or sell assets, or liquidate or go into BK.

I don't know about your household, but in mine, we already have a hard time making mortgage payments and car payments, and putting food on the table, and paying for health care AND WE HAVE JOBS!

Next time your short-sighted mind tells you that it is the laborer who shuts down a company, you need to find out who makes the laws THAT CONDONE sending American jobs out of this country. Who makes the rules that outsourcing is OK. Who makes the laws that BK is OK and even fostered.

Labor has done more than any other interested party to save this particular company. THE REST IS UP TO MANAGEMENT ON WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE SACRIFICES ALREADY GIVEN. If THEY choose to take their money off the table and run, so be it.

I'll just never understand the logic of an employee calling for closure of his employer, than moving on to other opportunities. Any management can and has made dumd decisions, but the employee controls his/her destiny. Use that opportunity to improve yourself and move on than choosing to intentially close the doors of your employer.

In another threat on the US Airways is a discussion about more Express cities being closed. The lovers of the LCC frequently ask why the network carriers can't be more like the LCC. Well apparently thats what management has chosen to pursue by eliminating regional/communter service into some smaller non-hub markets.
it comes down to often are you going to permit a thief to come into your home and take your belongings before you decide its time to lock the door?
the beggar comes and asks"buddy can you spare a dime"...and you help...then the beggar returns,now knowing you are an easy mark...this time its "buddy can you spare a quarter"....then one fine day after you gave it all he stops buy and says "buddy give me the whole damn house"....
ITRADE said:
PITbull said:
Next time your short-sighted mind tells you that it is the laborer who shuts down a company, you need to find out who makes the laws THAT CONDONE sending American jobs out of this country. Who makes the rules that outsourcing is OK. Who makes the laws that BK is OK and even fostered.
I guess full pay until the last day is all imagination.
Do you get some "Cheap Thrill" seeing people that actually work for a living get screwed over ?? Anything to make a profit off someone elses back, right ??
insp89 said:
ITRADE said:
PITbull said:
Next time your short-sighted mind tells you that it is the laborer who shuts down a company, you need to find out who makes the laws THAT CONDONE sending American jobs out of this country. Who makes the rules that outsourcing is OK. Who makes the laws that BK is OK and even fostered.
I guess full pay until the last day is all imagination.
Do you get some "Cheap Thrill" seeing people that actually work for a living get screwed over ?? Anything to make a profit off someone elses back, right ??

You could not be more wrong.

I'm more amused by the weak lamb argument propogated by PitBull. Labor at this company fully knows what it can and cannot do. A vocal minority clearly seems willing to assist in the deep sixing of US Airways and to collect unemployment.
Sorry to have to say this but all of you nay sayers; what you are experencing is life it ain't pretty sometimes but thats it... I am sorry you all have to go through this but USAirways has had this problem since I came to work in 1967 ( now retired thank God) all I can say is grit your teeth and hang on its still going to be a bumpy ride try to keep a lid on the anger and your eyes wide open and I will pray for you all God Bless
ITRADE said:
insp89 said:
ITRADE said:
PITbull said:
Next time your short-sighted mind tells you that it is the laborer who shuts down a company, you need to find out who makes the laws THAT CONDONE sending American jobs out of this country. Who makes the rules that outsourcing is OK. Who makes the laws that BK is OK and even fostered.
I guess full pay until the last day is all imagination.
Do you get some "Cheap Thrill" seeing people that actually work for a living get screwed over ?? Anything to make a profit off someone elses back, right ??

You could not be more wrong.

I'm more amused by the weak lamb argument propogated by PitBull. Labor at this company fully knows what it can and cannot do. A vocal minority clearly seems willing to assist in the deep sixing of US Airways and to collect unemployment.
CORRECT! Thats why AFA in the last round in fact last 2 or 3 rounds of contrat talks in the end comes out and says we suggest you vote for this agreement or its the best were gonna get . If the above argument were true, why doesnt afa just leave it to its members and not try to influence? WHY YOU ASK? Because its a m oney making machine as well and knows what it has to do to survive!