Very Bad Taste

Changed my mind ..
Decided against responding to this...touchy pot stirring....stay out of it...... stay classy

Step three in the program to become a non-drama queen/magnet.

I'm doing really well. Some might say I'm just about cured.

I believe East Metal is only Express at STL.
Watch the video again the 737 at the gate was not a west tail number! I know the inside picture is a airbus but saying the east doesn't fly there is not correct just look at the picture again not a west plane so don't accuse when you don't know the facts
Watch the video again the 737 at the gate was not a west tail number! I know the inside picture is a airbus but saying the east doesn't fly there is not correct just look at the picture again not a west plane so don't accuse when you don't know the facts
Dont go w/ the press pictures.... they just pictured what was at the airport at that time.... or using old film..
it seems that it was an Express flight however...

but don't believe what the press is showing....
Why should the middle of June matter? USAPA has to represent everyone, members or not, whether they like them or not.

Now will they actually carry out their responsibility? So far they've repeatedly fallen down on the job.

Day 1 has come and gone.


You need to check into this a little bit more.

What's that saying? You got to pay to play!
One problem...#4 I don't see USAPA written on it...GROW UP and stop speculating if you don't know the Facts.


Hey...hey, if you would just take a second, take the little sticks out of your head, clean out your ears and maybe you would see that I'm a person who has feelings. :rolleyes:

Did you not LISTEN to the news report? They specifically said the doll had the union letters written on it.



Hey...hey, if you would just take a second, take the little sticks out of your head, clean out your ears and maybe you would see that I'm a person who has feelings. :rolleyes:

Did you not LISTEN to the news report? They specifically said the doll had the union letters written on it.



*breathes in and out slowly*

Oh did they now? Well how the bleep is my bleep Deaf ass supposed to bleeping know...these bleep mainstream media on the bleep internet don't caption or subtitle the bleep they spread everyday. Oh this didn't even bleeping make sweeps week at my local news station.

*breathes in and out slowly*

How many bleeps was that in thirty seconds and thank you very much Eye for letting my Deaf ass know :)
The only thing that really bugs me is the total lack of professionalism. I mean, how did they get that baby through security?
You're absolutely WRONG here. This WAS a threat, against a unique group, USAPA and it's members. Race doesn't matter. A threat is a threat. It won't be very hard to prove who did it, it's probably right on the cockpit tape. If it wasn't a pilot, it was likely done using materials from their place of employment. Again, no problem to identify the culprit. Anybody that thinks this is just a prank is fooling themselves. My bet is that whomever is/was involved is shown the door. Only childish people would view this as some kind of "joke".

The company has got to stop this foolishness NOW, before someone really does get hurt.
The comments made by others brought race into it, as does the original person who complained. When you hear someone use the term "hostile workplace", you can bet on an eventual lawsuit.

You seriously believe the intent was to let people know they are planning to hang a USAPA rep? If not, what exactly do you get out of it? As I see it, it was nothing more than a frustrated person expressing dislike for USAPA. Was it done in an acceptable manner? No. was it funny? No. The person/people responsible should get a few days off without pay and a letter in their file. Firing someone for this would be totally unacceptable. It's not like they discharged a firearm on the flight deck.

If they identified an individual from USAPA by name on the doll, I could understand your outrage. As it stands, your reaction is off the charts in relation to the offense.
The comments made by others brought race into it, as does the original person who complained. When you hear someone use the term "hostile workplace", you can bet on an eventual lawsuit.

You seriously believe the intent was to let people know they are planning to hang a USAPA rep? If not, what exactly do you get out of it? As I see it, it was nothing more than a frustrated person expressing dislike for USAPA. Was it done in an acceptable manner? No. was it funny? No. The person/people responsible should get a few days off without pay and a letter in their file. Firing someone for this would be totally unacceptable. It's not like they discharged a firearm on the flight deck.

If they identified an individual from USAPA by name on the doll, I could understand your outrage. As it stands, your reaction is off the charts in relation to the offense.

Clearly, it wasn't racially motivated, but the company has a 'zero tolerance policy' on these things and I fully expect severe discipline or an outright firing of the fool or fools that did it.

I truly wonder about the state-of-mind of the pilot(s) behind such a stupid stunt. Even more importantly, I question their fitness to fly. Would I want them flying me and my family around? No.

The comments made by others brought race into it, as does the original person who complained. When you hear someone use the term "hostile workplace", you can bet on an eventual lawsuit.

You seriously believe the intent was to let people know they are planning to hang a USAPA rep? If not, what exactly do you get out of it? As I see it, it was nothing more than a frustrated person expressing dislike for USAPA. Was it done in an acceptable manner? No. was it funny? No. The person/people responsible should get a few days off without pay and a letter in their file. Firing someone for this would be totally unacceptable. It's not like they discharged a firearm on the flight deck.

If they identified an individual from USAPA by name on the doll, I could understand your outrage. As it stands, your reaction is off the charts in relation to the offense.


The 2 events you write about have some big differences. One was planned and the other was not. Dolls and nooses are not part of the supplies that a pilot takes to work. Guns are part of the pilots supplies. One was a threat which might have been a joke but was totally avoidable. The other was an accident. It would be interesting to see what a psychologist would say.
After asking around, it has been brought to my attention that SOME west pilots are not only refusing jumpseat to east crewmembers (pilots and flight attendants) but there have been incidents involving contacting law enforcement IN THE TERMINAL.

Hello corporate... is there anybody there? Maybe we can find you at WHQ...
We’re about to possibly merge , someone’s making us look bad .


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