Very Bad Taste

Hmm. . . racially motiviated. I don't get it. It was a white doll. Boy the media will try and get a story where there isn't one. And try to put racial tones on anything they can. Must be a very slow news day.

Well, that's the liberal media for you
Well the fun is over for the two pilots who did this; word today was that they were both fired.
Were they mainline or express? Just wondering, since there seems to be some discussion of which kind of airplane was involved. Also, where did you get the info that they were fired?
Well the fun is over for the two pilots who did this; word today was that they were both fired.

I've been blissfully away from the keyboard and the industry for a few days, so I know zip about this fiasco. Has it even been fully determined that pilots actually did this? I really do not want to think that any of "us" would be so pathetically immature, or just plain, downright stupid enough to imagine that any aircraft's nothng more than a private play-pen, to make some personal "statement" in with toys...much less even considering the utter "genius" involved with assuming that "no one would notice" in any adverse fashion. I'd love to hear that this was actually done by other than flight crew. Gven the "news" sound bites...there didn't seem to be ANY problem rounding up properly "outraged" local indivduals, instantly ready to complain about a "hostile work enviornment". I didn't see any Union issues visable on the doll..nor know of pilot fingerprints on it....and I won't immediately assume that ANY colleague, no matter how hostile/etc...would be that situationally oblivious, or that completely stupid....period. From the "news"? = This has all the hallmarks of a local "setup" for some "hostile work enviornment" BS. I'd say that all the information needs to be known before seeking any heads on any platters.

IF and only IF..this actually proves out to be any actions from any pilot...then, and only then..well...somebody should then need a psychiatrist's evaluation asap.
Well, that's the liberal media for you
I know you are joking, but, the media needs "human interest" stories and deviant behavior fits well into their mission model.

actually on topic.

The Republicans of today have a huge pile (compared to any other group) of dirty laundry, pedophiles, sex slave traffic (Mariannas), closeted gays who bash gays, corporate and political graft and corruption, etc. and so on, a virtual potpourri of dirt. If the media dices the stories up by "political" percentage, the published Republican dirt overwhelms all other groups combined and, therefore, the perception is that the media seems anti-Republican. In truth, the media, except for those "journalists" in cheney's pocket, are doing their jobs.

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