What a waste of MONEY


Aug 19, 2002
This company continues to waste money in ways that simply amaze me. Thanks to a Lawsuit concerning a passenger with Diablities,our Company has purchased a New Lift for Disabled passengers to board RJ aircraft. Yes, as a CRO,I know the ADA rules. My point is that we purchased this New piece of Junk for upwards of $20,000 when all we needed in our Station was Loading Bridge Plate, like we use to use on the Bac1-11 and a Tow-Bar for the aircraft. This might have cost two to three thousand, kept our passengers DRY when it rained and made it much easier for Customer Service to Board the aircraft. This would have meet all the ADA rules and saved the company over $15,000.00. I just don''t get it.
On 8/8/2003 9:41:49 AM Hope777 wrote:

This company continues to waste money in ways that simply amaze me. Thanks to a Lawsuit concerning a passenger with Diablities,our Company has purchased a New Lift for Disabled passengers to board RJ aircraft. Yes, as a CRO,I know the ADA rules. My point is that we purchased this New piece of Junk for upwards of $20,000 when all we needed in our Station was Loading Bridge Plate, like we use to use on the Bac1-11 and a Tow-Bar for the aircraft. This might have cost two to three thousand, kept our passengers DRY when it rained and made it much easier for Customer Service to Board the aircraft. This would have meet all the ADA rules and saved the company over $15,000.00. I just don't get it.


Your company's lawyers probably figured the lift will be a better defense against future lawsuits from greedy people. The lawsuits are guaranteed to happen, so U has to do what it can to defend itself. It's unfortunate, this is not a U problem, it's a legal/greed problem.

You know those warnings on disposable coffee cups that say "Caution: hot liquid". You and I and every other normal person on this Earth knows that coffee is hot. We also know why the warning is there. One selfish, stupid, greedy (edited) at McD's!

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